Dragon blood lake is a famous place in the secret place.

Because, in the dragon blood lake, there is a ferocious beast, the blood dragon, which is rarely seen in the world!

This blood dragon contains a trace of the blood of the most evil and cruel black dragon in the dragon clan, so it is very powerful and has few rivals in the same realm.

It is majestic in the dragon blood lake, a majestic secret place.

However, at this time, the blood dragon turned into a corpse, floating on the dragon blood lake.

There was no wound on the whole body of Xuejiao, but there were several fists on his head.

It was these fists that smashed Xuejiao's skull cavity, shattered Xuejiao's whole body skeleton, and made Xuejiao die on the spot.

On the dragon blood lake, more than 50 people are standing in the air. Their clothes are fluttering in the wind, just like a group of relegated immortals who come down to the world.

Among them, there are four people standing side by side, seems to be the leader.

These four people, all white and old, but young, eyes hale and hearty, faint smell, such as the deep sea, make the air around tremble slightly.

They are the three elders, four elders, five elders and six elders of Baiyun sect, one of the four super schools in China. They are all the top experts in the later period of master Jiuxing.

The three elders, in particular, have reached the peak of the nine star master's later period and may break through at any time.

All the 50 people behind them are eight star masters.

This force is extremely terrible.

Even though the blood dragon, which contains the blood of the black dragon, struggled for only a few minutes, was killed on the spot and couldn't escape.

Looking down at the corpse of Xuejiao, the three elders of baiyunzong ordered: "this Xuejiao contains a trace of black dragon blood, which is extraordinary."

"You go down and deal with it."


Immediately, several eight star masters took orders to land on the dragon blood lake and began to deal with the blood dragon.

Hum ~ hum ~ hum ~

suddenly, the sky and the earth vibrate, and a touch of red spreads from the horizon, quickly rendering the sky red.

At the same time, the temperature around also rose sharply. Even the water in Longxue lake was evaporated into steam and escaped.

"This is Fire

The three elders of Baiyun sect looked up and frowned.

The next second, his eyes burst out of brilliant light.

"These visions must be precious. I will fight for them when I am born."

"Let's go!"


Before his words, he turned into a streamer and rushed to the place where the fire broke out.

Whew! Whew! Whew!

The rest of you, keep up.

The other side of the plain.

As the name suggests, there are countless kinds of monsters in this vast plain, which can be called the kingdom of monsters.

Fighting, chaos and blood are the only rules here.

However, on the plains of beasts, there is a race that can be called the royal family of demons. Few demons dare to provoke. This race is the silver moon Sirius!

The reason why silver moon Sirius dominates the beast plain is the king of silver moon Sirius.

In the body of the wolf king of the silver moon, there is a trace of the blood of the goblin wolf. Relying on the talent of swallowing, he becomes strong all the way. He is extremely fierce. In terms of prestige and strength, he is no inferior to the blood dragon.

However, at this moment, the notorious silver moon sky wolf king, has become a cold body.

Next to the body stood three men.

They are all wearing a black robe with 360 stars embroidered on it, just like the stars around them, which makes them mysterious and extraordinary.

These three are the second elder, the third elder and the fourth elder of Xingchen sect, one of the four super schools in China.

Whew! Whew! Whew!

All of a sudden, the sound of breaking the air was constantly ringing, and the shadows came flying.

These people are also wearing star robes.

Elder xingchenzonger scanned them and asked, "have you found Jiang Hao?"


"Not yet!"

More than 40 eight star masters shake their heads one after another.

"A bunch of trash!"

Hearing the words, elder xingchenzonger scolded: "go to find it again!"

"If you dig three feet, you should find out Jiang Hao. Otherwise, you can't finish the task. The star makes you angry. You can't live!"

"Yes, yes

A group of eight star masters, heard this sentence, all trembled, face fear, nodded.

Then, they stand up one after another and are ready to look for the trace of Jiang Hao.


Suddenly, elder Xingchen looked up at the sky.

The sky was full of fire, covering the whole sky.

"Divine fire is born!"

Elder Xingchen zonger said excitedly: "look for Jiang Hao. Let's put it down for a while. Let's fight for Shenhuo first!""Yes

All of a sudden, the body of the people streamed out.

Magic bear ridge, a famous and fierce place in the secret place, is still on the dragon blood lake and the beast plain.


The earth magic bear, which is located in the magic bear ridge, is stronger than the blood dragon and the silver moon Sirius king.

At the same time, the earth demon bear has thick skin and strong defense. Even the blood dragon and the silver moon wolf king, they can't break their defense for a while.

Moreover, the earth demon bear also has a unique talent. As long as his feet stand on the ground, he can mobilize and borrow the power of the earth to heal or restore the Demon power.

Therefore, even if the monster is stronger than the earth demon bear, it can't beat it.

It could even be consumed alive.

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