Bang! Bang!

With two blasts, two figures soared into the sky.

They are the five elders and six elders of the Yin Yang master.

When they heard the news, they all stopped practicing and rushed out.

As soon as the sixth elder of the Yin Yang division saw the type God blood tiger, his whole body burst out moriran's intention to kill.

"Why did Shishen blood tiger come back? Did the old man betray us? "

The five elders of the Yin Yang division didn't speak, but in their eyes, there was also a flash of murder.

"No, he didn't betray us."

Suddenly, the four elders of the Yin Yang division spoke.

He said in a deep voice: "that old guy, through the type God blood tiger, sent back a message."

"What's the news?" The five and six elders of the Yin Yang division asked in one voice.

"Jiang Hao is coming!"


The five and six elders of the Yin Yang division were all confused and full of question marks.

The fourth elder of the Yin Yang division grinned and said in a grim voice: "Jiang Hao is going to fall into the trap!"

"According to the news from the old guy, after Jiang Hao learned that we were Yin Yang masters, he couldn't wait to come and kill us."

"So We just need to set the trap in advance and kill him! "

"That's a good idea!"

Suddenly, the five elders and six elders of the Yin Yang division all grinned, revealing moriran's intention to kill.

"Well, don't delay."

The four elders of the Yin Yang division restrained their smile and said, "hurry up, set up traps and kill Jiang Hao."

"Yes The five elders and six elders of Yin Yang division should speak.

"Remember, set a few more traps to make sure you're safe." The four elders of the Yin Yang division told me.

"I understand!"

So the three of them got busy.

On the other side.

Shen Er Ye has been leading the way in front of him. He is very worried and nervous, for fear that Jiang Hao will find any clues to see through his tricks.

However, in order to procrastinate, he allowed the three elders of Yin Yang master enough time to set traps and ambush. He could only perform at the peak of his life.

In the end, he managed to delay for half an hour.

"It's coming! It will be here in a minute

Shen Er Ye has been repeating this sentence.


Suddenly, Jiang Hao gave a cold drink and stopped.

He squinted at Shen Er ye, his eyes were dim, and said coldly, "Why have you been deliberately delaying time all the way?"


Shen Er Ye's heart trembled when he heard the speech, and layers of cold sweat oozed from his forehead.


Thinking of this, his legs and feet were trembling with fear.


He coughed a few times, suppressed his fear and said, "I I didn't mean to delay. Master Jiang, you You misunderstood me

"I I was hurt too much It's too heavy, so That's why That's why so many things happen. I I really didn't mean to delay

Jiang Hao squints at him.

"Really not?"

Shen Er Ye shook his head and swore, "no No! "

"No! I I can swear to God

Jiang Hao glanced at him and said indifferently, "since you don't have it, you should lead the way quickly."

"But let me remind you, next, if you find any more reasons to delay, don't blame me for being impolite!"

Second master Shen shuddered when he heard the speech.

"Yes, yes! I will not waste my time He said in a hurry.

Then, he rushed to the front and began to lead the way. He didn't dare to play tricks any more.

Twenty minutes later, they reached the top of the snow mountain.


Jiang Hao raised his eyebrows, looked at second master Shen and said, "those three Yin Yang masters are on the top of the snow mountain?"

"Why didn't you say that earlier?"


For a moment, Mr. Shen's words stopped and he didn't know how to answer.

He can't say that if he doesn't tell Jiang Hao, it's to delay time and let the three elders of Yin Yang master set traps so as to ambush and kill him.

"Because he's one of us!"

All of a sudden, a cold cheering burst out and reverberated around for a long time.

Whew! Whew! Whew!

Then, three figures rushed out, separated three sides and surrounded Jiang Hao in a triangle.

It's the fourth elder, the fifth elder and the sixth elder of Yin Yang division!

"Yin Yang master?"

Jiang Hao looked at the three of them, his face was cold and his eyes were full of murders.

Suddenly, he watched second master Shen again."Why betray me?" He asked coldly.


Shen Er Ye opened his mouth and said weakly: "I was forced! I am innocent

"It's all them who force me to die. If I don't listen to them, they will kill me. I can't help it!"

Ha ha

When Jiang Hao heard the speech, he gave a cold smile.

"Anyone who betrays me will die!"

"You No exception

When Shen Er ye heard these words, his face changed, and his eyes showed a trace of evil color.

"Little bastard, why force me?"

His face is ferocious, roaring: "I just want to live well, I don't want to die, why don't you give me a way to live?"

"Since you want to kill me, I'll kill you first!"


He looked at the four elders, five elders and six elders of the Yin Yang division and yelled, "I've brought him here. Kill him quickly!"

He said as he pulled back.


Seeing this, Jiang Hao snorted: "none of the people I want to kill can escape!"

Whew ~

suddenly, with a little bit of toe, he turned into a black lightning, with five fingers bent like a dragon's claw, and grabbed the escaped second master Shen.

"Son of a bitch!"

All of a sudden, the four elders of the Yin Yang division yelled angrily: "dare to be presumptuous in front of us, who gives you the courage?"

"Big formation, get up!"

Shua ~ Shua ~ Shua ~

suddenly, the fingers of the four elders, the five elders and the six elders of the Yin Yang division flew wildly, pinched out one by one and beat them out.

Boom! Boom!

All of a sudden, the earth was shaking and rumbling.

A large array, covering a radius of 100 meters, besieged Jiang Hao in the center.

Big array, colorful fog filled, fluttering with the wind, the blink of an eye shrouded every inch of space.

A moment later, the sound of hissing sounded, and all the flowers and trees in the array withered rapidly, and then melted into black smelly liquid, as if they had been corroded.

"What a strong poison!"

When Jiang Hao saw this scene, his pupils tightened slightly.

Colorful fog.

In fact, it's not fog, but extremely poisonous gas.

This is the famous seven color poison array of Yin Yang master!

Once started, all life, including flowers, trees, and even microbes in the soil, will die and die.

Ha ha ha

Shen Erye stood outside the colorful poison array and said with a ferocious laugh: "little bastard, aren't you going to kill me? Come if you have seed

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