The earth demon bear is powerful, has strong defense, and has magical talent. Even if it is the top fierce beast, it does not dare to provoke easily, so it can be called a bully in the secret world.

However, at this time, the earth demon bear was miserable and subdued.


There are injuries all over the body.

Sword marks, dense and crisscross, make the earth demon bear look miserable.

However, the earth demon bear has a very strong defense. It seems to be injured all over, but the injury is not serious.

Roar ~ roar ~ roar ~

the earth demon bear beat the ground madly, smashed the ground open, and gave out a roar of anger and frustration.

Then, it suddenly kicks on the ground and ejects out. It is extremely fast and powerful. It rolls out like a meteor falling to the ground.

Shua! Shua! Shua!

In the next second, countless sharp sword lights came and fell on the earth demon bear like raindrops.

Hiss, hiss, hiss, hiss, hiss, hiss, hiss, hiss, hiss, hiss, hiss, hiss, hiss, hiss, hiss, hiss, hiss, hiss, hiss, hiss, hiss, hiss, hiss, hiss, hiss, hiss, hiss, hiss, hiss, hiss, hiss, hiss, hiss.

The nth breakthrough, or failed!

Roar ~

with a roar, the earth demon bear glared at dozens of people standing around with swords and said coldly, "get out of the way, don't force me to kill you!"

Ha ha

A man with a sword gave a cold smile.

"Evil animal, what a crazy tone!"

Another cuntou man, holding a sword in both hands, coldly said: "beast, you can't escape today. You'd better be our grindstone and help us sharpen our sword skills!"

Ha ha ha

As soon as the words came out, the rest of the people laughed.

These people are all masters of Kendo in jianshengong, one of the four top schools in China. Their breath is fierce and fierce. Even if they are only eight star masters, the killing power of one move and one sword is comparable to that of the new nine star masters.


Even though the earth demon bear has strong defense and unique talent, and its strength is still above the blood dragon and the silver moon sky wolf king, it is difficult to break through their captivity.

Of course, these people alone can't kill the earth demon bear. At most, they can only hurt it.

However, the earth demon bear has the talent of earth power, standing on the ground with both feet, absorbing the power of the earth to heal and recover.

In the blink of an eye, the wound on his body was almost healed.

"Damn it

Obviously, the eight star masters of the sword Palace also found this, and they all frowned, depressed and helpless.

"Human beings, I admit you are very powerful."

Suddenly, the earth devil bear spoke.

"But as you can see, with your strength, you can't kill me at all. It's just a waste of time and energy. It's better to let me go."


When people heard the words, they were moved.

"It's said that bear's paw is delicious. I want to taste it!"

Suddenly, a voice rang out.


When the earth demon bear heard this, his scarlet eyes were filled with rage and roared: "who wants to die? Stand up

Daddada ~

the sound of footsteps sounded, and a figure stood up.

All of a sudden, the eight star masters of the sword Temple all bent down and bowed their hands to salute.

"Meet the three elders!"

The white haired old man, who was slightly emaciated, was the third elder of the sword temple.

This person has a plain appearance and temperament. He looks very ordinary, and his breath is also very ordinary.

However, his eyes are very sharp. They are even more impressive than the eyes of the eagle eyed wolf. They are like two swords that can pierce a person at a glance.


This is absolutely the best!


The earth demon Bear looked at the three elders of the sword temple. His heart trembled and he couldn't help shivering.


From the three elders of the sword temple, he smelled a strong sense of danger, which made him instinctively afraid.

The three elders of the sword Temple stood with their hands down, their eyes cold, and they ignored the magic bear on the earth. They said faintly, "I want to borrow a pair of bear's paws from you, Qin Ming."

"You May I borrow it? "


The devil bear on the earth is furious and has a frightful killing chance.

"Damn human, go to death!"

Suddenly, it inspires a unique talent, instantly absorbs a lot of the power of the earth, and then uses the power of the earth to change body shape.

In a few seconds, the size of the earth demon bear has become several times larger, and its breath is also much stronger.


"The beast has become much stronger!"

"It seems that just now the beast has some reservation, and has not used his real skills!""Cunning follows the beast!"

A group of eight star masters, see this scene, face all dignified.

Obviously, at this moment of the earth demon bear, they are very scared, the bottom of their hearts are scared, even if 50 people join hands, they have no confidence to trap it.

"You say Can the three elders win? " Suddenly, a man asked in a low voice.

All of a sudden, everyone turned their heads and looked at him like a fool.

"What's the point? Three elder certainly can win

"Stupid question!"

"The three elders will definitely win!"

"You should ask, how many swords do the three elders need to get rid of this beast?"

"No more than five swords, I think!"

"I think three swords!"

"A sword! The three elders can kill this beast with one sword! "

They were full of confidence in the three elders of the sword temple.

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