
Suddenly, Shen Er Ye knelt down in front of Jiang Hao.

"Master Jiang, I'm damned. I'm sorry for you!"

"Get up."

Jiang Hao helped him up and asked in a deep voice, "what happened?"

"Master Jiang."

Shen Erye looked guilty and remorseful, and said: "the dragon blood and dragon meat and snow lotus you gave me, I I didn't keep it. I was robbed. "

"Who robbed it?" Jiang Hao asked.

"No I don't know. "

Shen Er Ye shook his head. "I don't know those people."

"However, their manners and clothes are a bit like Yin Yang masters."

"Yin Yang master?"

Jiang Hao hears the speech, the eye light one coagulates.

"How many of them? What's your strength? "

"Three in all."

Shen Er ye said: "one of the weakest is the peak of eight star master. Almost half of them have stepped into the threshold of nine star master."

"The other two, whose breath is as deep as the sea, I can't see through."

"They should all be nine star masters!"

Jiang Hao's face was chilly when he heard the speech.

"Two nine star masters and one eight star master are at the peak. What a great hand!"

With a cold smile, he had a vague guess.

These three Yin Yang masters should be aimed at him!

"If these three Yin Yang masters are all dead, even Yin Yang masters, a huge force famous in the world of martial arts and Taoism, will hurt their vitality." Jiang Hao raised the corner of his mouth and murmured.

So he looked at Mr. Shen and ordered, "take me to them!"

"What What? "

When Shen Er ye heard this, he was stunned on the spot.

"Take me to the three Yin Yang masters." Jiang Hao said again.

"No! Absolutely not

Suddenly, Shen Er Ye's head was shaking like a rattle.

"It's too dangerous!"

He advised: "master Jiang, there are three of them, and all of them are experts. If you go there rashly, you will suffer."

"You can't be impulsive, just calm down."

"Don't worry, I'm calm."

With a faint smile, Jiang Hao said, "if it's not what I expected, their three Yin Yang masters should come at me and want to kill me!"

With that, he glanced at Mr. Shen intentionally or unconsciously.


Suddenly, Shen Er Ye's pupil shrank and his face changed slightly.

He had a straight heart and a cold sweat on his forehead.



Don't worry!

"Is He saw that I had betrayed him and wanted to poison him? " He whispered in his heart.

"No! No

Second master Shen shook his head.

"It's impossible. He's a man, not a God. I didn't show any flaw. It's impossible to see that I betrayed him at a glance!"

"What's the matter with you? Why shake your head? " Suddenly, Jiang Hao asked.

Second master Shen needed it, wiped the cold sweat on his forehead and said, "nothing! Nothing

"Since it's nothing, take me to the three Yin Yang masters at once." Jiang Hao said in a deep voice.


Shen Er Ye hesitated, but he was happy in his heart.

Throw yourself into the net!

He'd like that.

"Ah, don't lead the way Jiang Hao urged.

Shen Er Ye hesitated again and again, but said, "OK."

Then, he pretended to be reluctant to lead the way in front of him, but there was a smirk in his eyes. He thought in his heart, "Jiang Hao threw himself into the net, so I don't have to risk poisoning him."

"However, I want to find an opportunity to pass the news to the three Yin Yang masters, so that they can set a trap to ambush Jiang Hao and get rid of him at one stroke."

Shua ~

in Shen Erye's eyes, he burst out a ray of fierce anger.

"If Jiang Hao doesn't die, I'll be finished."

"So He must die

As a result, his eyes turned and he was on the plane.

Oh ~

suddenly, second master Shen covered his stomach with a look of pain.

"What's the matter?" Jiang Hao asked.


Second master Shen stopped and said, "I have a stomachache. I want to I want to make it convenient. "

Jiang Hao frowned.

"Go ahead, speed up!"


Second master Shen answered.

Then, holding his legs and covering his stomach, he quickly went into the nearby jungle.

He was very cautious. He walked hundreds of meters before he stopped.

Then, fingers fly, pinch out a mysterious formula.Shua ~ ~

a few seconds later, a fierce tiger with blood red body flew out of the dense forest, with extremely fast speed and no sound.

This blood tiger is ferocious and ferocious, but it seems a little unreal.

This is not a real tiger!

It's a type God.

Yes, this is the type God called by Yin Yang master.

This type of God is very lifelike, just like a living creature, but also full of spirituality. It can be seen that the Yin Yang master who summoned this type of God must be a top master.

In fact, this is the type God summoned by the four elders of Yin Yang division!

The fourth elder of the Yin Yang division orders the type God blood tiger to follow Shen Er ye all the time. It means to monitor him and also can be used to deliver messages.

As for the Dharma formula that Shen Er Ye just pinched out, it was also taught by the four elders of Yin Yang division.

Shen Er Ye's eyes scanned around with vigilance.

Then, looking at the blood tiger, he said in a low voice, "go back to the four elders of the Yin Yang division immediately and tell them that soon, I will take Jiang Hao with me to find them and tell them to set traps in advance and kill Jiang Hao!"

The blood tiger nodded humanized.

Immediately, jump, like a gust of wind in general, quietly disappeared in the jungle.

Shen Er Ye lingered for a while and walked out of the jungle.

"How's it going?" Jiang Hao asked.

Shen Erye: "it's much more comfortable."

"Lead the way quickly."

Jiang Hao said in a deep voice, "it's been a long time to go ahead at full speed. I'm afraid the three Yin Yang masters have already run away."

"This secret place is vast and boundless. If they run away, it will be difficult to find and kill them again."

"Yes Shen Erye answered.

He sneered in his heart.

"Son, since you are in such a hurry to go to hell, I'll give you a ride!"


All of a sudden, Shen Er Ye's inner strength surged, and he sped up and rushed out like a flash of lightning.

Seeing this, Jiang Hao speeded up to catch up.

On the other side.

Shi Shen Xuehu, with the message from Shen Erye, runs all the way back to the top of the snow mountain.

In a cave, the four elders of the Yin Yang division, who are practicing with their eyes closed, suddenly open their eyes. There is a trace of doubt in their bright eyes.

"Isn't Shi Shen blood tiger always following that old thing? Why are you back? " He murmured.


With a bang, he shattered the cave, rose into the sky and flew out.

Shua ~

suddenly, the type God blood tiger, like light and electricity, rushed to his side and made a low, obscure roar.

Bang! Bang!

Suddenly, there were two more explosions.

The five elders and six elders of the Yin Yang master, who were practicing in seclusion, stopped practicing and rushed out when they heard the news.

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