Time flies.

In a flash, three days passed.

Red Queen manor.

Jiang Hao suddenly opened his eyes, eyes burst out of two light, spit out a mouthful of turbid gas, slowly stood up.

It's time to go!

"Brother Jiang."

Suddenly, a cry came from the door.

Creak ~

when Jiang Hao opens the door, he sees Chu Tianzi, Xia Wushuang, Luo Yan, Xiao Long, Chu Lao and others standing respectfully at the door, as if waiting for him.

"Are you all well?" Jiang Hao looks at Chu Tianzi and others and says with a smile.

"Almost." Chutianzi said with a smile.

Immediately, he clasped his hands, bent over 90 degrees, bowed and said, "brother Jiang, this time, thanks to you, we have just recovered our life."

"Thank you for your kindness. If you need any help from me in the future, just give me an order. I will never frown, whether it's going up the mountain or down the sea of fire!" He said solemnly.

"Thank you for saving my life, brother Jiang!"

Xia Wushuang, Luo Yan, Xiao Long and others also bowed their thanks.

"It's a trifle, it's nothing to worry about!"

Jiang Hao shook his head slightly and said, "you all get up quickly!"

"Yes Chu Tianzi and others said in unison.

Then they all stood up.

Chu Tianzi looked at Jiang Hao and asked, "brother Jiang, I heard Chu say that when you were saving us, you had a war with the enemy, which led to the explosion of the little secret place."

"As a result, the sky and the earth became abnormal, and a ten thousand meter thunder sea appeared out of thin air, destroying the Shenxiang mountain and flattening it to the ground."

"Inadvertently, it blew through the ground and exposed a mysterious secret, isn't it true?"


Jiang Hao nodded and said, "I have a rough look at that secret place. It's very vast and primitive. It's much higher than the little secret place you explored."

"Even, it's like Wonderland!"

Hiss ~

Xia Wushuang and others were shocked when they heard this.

"Like a wonderland? No way

Chu Tianzi said with a look of Horror: "the boundless fairyland has a vast territory, abundant aura, and precious medicines everywhere. It's the top secret place, no less than the small world."

"Last time, we people, fighting for, fighting for and seizing treasure in the wonderland, seemed to have traveled all over the wonderland."

"But, in fact, we are just wandering around the periphery of the wonderland, and the place we have passed is just the tip of the iceberg of the wonderland."

"It is estimated that the territory of Wuji fairyland is half the size of the earth."

Chu Tianzi asked, "brother Jiang, do you think God is like the secret place under the mountain, which is really comparable to the endless fairyland?"


Jiang Hao nodded, "it should be almost the same."

"You know, there is a colorful border at the entrance of the secret place under the mountain."

"The colorful border has been running for at least a thousand years, and so far there is no big loophole. It still contains terrible energy."

"This time, if not by chance, it created a 10000 meter thunder sea, bombarded the colorful border, and caused problems in the internal structure of the colorful border."

"Maybe God is like the secret place under the mountain. In another 500 years, he will not be born, let alone enter."

"Even a saint, maybe not!"

Hearing the speech, Chu Tianzi's eyes were bright and his face was shocked.

"The border, really So terrible? "


Jiang Hao nodded slightly.

"Young master, that border is really terrible."

Old Chu was afraid and said in a deep voice, "I can't touch it at all!"

"If you touch it, it will stimulate the power of the jiejie's counter attack. If it's light, you will be seriously injured, if it's heavy, you will be killed!"


Chu Tianzi exclaimed: "how terrible should it be to decorate such a terrible person?"

"Far more than saints!"

Jiang Hao's face was serious, and he spat out four words.


with a sigh, Chu Tianzi sighed: "in ancient times, with rich aura, there were countless powerful giants who used all kinds of means to reach the sky and shocked the world."

"It's a pity that today's aura is thin, and the civilization of cultivating immortals has been extinct, leaving only the civilization of martial arts and Taoism."

"Martial arts is not as good as cultivating immortals after all!"

"Well, don't sigh."

Jiang Hao light way: "according to my calculation, God like mountain under the border, today will disappear."

"Once the border disappears, you can enter the secret place."

"I'm going now. Are you going?" He asked.


"Of course

"I'll go too!""How can we be absent from such a grand occasion?"

Chu Tianzi and others raised their hands one after another.

"Is your injury in the way?" Jiang Hao asked with concern.


Chuzi's strength is almost recovered. Chuzi's influence is not quick

"So let's get going!"


Jiang Hao hesitated.

Because at this moment, Shenxiang mountain, the center of the whirlpool, must have gathered countless top experts from all over the world.

The strength of Chu Tianzi and others is comparable to the general Seven Star master, even eight star master.

However, there are some deficiencies after all.

Once in danger, the consequences are unpredictable.

"Brother Jiang, I know what you are worried about."

Chu Tianzi's eyes twinkled and said: "this time, we leave the capital and wander around in order to sharpen ourselves and enhance our strength."

"Now, when the secret world opens, it must be the gathering of clouds and clouds, gathering countless experts."

"This is a golden opportunity. We don't want to miss it!"


Xia Wushuang nodded and said, "we don't want to miss this opportunity!"

Xiao Long and Luo Yan nodded.

"All right."

Jiang Hao said with a smile, "I agree with you to go together."


"I'd like to remind you that this time, the secret world opens, visions occur frequently, and many people say that there is an artifact

"Therefore, this trip must be very dangerous. You must follow my command and follow me. You can't act without authorization."

"Otherwise, in danger, I can't save you in time!"



"I see!"

"I understand!"

Chu Tianzi, Xia Wushuang and others nodded one after another.

With a faint smile and a wave of his hand, Jiang Hao said, "then we Let's go

"Let's go!"

Whew! Whew! Whew!

All of a sudden, a group of people rushed to the sky, turned into streamers, and rushed to Shenxiang mountain.

A few minutes later, they arrived.


for a moment, Xia Wushuang was surprised and said, "many people!"

Jiang Hao glanced around and preliminarily estimated that the number of people gathered in Shenxiang mountain at this moment was no less than 1000, and there were still many people coming one after another.

On the crown, under the tree, on the grass People are everywhere.

Most of these people are master Gangjin.

"So many experts!"

Chu Tianzi's eyes were deep and his face was dignified.

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