Cough, cough

Shen Er Ye coughed violently, his face turned red and he had difficulty breathing.

He struggled, but he couldn't get rid of it.

"Let go of the master!"

"Asshole, dare to move the owner, you want to die!"

"Go to hell!"

All of a sudden, there was a burst of cheers.

All of a sudden, several Shen family members rushed to the sixth elder of the Yin Yang division to kill him and save Shen Er Ye.

"A group of ants who are beyond their capacity!"

The sixth elder of Yin Yang division showed a disdainful smile.

"Go to hell!"

Suddenly, he raised his arm, gathered his fingers, and shot out.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

For a moment, it was like the explosion of firecrackers, which sounded continuously.

It's exploding!

Several Shen family members who rushed up, all burst into a blood mist, and then scattered in the sky and the earth with the wind.


Seeing this scene, Shen Er Ye's eyes began to crack and his whole body was filled with murderous Qi.


Suddenly, with all his strength, he waved his hand and patted the head of the sixth elder of the Yin Yang division. He wanted to smash his head with one hand, but he was killed.


The sixth elder of the Yin Yang division snorted coldly, his face was full of disdain, and his hand touched Shen Er Ye's wrist, which broke his attack.

"Give me "No!"

The sixth elder of the Yin Yang division gave a cold drink and pulled his arm violently.

the sound of blood splashing is accompanied by the tearing of silk.

Shen Er Ye's arm was torn off by him.

"Ah ~ ~"

second master Shen screamed bitterly, sweating in pain, shaking all over and almost fainting.


All of a sudden, the sixth elder master of Yin Yang division threw Shen Er Ye heavily on the ground, and then stepped on his chest.

"Old thing!"

"I'd like to see if your mouth is hard or my shoes are hard!" he said

After that, he raised his foot and was about to step on Shen Er Ye's face.

Shen Er Ye was so angry that his eyes were scarlet that he struggled wildly.

However, his strength was suppressed by the six elders of the Yin Yang division, and he couldn't break free.


All of a sudden, the five elders of the Yin Yang division gave a light cry.

"What's the matter?" Four elders of Yin Yang division asked.

"You see."

The five elders of the Yin Yang division pointed to a snow slope in the distance and frowned, "which snow slope seems to have buried something?"

Inhale ~ inhale ~

the fourth elder of Yin Yang division stirred his nose and sniffed a few times.

Suddenly, his pupils shrank and his whole body was shocked.

"I I smell the dragon blood He said in a trill.


"The breath of dragon blood?"

The five and six elders of the Yin Yang division were shocked when they heard the words.

The next second, their faces turned red and they were short of breath.

"Really Is it really the smell of dragon blood? "

They were all excited.

Whew! Whew! Whew!

The next second, the air burst.

The three of them, turned into three flashes of lightning, galloped to the distant snow slope.


"No!" Shen Er Ye sees this, repeatedly explodes to roar a way.

Immediately, he quickly got up from the ground, regardless of his injury, and broke out the limit speed under overload. He also rushed to the snow slope, trying to get there before the three elders of the Yin Yang division.


That place is the place where his dragon blood, dragon meat and snow lotus are buried!

It's a pity that Shen Er Ye is a little slow after all.

The four elders of the Yin Yang division were the first to fall beside the snow slope.

He raised his hand and gave it a wave.

All of a sudden, a strong gas spurted out, rolled up the blood and soil, dug a small hole.

In the pit, there is a big bag.

The mouth of the bag was scattered, revealing a piece of dragon meat as clear as blood agate, and a small section of snow lotus as white as jade.

"This is..."

The fourth elder of the Yin Yang division shrunk his pupils and said, "dragon meat? Snow lotus of the millennium


The five elders and six elders of the Yin Yang division, who followed them, were all shocked and their eyes were burning.

"God bless me! God bless me! Ha ha ha... "

The four elders of Yin Yang division look up at the sky and laugh.

Immediately, he opened his right hand, and a great attraction burst out from his palm.


Suddenly, the big bag with dragon blood and dragon meat flew up and fell into his hands."Stop it

Seeing this scene, the second master Shen rushed to the fourth elder of the Yin Yang division with a terrible roar.

"Get out of here!"

The sixth elder of the Yin Yang division gave an angry rebuke and a blow.


In a moment, Shen Er Ye was blown away, spraying a few mouthfuls of blood in the air.

The next second, he stood up and roared, "that's mine. Give it back to me quickly!"


The four elders, five elders and six elders of the Yin Yang division all looked at him in surprise.

"You said, these dragon blood, dragon meat, snow lotus, are all yours?"

"That's right!"

Shen Er Ye wiped the blood stains on the corner of his mouth and said, "give them back to me quickly!"

Ha ha

The five elders of the Yin Yang division raised the corner of their mouth and sneered: "these dragon blood and dragon meat, no accident, should come from a big dragon that has dragon blood and begins to turn into a dragon."

"This dragon, at least, is equivalent to the nine star master."

"It's not that I look down on you. With your strength, I can't kill the dragon. Then why do you say these dragon blood and dragon meat are yours?"

Shen Er Ye Wen Yan, old face red, embarrassed.

And then he murmured.

"It was given to me by someone else."


The four elders, five elders and six elders of the Yin Yang division looked at each other and read a touch of excitement from each other's eyes.

Yes, it's just excitement!

They can see that although there is a lot of dragon blood and dragon meat in the bag, it is absolutely less than one tenth of the total.

In other words, the real big head is in the hands of the giver.

He's the fat sheep!

The priority is to find him and

Kill him!

Grab him!

Shua ~ Shua ~ Shua ~

therefore, the three elders of the Yin Yang division turned their heads and fixed their eyes on Shen Erye.


Shen Er Ye was tight all over, swallowed his saliva, and said in a trembling voice: "do you want to What do you want to do? "


Five elders of Yin Yang division snorted coldly and said, "tell me, who gave you these dragon blood and dragon meat?"

"I I don't know. "

Shen Er Ye hesitated for a moment, and finally chose to shake his head.

After all, not long ago, Jiang Haocai repeatedly saved his life, and also gave him a lot of dragon meat, dragon blood and Millennium snow lotus. He can't be too ungrateful.

"Not really?"

The five elders of the Yin Yang division, their eyes were cold, and their faces were overcast.

"Since the soft can't do, then come to the hard!"


All of a sudden, he turned into a streamer, rushed to the second master Shen, and grabbed him by the neck.

The five elders of the Yin Yang division seized the left arm of the second master Shen and said, "if you don't tell me, I'll tear your arm!"

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