In an instant, Jiang Hao's fingers were covered with a layer of ice.

Moreover, the ice also spread to his arms, as if to freeze him up.

"What a chill Jiang Hao murmured.

There was a trace of surprise on his face.

According to his estimation, few people can bear the chill on the snow lotus.

Maybe if you touch the snow lotus, you will be frozen into ice sculptures and die out.


Suddenly, Jiang Hao gave a cold hum.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

Suddenly, the ice on his arm, inch by inch burst, turned into powder, disappeared in the world.

Then, he picked up four thousand year old Saussurea plants with ease and flew to the Bank of the cold pool.


Shen Er Ye looked at the Millennium snow lotus in Jiang Hao's hand, swallowed a mouthful of saliva, envied and said: "Congratulations, master Jiang!"

He coveted the Millennium snow lotus.

After all, it's a great talent.


He only dares to think in his heart, dare not show it, dare not put it into action.

What's more, Jiang Hao has given him a lot of dragon blood, dragon meat and dragon scales. He is satisfied and dare not ask too much.

"Here you are!"

Suddenly, Jiang Hao spoke.

Then he threw a snow lotus to Shen Er Ye.

Second master Shen caught it subconsciously.

Then, he was dull.

A moment later, his whole body trembled, his lips trembled, and he asked excitedly: "Jiang Master Jiang, this This snow lotus is Is it for me? "

"You don't want it?" Jiang Hao glanced at him and said faintly.

"Yes! Yes! Yes

Shen Erye was so excited that he quickly hid the snow lotus in a hurry. He stared at several Shen family members around him and silently ordered them to stay away from him.

Jiang Hao saw this scene, a little speechless.

He is a man with a clear sense of gratitude and resentment.

The harvest this time, whether it's the killing of Heijiao or the four thousand year old Saussurea plants, is due to the credit of second master Shen.

"All right."

Looking at Shen Erye, Jiang Hao said faintly, "next, do you want to follow me or do you want to act separately"


Shen Er Ye hesitated for a moment and said, "master Jiang, I want to separate."

"You've given me so much dragon blood, dragon meat and snow lotus. I'm going to find a safe place to practice and improve my strength. Only in this way can I have the power to protect myself."

"It's up to you. Let's go!"

Jiang Hao waved his hand and flew away.

Shen Er Ye watched Jiang Hao's figure disappear in his sight. He withdrew his eyes and looked at several Shen family members. He ordered: "go, find a good place and start to shut up."


So they were ready to leave.


Suddenly, Mr. Shen stopped.

He scanned the snow capped mountains and whispered: "in fact, this is a good place, remote, hidden and quiet."

"In that case, shut up here!"

Immediately, he looked at some Shen family members and said, "you guys, quickly choose a good place and dig a cave. I'm going to shut up and do some meditation!"

"Yes, master!"

Several Shen family members, start to move.

A moment later, an open, clean cave appeared.

Shen Er Ye glanced around and nodded with satisfaction.

"Well done!"

He put down the package containing dragon blood and dragon meat, pointed to the entrance of the cave and ordered, "you guys, go outside and guard the pass for me. No one or anything is allowed to come near."

"Who dares to come near, shoot to kill, understand?"

"I understand!" Several Shen family members said in unison.

Second master Shen waved his hand and said, "OK, you're going out..."


Suddenly, his face changed.


He sensed that there were three strong breath, which were approaching here at a very fast speed.

"Who's coming?"

Out of caution, Mr. Shen put all the dragon blood, dragon meat, dragon scales and snow lotus in the cave. Then he walked out of the cave and raised his hand.

With a roar, the caves that Shen's family spent more than half an hour building collapsed.

Shen Er Ye wiped out all traces and hid the dragon blood, dragon meat and other treasures.

Then, wait for the unknown three to come.

Whew! Whew! Whew!

Soon after, the sound of breaking the air sounded, and three figures came flying from far and near.These three are the three elders sent by Yin Yang master to assassinate Jiang Hao!

They are four elders, five elders and six elders.

Among them, the four elders, who are the shortest and the most powerful, look down at the snow capped mountains and nod their heads and say, "this should be the place where the snow lotus has appeared for thousands of years!"

"Why? Something's wrong

All of a sudden, the fat five elders said softly, "you see, the top of the snow mountain is in a mess. There are traces of fighting everywhere."

"Is there a big war here, and the snow lotus has been robbed?"

Six elder smile.

"There are people down there. Just ask them."


Suddenly, his eyes narrowed, his eyes burst out cold killing.

"If the Millennium snow lotus is really robbed, then we will kill first and then get it back!"

"Well, go down." Four elder light way.

So the three men slowly came down.


Suddenly, Shen's eyes were full of shock.

"How strong! The momentum of these three people is so powerful! "

He said in secret: "even the weakest has reached the peak of eight star master."

"The other two are far more powerful than the eight star master!"

Far more than eight star master.

That is Nine star master!

Shen Er Ye's face changed.

"Two nine star masters and one eight star master are at their peak. They don't seem to belong to those first-class or super class schools. What's their origin?"

"What is the purpose of their presence here?"

Shen Er Ye's mind is full of question marks.

"Hello, old man."

Suddenly, the sixth elder of the Yin Yang division asked with a poor accent, "was there a war here not long ago?"

What a strange accent!

Shen Er Ye frowned and said, "yes, what's the matter?"

"Is there really a war?"

The sixth elder of the Yin Yang division was very cold. He said, "where are those people?"

"Where did they go?"

Shen Er Ye shook his head, "I don't know."

"Son of a bitch!"

In a flash, the sixth elder of Yin Yang master suddenly appeared in front of Shen Er ye, grabbed him by the neck and yelled, "tell me where those people have gone."

"If you don't, I'll strangle you!"

Cough, cough

Shen Er Ye coughed violently, his face turned red and he had difficulty breathing.

He struggled to get out.

However, the fingers of the six elders of the Yin Yang division were like iron tongs, strangling his neck.

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