
Elder Qiuju hummed coldly: "these guys are too insidious. They know that there is something wrong with the border in the huge pit, but they don't tell us."

"But fortunately, I saw through it!"

"Otherwise, we, at least, will be injured, and some of us may even fall!"

"I remember this account!"

In the beautiful eyes of the elder camellia, there was a cold light, and he said coldly, "sooner or later, I will give it back to them!"

"All right."

Peony elder light way: "we hasten to rest, adjust the state, recuperate, prepare for three days later!"

"Yes All the people in Baihua Palace said in unison.

Whew! Whew! Whew!

So, they also landed in the forest below, each chose the right position, sat down and closed their eyes.

After a long time.

All of a sudden, the invisible sword Qi burst out and filled the whole space.

With the roaring of the sword, the leaves, branches, and even the air around them were all cut into pieces and turned into piles of powder, which drifted away with the wind.


All of a sudden, the people of Baiyun sect, Xingchen sect and Baihua palace opened their eyes and their faces changed.

"What a strong sword spirit!" The three elders of Baiyun sect exclaimed.

In the eyes of the two elders of Xingchen sect, there was a deep sense of horror, sighing: "it's all sword Qi in a kilometer radius, this is The realm of the sword

The peony elder of Baihua Palace said in a deep voice: "the people from the sword temple are coming!"

Whew! Whew! Whew!

The air broke.

Sure enough, in the distant sky, a group of people were flying with their long clothes and swords at their feet. They were flying with their swords at a very fast speed.

The three leaders are the three elders, the four elders and the five elders of the sword temple.

These people's breath is very fierce, just like the invisible sword Qi. They want to cut everything around them.

In particular, the three elders, with sharp eyes and sharp eyebrows, all stood with their hands down, just like three swords straight into the sky.

This is a real and pure swordsman!

Moreover, he is a swordsman with profound knowledge in kendo. His fighting power is very strong!

The three elders of the sword Temple looked around fiercely and said faintly: "it seems that we are the last of the four super product sects!"


Suddenly, an eight star master in the sword Palace said softly, "there is a huge pit below. This huge pit is curious..."


Suddenly, his face changed.

In order to explore the huge pit, he released a trace of soul power.

At this time, the huge pit is devouring his soul.


The eight star master, with a cold hum, cheered: "chop!"

Suddenly, an invisible sword, cut out, cut off the huge pit of phagocytosis, through the crisis.

The man's face was a little pale and his breath was weak, but he was not hurt.

The sword cultivation of the sword temple is invincible at the same level. It really deserves its reputation.

You know, before that, eight star masters of Baiyun sect and Xingchen sect rashly explored jukeng. They were not only engulfed by jukeng, but also seriously injured.

However, the eight star master of the sword palace was not damaged. He just lost a little energy and energy. He can recover after a while.

Make a decision!

"What's the matter?" Sword Temple four elder see this, cold voice way.

"Four elders."

The eight star master quickly replied: "there is something strange in the huge pit below. It can swallow the soul. I almost hit the road just now."

"Is it?"

When the four elders of the sword Temple heard the words, they picked their eyebrows and showed a trace of curiosity in their eyes.

"Come on, let's go down and have a look!"

So they went into the huge pit.

"The border of seven colors?"

The five elders of the sword temple, with a dignified face, said in a deep voice: "this border is so powerful! How terrible

"No! I can't touch it


The three elders of the sword Temple nodded slightly and said: "this colorful border contains a very terrible energy. Once it comes hard, it will burst out a super strong power of counter attack."

"Even if you are a saint, you may not be able to carry it!"

"Let's go up!"

He said faintly: "this border has been running for thousands of years, and there are loopholes. Within three days, it will collapse on its own."

"We'll go in then!"

"Yes All the people in the sword Palace said in unison.

Then they flew out of the huge pit.

The people of Baiyun sect and Xingchen sect were all unharmed when they saw the sword palace, and there was a trace of disappointment on their faces.

"Find a place to rest and conserve your energy!" The elder of the three swords ordered."Yes

So they sat on the branches and closed their eyes.

Soon after, the people of Wudao League also came.

The three leaders are Zhu Hai, Feng Zhen and fan Lilong, the guardians of the Wudao League.

Behind them are 60 gold medal elders.

Shua ~ Shua ~ Shua ~

all of a sudden, the elders of Baiyun sect, Xingchen sect, Jianshen palace and Baihua palace all opened their eyes and looked surprised.

Old yunzong sent out the three brothers in the white Taoist League

"Zhu Hai, Feng Zhen, fan Lilong, they are here!" The three elders of Xingchen sect have a heavy face.

"So strong!"

The peony elder of the hundred flowers palace, difficult to spit out two words.

She felt a strong pressure!

The three elders of the sword Temple glanced at Zhu Hai, Feng Zhen, fan Lilong, and others. With a slight smile, they said, "Three Dharma guardians, sixty gold medal elders."

"This force is very strong!"

"Very strong!"

"But That's interesting! "


Suddenly, a strong sense of war rose all over him, and a terrible sense of sword shot out of his body and went straight to the bullfight.

He was so excited that he had an impulse to fight with Zhu Hai, Feng Zhen and fan Lilong.

The same is true of other people in the sword palace!

This is the real sword repair!

A war maniac, fierce and strong, fearless, with blood and bone sharpen the hand of the sword, tempering the heart of the sword.

Swordsman, go ahead!

"Stop fighting!"

All of a sudden, the three elders of the sword Temple cheered coldly: "it's not the time to start!"

"Yes All the people in the sword Palace said in unison.

Then, they have to restrain the fighting spirit and momentum, close their eyes, and then recuperate.

The people of wudaomeng, led by fan Lilong, entered the huge pit.

However, they did not act rashly. They just checked it, and then returned to the ground to find a place to rest and close their eyes.

So far, the four super schools of China and the wudaomeng have all arrived!


After that, there were still waves of people coming.

Most of these people come from Yipin school, but many of them are from the second class school or even the third class school.

Even, there are a lot of casual repairs.

They all heard the news and came here to try their luck and fish in troubled waters.

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