"Withdraw!" An eight star Master said coldly.


More than a dozen leaders were all surprised.

"No way

A seven star master retorted: "we have paid so much and sacrificed so much for the Millennium snow lotus. We must not withdraw it!"

"Yes, you can't withdraw!"

Another seven star master echoed: "the snow lotus of the millennium is close at hand."

"This is the best and only chance for us to pick the snow lotus. Now retreat, we will never have another chance!"

"If you want to withdraw, I will not!" The third Seven Star master cheered coldly.

"Yes, I won't either!"

A group of leaders, one after another opposed the eight star master's order.

Treasure moves people!

Snow lotus is almost at hand, they are not willing to give up.

"Fight! You stop the White Snake and the two men. I'll pick the snow lotus and run away from here! " A seven star master yelled.

"OK, we'll cover you!"

The rest of the leaders nodded after hearing the speech.




As a result, more than a dozen leaders, including the eight star master with a big beard, burst out to kill white snake, a Xing and Uncle Chen.


When Wang Canglong saw this scene, he was furious.

"A group of dogs dare to rob Laozi's snow lotus."

He ordered in a murderous way: "a Xing and Uncle Chen, blow them up and let their dead bones disappear!"


A Xing and Uncle Chen answered.

Immediately, in their eyes, burst out a wisp of cold killing machine, and then a little toe, rushed up.

Keng ~

a Xing turned his wrist and took out a red knife.

"Kill the gods with a knife!"

Chi ~

suddenly, a bloody light of the knife came out.

Poof! Poof!

All of a sudden, the leaders of the three seven star masters were cut into two parts by the waist before they could dodge. They died without a scream.

Click ~ Click ~

Uncle Chen moved his body, and his joints crackled.

His eyes were cold and he murmured: "I haven't killed a lot for a long time, old man. Let's exercise today."

After that, he made a blow.


All of a sudden, a leader's body exploded into a mass of blood fog, which fell on the snow and dyed a large area red.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

The sound of explosions continued to ring out, one after another leaders were blown up.

Uncle Chen has one punch and no one can stop him.

On the other side, the white snake has also been killed.


All of a sudden, the white snake raised its huge head, suddenly opened its mouth and spewed out a mouthful of white fog.

Click! Click! Click!

As soon as the white fog came out, the leaders close to the white snake were all frozen into ice sculptures, and then smashed into countless pieces, not even a drop of blood left.

"Damn it

Big beard eight star master, see this scene, eyes canthus want to crack.

"Retreat! Retreat He cried.

The surviving leaders, without any hesitation, immediately withdrew and prepared to flee.

However, it is too late to run away.


Uncle Chen snorted coldly and said, "young master, you must all die here today. Don't try to escape!"


With a bang, he hit the most powerful eight star master with big beard.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

This punch, too fast, went beyond the speed of sound and made a sharp and harsh sonic boom.


The eight star master with big beard saw this, his pupils shrank and his face turned white.

He wanted to hide.

However, this fist locked him firmly, and he could not escape at all. Even if he could, it was too late to dodge.


"I'm going to block it," growled mustache


Suddenly, he was shocked, and a violent and terrible momentum burst out of his body.

At the same time, the inner strength of the body, like the surging river in general, gushed out crazily.

"Don't destroy the golden body, block it for me!"

Bearded displayed his unique skills, and the whole person was shining with golden light, just like a golden Buddha, standing in the world, immortal for thousands of years.


The next moment, a bang, his body burst.The bright golden light is dim and extinguished.

"What is beyond measure!"

Chen Shuyi disdains, coldly way: "small eight star master, also want to block my seven kill boxing?"

"It's wishful thinking!"

Then he killed several other leaders.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

The sound of the explosion reverberated over the top of the snow mountain.

A moment later.

All the leaders, including the other eight star master, died miserably.

Gudong! Gudong!

When people saw this scene, they all swallowed and trembled.

Some people even shiver.

"How terrible Shen Er Ye's face is frightened, tremble a voice way.

The other Shen family members were even weaker in their legs and almost collapsed to the ground.

I'm afraid!

This time, they were really scared!

Ha ha ha

Wang Canglong looked up at the sky and said with a laugh: "a group of dogs dare to rob the young master's things. They deserve to die!"

"A Xing, Uncle Chen, you've done a good job!"

He gave a compliment.

Then, cast your eyes on the white snake.

Hiss hiss ~

the White Snake seems to have a sense, spits out the snake's letter, makes a hiss sound, and releases a terrible cold, freezing the surrounding rocks and water plants.

"What a beast

Wang Canglong's pupils shrank, and there was a trace of fear in his eyes.

Immediately, he turned to look at Uncle Chen and asked, "Uncle Chen, can you beat this beast?"

Uncle Chen confidently said: "within 50 moves, it will die!"


When Wang Canglong heard this, he looked happy.

He ordered: "Uncle Chen, kill this beast and pick the snow lotus."

"With these four plants, I may be able to break through to the master of one star!"

"Yes Chen Shuchen said in a voice.


Then, with a stamp of his foot, he cracked the ground, and the whole person was like a shell, shooting out to kill the white snake in the cold pool.

Roar ~

seeing this, the White Snake roared like a dragon and a snake.

Then a white mist came out of the mouth.

Uncle Chen, with a sharp face, wriggled in the air to dodge.

He has seen how terrible the ice dragon breath of white snake is.

So, I dare not shake it.

Whew! Whew!

Uncle Chen dodged the ice dragon breath and burst out with amazing speed. Like a flash of lightning, he rushed to the white snake.

In a moment, the whole body rose with blood red gas, raised his fist.

"The first move of seven kill boxing!"


With one blow, the mountain falls apart.

Roar ~

suddenly, the White Snake was blown away and gave a painful roar. The huge body of the snake stirred the cold pool like rivers and seas and splashed a huge wave more than ten feet high.

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