
The mysterious empress and the heart eating boy, with a happy face, suddenly stood up from the ground.

They said in one voice: "OK, we'll take you three moves!"


Their faces were full of confidence.

To be honest.

They know very well that even if they join hands, they can't beat Jiang Hao, or even die if they can't make it through ten moves.

However, after three moves, they are confident.

Never die, only get hurt at most!

"Two fools!"

In the distance, the old man with goatee saw the joy and confidence on the face of the mysterious lady and the heart eating boy. He could not help shaking his head and scolding.

Although he didn't know Jiang Hao, through his eyes, he was sure that he must be a decisive and ruthless man.

This kind of people, once they have the heart to kill, will never let go of anyone on the must kill list.

No matter whether Xuanji Niang and heart eating boy can catch the three moves or not, they will both die.

Boom! Boom!

Two violent momentum, burst out, skyrocketed, like a raging sea, swept away, scattered the clouds in the sky.

Shua ~

the mysterious lady turned her hand and took out a shield.

The shield is flowing with the light of yellowish brown, emitting a strong heavy atmosphere.

This is a defensive medium quality magic weapon with high quality and terrible defensive power.

The mysterious lady pointed a little and injected internal strength into the shield, which completely activated the shield's defense. At the same time, she used her strongest defense move.

On the other hand, the same is true of heart eating children.

He took out a black exquisite tower and threw it into the sky.

All of a sudden, the black Linglong pagoda quickly grew into a giant tower more than 20 meters high, suspended in mid air, hanging the vast golden light, enveloping the heart eating boy and sheltering him.

This is also a defensive magic weapon!

Moreover, the quality is higher than the shield of Xuanji Niang. It is a top-grade magic weapon.

But it's damaged. There are many cracks on the surface of the tower.

At the same time, the heart eating boy also used the strongest defensive moves.

For a moment, the two of them stood like mountains and ancient cities, giving people the feeling that they were as strong as mountains.

"Come on!" Xuanji empress, bite heart boy cold way.

At this moment, they are more confident.

A defensive weapon, plus their defensive moves, they are absolutely confident that they can resist Jiang Hao's three moves.

Seeing this, Jiang Hao could not help shaking his head, with a sneer on his lips.

If you cut the grass, you will get rid of the roots!

This is one of his principles.

Anyone who wants to kill him will never stay.

The mysterious empress and the heart eating boy are no exception.

Zheng ~

suddenly, Jiang Hao's wrist shakes, and the bone sword in his hand erupts with the sound of Zheng Zheng sword. At the same time, it also erupts with the air of sword, surging to all directions.

In the blink of an eye, everything around us, including rocks, trees and the earth All of them were cut into sword marks, just like a field of sword Qi.

Ding! Ding! Ding!

The invisible sword Qi struck the shield and the black exquisite tower of Xuanji empress and the heart eating boy, making a clear sound of Ding Ding, accompanied by sparks splashing.

Hum! Hum!

The mysterious empress and the heart eating boy both grunted and were paralyzed, with a wisp of blood flowing from the corner of their mouth.

Their eyes were full of horror.

There's even a little bit of fear.

It's terrible!

Jiang Hao hasn't made a move yet. Just the sword Qi from Jian Yi in his hand makes them cough blood and get hurt. He can't support it.

"If Jiang Hao does it, then Can we stop it? "

The mysterious empress and the heart eating boy were suspicious, and their self-confidence disappeared, only a little bit of fear slowly revealed.

At this moment, they are no longer confident that they can block Jiang Hao's three moves.

They know, they can't stop it!

If you can't stop it, you will die!

But They don't want to die.

"Wait a minute!"

Suddenly, the mysterious lady opened her mouth.

He was afraid and regretted, and cried out, "I I'm wrong. I don't want to pick you up. I'll... "


Suddenly, a light blue sword light splits the air and comes.


All of a sudden, the shield of the defensive weapon cracked directly, and the fracture was smooth and smooth, just like a mirror.

It's a medium quality magic weapon. It's not blocked for a second.

It can be seen from this that the power of Jiang Hao's sword is absolutely terrifying.

"I..."Xuanji's mother saw the shield split, her pupils suddenly shrank, as if to say something.

However, he only uttered one word, and his voice stopped abruptly.


The next second, his body fell down, gradually losing its temperature, slowly becoming cold.


One side of the heart eating boy to see this scene, the whole person silly, dull, as if petrified in general.

Immediately, his face changed and his whole body trembled.


Endless fear, such as the tide hit, instantly submerged him.

It's terrible!

With a single sword, she split the shield of Xuanji and her magic weapon together, and she died on the spot without a scream.

It's terrible.

He knows very well that the next time Jiang Hao makes a sword, he will die!

But he didn't want to die.

"No more

The tender face of the heart eating boy was filled with fear and screamed, "I'm not playing anymore! I don't want to pick you up! I don't want to die! "

"Please spare me a dog's life!"

As he spoke, he knelt down and kowtowed.

"Hello, hello ~"

seeing this, Jiang Hao said coldly: "stand well, defend well, don't move."

"You move like this, I can't split you in two perfectly with one sword!"

"Don't kill me! Don't kill me

The heart eating boy shivered when he heard the speech. He kowtowed faster and stronger.

"Please spare my life!" He cried.

Jiang Hao's face was cold.

"I said, don't move!"

"Don't you understand me?"


Suddenly, the heart eating boy shut up.

He raised his head and looked at Jiang Hao. He already understood that Jiang Hao was determined to kill him and would never spare his life.

"Asshole, you forced me to do this!"

All of a sudden, the heart eating boy suddenly drank and stood up.

His eyes were scarlet and bloodthirsty. He suddenly took out five poisonous throwing knives and shot them at Jiang Hao. At the same time, he stamped his foot and

Then, run!


In the distance, all the people were dumbfounded when they saw this scene.

Rao is Jiang Hao, a little surprised.

The heart eating boy was full of resentment, his face was ferocious and twisted, his eyes were scarlet as blood, and he was desperate. Unexpectedly, he ran so simply and decisively.

"Pretending to be desperate is actually creating an opportunity to escape. It's a wonderful hand."

Jiang Hao praised it.

Immediately, he shook his head and said, "unfortunately, no one can escape from my sword!"

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