Roar ~

suddenly, the White Snake was blown away and roared in pain. The huge body of the snake slapped in the cold pool and splashed a huge wave more than ten feet high.

The red blood flowed into the cold pool and dyed red.

White Snake hurt!

Especially in the place where Chen Shusha's fist hit, the hard scales were all broken and the blood was flowing.

"Good! Well done

Seeing this, Wang Canglong could not help shouting.

"The second move of seven kill boxing!"

Suddenly, Uncle Chen burst out and caught up with the white snake with another blow.


A dull voice sounded.

The White Snake was blown away, and its huge body flew directly out of the cold pool and fell on the snow, smashing the ground and making a big hole.

At the same time, the scales on the white snake were smashed, fell off and splashed everywhere.

Red blood, flying all over the sky.

Second punch, white snake seriously injured!

"So strong!"

Shen Er Ye's face suddenly changed when he saw this scene.

Others, too!

Rao is Jiang Hao, with a look of surprise on his face.

Obviously, he didn't expect that Uncle Chen's strength was so strong that he hurt the white snake with one punch and hurt the white snake with two punches.

Originally, in his view, Chen Shu and Bai she were the strength of the nine star master in the early days, and their strength should be similar.

Even though white snake is a fierce beast, it has a physical advantage far superior to human beings. Maybe it is a little stronger than Uncle Chen in strength.

I didn't think about it, but it turned out the other way around.

Uncle Chen is stronger!

Even the white snake.

Jiang Hao is very clear that the reason why Uncle Chen can crush the white snake is his seven kill boxing.

"Integrate the murderous Qi into the boxing, and enhance the power. The stronger the murderous Qi is, the stronger the power will be."

Jiang Hao said in secret: "it's a wonderful boxing technique!"

This fist technique is too exquisite. It's not much weaker than the Bawang fist created by Wang Ba, one of the five law enforcement elders of Wudao League.

Looking at Uncle Chen, Jiang Hao thought to himself, "I don't know if he created this fist technique himself?"

"If he created it himself, he has great potential. As long as he doesn't die, he will be able to reach the top of martial arts in a few years."

"Even, there is hope to break the natural moat and become a saint!"

To be a saint, to be a saint!

This evaluation is not high.

However, if the seven kill boxing was really created by Uncle Chen himself, he can afford this evaluation.


Wang Canglong saw that the White Snake was seriously injured. He was overjoyed and said, "hurry up!"

"Uncle Chen, kill this animal quickly, I want to eat snake soup!"

"Yes Uncle Chen nodded.

Then, with the tip of his foot, he rushed to the white snake like a flash of lightning and raised his red fist, which was full-bodied and turned into essence.

"The third move of seven kill boxing!"

"The fourth move of seven kill boxing, kill!"

He hit two in a row.


With a bang, the huge snake head exploded, and the red blood, white bone stubble, and small pieces of meat splashed everywhere.


The headless white snake, which is tens of meters long and more than three meters wide, fell on the ground and cracked the ground.

The white snake is dead!

Ha ha ha

Seeing this, Wang Canglong looked up at the sky and said with a laugh, "Uncle Chen, well done!"

Then he looked at a Xing and ordered, "a Xing, pick the four snow lotus plants immediately!"

In fact, he wanted to do it himself.

Unfortunately, he can't.

His accomplishments had not reached the level of master Gangjin, and he could not fly to the reef in the middle of the cold pool.


A Xing answered, stamped his foot and flew straight to the Millennium snow lotus.

In the distance, more than 100 people who have been quietly watching the play can't sit still. They pass their eyes to each other or communicate in a low voice.

"What to do?"

"Can we just watch him swallow the snow lotus alone?"

"I'm not reconciled!"

"I'm not reconciled. Why are all four of them his?"

"What if you don't want to?"

"We can't beat them at all. We have to swallow our anger!"

"Grass! What a pity

There is a fire in everyone's heart, which will break out at any time.

However, it never broke out.

No one dares to stand out, the first to stand up!

Because all the people who stood up before were dead and turned into corpses on the ground.

This is a bloody example!

Among all the people, Shen Erye is the one who is the most aggrieved and unwilling.He discovered the Millennium snow lotus first, and he almost swallowed it alone. Now he can only be a spectator and watch it fall into other people's hands.

"Master Jiang, what should we do?"

Shen Er Ye looked at Jiang Hao and said, "can we just watch him like this?"

Jiang Hao squinted at him, "do you want to rob?"


Suddenly, second master Shen was speechless.

Let him rob it by himself, and he will not dare to lend him ten more courage.

"Don't worry."

Jiang Hao showed a mysterious smile at the corner of his mouth and said, "the Millennium snow lotus belongs to me. No one can take it away!"

"As for the man in Zhenwu palace, he I'm going to die soon


Second master Shen, hearing the speech, looked confused.

"Is that a Xing going to die soon? Why? " He asked.

Jiang Hao said with a smile, "just look down and you'll know!"

Da ~ Da ~

like a dragonfly skimming water, a Xing stepped on the water, swept and landed on the reef in the middle of the cold pool.

On the reef, four snow lotus trees, white as jade, swayed with the wind and diffused fragrance.

Inhale ~

a Xing takes a breath, and his inner strength surges up, making his face a little flushed, just like a slightly drunk drunk.

"If you take a breath of the fragrance, it will have such a great effect. It's really worthy of the first-class talent and treasure!" A Xing exclaimed in his heart.

Then he walked up to him.

All of a sudden, a large number of bubbles appear in the water of the cold pool, just like boiling water.


Seeing this, Uncle Chen's face changed and cried out: "a Xing, run! Get out of there


Hearing the cry, a Xing turned around and said, "Uncle Chen, what are you talking about?"

"Run Uncle Chen yelled.

"Run? What are you running for? "

A Xing looks confused.

However, out of his trust in Uncle Chen, he chose to retreat and leave.

However, it's too late!


Splashing water, rolling up tens of meters high waves, a dark shadow from the bottom of the cold pool rushed up, opened the fangs of the bloody mouth, one swallow a Xing.

This is a giant snake!

A giant snake much bigger than the white one!


Perhaps this giant snake can no longer be called a snake, but rather a "Jiao"!

Because the dragon is painted black, nearly 100 meters long and about 10 meters wide. The black scales, the size of a PU fan, are shining with metallic light, covering the whole body of the snake.

Above the head, there are two complete dragon horns.

The Dragon horn is about one meter long and extremely sharp.


When they saw the black dragon, they all swallowed their saliva, swinging their legs, shaking all over, and a thick fear rose in their hearts.

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