"Little brother, don't you really think about it any more?" Xuanji Niang's face was cold, and the murdering opportunity loomed in her eyes. She said harshly.

In the tone, it reveals the meaning of threat.

"Go away!"

To this, Jiang Hao a cold drink.

"Thirty seconds, only six seconds left!"

"If you don't go away, you'll be buried here!" He said coldly.

The king of iron fist, the heart eating boy and others were furious when they heard the words. They could no longer suppress their anger.

"What a dog's guts

"Not a big man, but a big voice!"

"A kid who doesn't even have hair wants to kill us all?"

"To die!"

"Don't talk nonsense to him, just do it and kill him. Heijiao and Qiannian Xuelian will be ours!"

"Yes, don't waste your time. Kill him!"


They all drank and were murderous.

All of a sudden, everyone rushed to Jiang Hao.

However, the king of iron fist, empress Xuanji and the heart eating boy did not move.

They are very smart and know that Jiang Hao's strength is terrible. They dare not do it easily. Instead, they stand behind and wait for the opportunity.

If they have a chance, they will give Jiang Hao a fatal blow.

"A bunch of things that don't know how to live or die!"

Jiang Hao saw the people rushing to kill, his face was cold, and his eyes flashed a kill.


Suddenly, he raised the bone sword in his hand and chopped it out.

Shua ~

suddenly, a vast white sword light, just like the beginning of the world, chopped at the people who came.

"No, quick..."

When they saw this scene, their eyelids jumped and their faces changed greatly. There was endless fear in their hearts. They wanted to retreat and run away.

However, it's too late!

For a while, it was like the sound of tearing cloth, and accompanied by the rain of blood.


With one sword, all the seven masters are dead, without any resistance.

Not even a scream.


The king of iron fist, the empress of mystery, and the heart eating boy saw this scene, all of them narrowed their pupils, and a thick color of shock appeared on their faces.

Deep in the eyes, there is a touch of fear that is hard to hide.

Yes, they are afraid too!

Obviously, Jiang Hao's strength is more terrible than they expected.

"Now, it's your turn!" Jiang Hao glanced at the three of them coldly.


All of a sudden, the king of iron fist, empress Xuanji, and the heart eating boy all trembled, and their hearts were tight. They felt like they were on the top of the wild beasts, which made them suffocate.

"You What do you want to do? " The iron fist King trills.

"Kill you

Jiang Hao uttered three words coldly.


The king of iron fist was angry and scared.

The same is true of Yaoji and xuanzi.

"Little brother, don't deceive people too much!"

"I admit that we are wrong in this matter. We apologize to you. We don't want dragon blood, dragon meat and snow lotus."

"Those babies, all belong to you, just hope you can let us go!"

Ha ha

Jiang Hao sneered, "I gave you a chance just now, but you didn't cherish it. Now You don't have a chance! "


The three men, the king of iron fist, were all angry when they heard this.

"Be a good person and meet each other in the future!"

The iron fist King's face was gloomy. He bit his teeth and said, "are you really so heartless that you won't give us a way to live?"

"I said, you must all die!"

Jiang Hao said indifferently: "this is the end of greed!"

"I hope you can remember in your next life that when a person is too greedy and not strong enough, it will only lead to death!"


The iron fist King's eyes almost burst into flames.

He clenched his fist and said harshly, "boy, do you really want to fight with us?"

"The fish will die, but the net won't break!" Jiang Hao light way.


The king of iron fist broke out a curse.

He can't stand it!

"Little bastard, I'll fight with you!"

The iron fist King roared, and his whole body was full of fury and terror. The muscles of his two arms swelled, and the hair of his two fists glowed with metal.

"The iron fist is invincible, breaking the sky and the earth!"

In his eyes, he roared: "little bastard, I want to blow you up!""Go to hell!"

He let out a loud drink. The soles of his feet cracked the ground and burst out. His fists glowed and blasted at Jiang Hao's head.

"Don't think too much of yourself!"

Jiang Hao glanced at him with disdain.


He raised the bone sword in his hand and cut it at will.


A white sword light, whistling out, very fast, as if to break the barrier of time and space, the king of iron fist had no time to dodge.

Even, he didn't respond.

A string of blood shot out.


The iron fist King's body suddenly settled in the same place as if he had been cursed.

Moreover, a faint red line appeared in the center of his eyebrows.

Seeing this, Xuanji Niang asked, "Hello, iron fist king, are you ok?"

"Ha ha ha Of course not! "

The king of iron fist laughed and said, "I want to blow this little bastard out with one more blow. How can there be..."

All of a sudden, his whole body trembled and his voice stopped abruptly.

Stabbing ~

the next second, his body split in two, and his internal organs and intestines all flowed to the ground.


The mysterious empress and the heart eating boy, seeing this scene, all changed their faces, shivered and stepped back in fear.

Now, they are really scared!

At this moment, they realized that they seriously underestimated Jiang Hao's strength.

With a random sword, the iron fist king was killed. Even the iron fist king didn't feel that he was hit by the sword. He didn't even know how to die.

It's terrible.

Jiang Hao looked down at them and said coldly, "next, which one of you wants to die first?"

"If you two want to die together, I can help you too!"


All of a sudden, lady Xuanji fell to her knees.

"No! No

He shook his head and said, "little brother No, brother, I know I'm wrong. I admit it, I apologize, I compensate... "

"I'm wrong! I'm wrong

Bite heart boy also knelt down, a face of fear to beg for mercy: "please, spare me a dog's life!"

"Spineless coward!"

Jiang Hao looked contemptuous and cheered coldly: "stand up!"

"I'll give you two a chance. As long as you can catch me, I'll spare you


"Is that true?"

After hearing the words, the mysterious empress and the heart eating boy burst out a bright light in their eyes, just like a dying person saw the hope of survival.

"Of course." Jiang Hao light way.


The mysterious empress and the heart eating boy, with a happy face, suddenly stood up from the ground.

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