"Let me go, or you will regret it when Jiang Hao comes!" Han Lulu drinks cold.

Ha ha ~

Ye Feng sneered, "you say that little bastard?"

"Hey, you can rest assured that ye Jiu will treat him well and let him have a taste of the pain of broken hands and feet."

"Ye Jiu is here. That little bastard will never appear again!" Zhou Hua grinned.

"Is it?"

A voice suddenly rang out.

Jiang Hao came slowly.

"You You How can you be ok? " Ye Feng's pupil shrinks and stammers.

"What about ye Jiu? Where is Ye Jiu? "

"Here it is."

Jiang Hao put out his hand.

Ye Feng looked up and saw Ye Jiu lying on the ground. He didn't know his life or death. His mouth was still bleeding.

"Why How is that possible? "



I'm so confused!

Ye Feng's chin was almost startled.

Who is Ye Jiu?

He is a member of the Ye family. The elite selected from tens of thousands of children has been strictly trained since childhood. He has also received training in martial arts and Taoism. He is the elite of the elite.

The king of war and the king of Sanda are weak chickens in front of him.

But now, he was beaten unconscious by an ugly, thin and weak young man.

Ye Feng feels that the world outlook is about to collapse.

"Let go of Lulu!"

The cold eyes of Jiang Hao looked directly at him.

"What the hell are you looking for..."

Ye Feng scolded subconsciously.

However, before he had finished a word, he was interrupted by a fist.


Another blow from Jiang Hao hit Ye Feng in the other eye.

Whine ~

Ye Feng howled and shook his head. A piece of star was twinkling in front of him, and his eyes were black.

It took him a long time to recover.

"Grass Mud Horse, you dare to beat me. Do you want to..." Ye Feng said angrily.


Jiang Hao slapped him in the face.

"I'll hit you, OK?"


Another slap and a draw.

"Ye Jiafeng is so few, so awesome, so scary, I'm so scared"


"Dare to move Lulu, no matter what ye Jiafeng is short of dogs, I can't miss it!"


"Is the Ye family strong? Angered me, destroyed the Ye family, uprooted! "


Jiang Hao makes a sudden effort and slaps Ye Feng to the ground.

"You You are finished. You are going to destroy the Ye family. You are dead! " Zhou Hua drank a lot, and there was a trace of joy in his eyes.

this little bastard is indeed the woodlouse that comes out of the gutter. I don't know how terrible the Ye family is in Chuzhou.

Hey, hey, you're dead!

Zhou Hua is secretly happy.

"Go away!"

Jiang Hao gave a violent drink and kicked him away.

"You You want to die

Ye Feng staggered to get up. His handsome face was twisted and became a little ferocious.

"What's the matter? What's the matter? "

Manager Cai hears the news, shakes the fat and rushes over.

"Grass Mud Horse!"

Ye Feng couldn't beat Jiang Hao and didn't dare to fight.

So he let off his anger on manager CAI and slapped him in the face.

"I've been beaten. What the hell do you say?"

Inexplicably, he was slapped in the face. Manager CAI was very angry.

But he was afraid to explode.

Because, beat his person, is Ye Feng of Ye family, borrow him a few courage again, he also dare not start to Ye Feng.

"Who?" Manager Cai roared.

Ye Feng pointed to Jiang Hao, "that's the son of a bitch!"

Manager Cai turned his head and saw that his gloomy face was full of anger, "it's you again!"

He hates Jiang Hao!

If he could, he would definitely bite Jiang Hao to death.

Mad, what a jerk. I just beat Zhou Hua, but now I even beat Ye Feng.

Ye Feng is a member of the Ye family. If you beat him, the consequences will be very serious.

As a manager, he is to blame.

"He did it first and bullied lulu." Jiang Hao squinted at manager CAI and said faintly.

Manager Cai stares at Jiang Hao and roars: "I don't care who does it first. In a word, you immediately apologize to Feng Shao!"

"Why?" Jiang Hao is upset.

Manager Cai roared, "just because he's Ye Jiafeng, hurry up and apologize!""No way!"

Ye Feng quit, "dead fat man, just ask him to apologize, absolutely not!"

"He beat my bodyguard and Lao Tzu, asking him to apologize. It's too cheap for him. Lao Tzu is going to abolish him and all the bastards in his family!"

"What did you say?"

Jiang Hao's eyes were full of danger.

Ye Feng glanced at him, then looked at manager CAI and said, "fat man, please call the security guard in your restaurant. If I don't abolish him today, I won't be named Ye!"

"Yes, Feng Shao!" Manager Cai answered quickly.

It's a good time for Jiang Hao to teach him a lesson.

"Xiaoda, call all your people here!"

He yelled.

A moment later, more than a dozen security guards came in a fierce manner.

In the restaurant, many guests were so worried that they quickly checked out, and then left for fear of staying here and suffering from the disaster of the pond.

There are also many guests who choose to stay to see the excitement.

But no matter the guests who leave or stay, they are all muttering and vowing never to come here for dinner next time.

Manager Cai heard it, but didn't care.

A hundred or even a thousand ordinary guests are not as good as Ye Feng.

Please Ye Feng, is the top priority!

"Manager, what can I do for you?" Xiao Da came up and asked.

Manager Cai pointed to Jiang Hao and said, "beat him, beat him for me."


Xiaoda hesitated.

The security guard beat up the guest. If it gets to the boss, he will be finished.

"What are you afraid of? If something happens, I'll take care of it!" Manager Cai saw his scruples and patted his chest.

Ye Feng also yelled, "don't worry, you'll be ok with me."

"If anyone goes up, I'll give him 100000 cash!"

Suddenly, the eyes of all the security guards turned green.

"Feng Shao, is that true?" Xiao Da asked, suppressing his excitement.

"Of course it's true!"

Ye Feng said haughtily: "my young master has nothing else, that is, he has a lot of money. I will give him 100000 yuan for his good performance."

Hiss ~

when people heard the words, they all took a breath.

Especially a group of security guards, shortness of breath, eyes are red.

One hundred thousand is worth their salary for one or two years.

So much money, it's worth the risk.

It's not big enough to find another job.

It's done!

What's more, if something really happens, manager CAI and Ye Feng are responsible for it. What are you afraid of.

"Up Xiao Da licked his lips and cheered.

"Stop it

Suddenly, a cold cry came.

They turned around and saw a dignified middle-aged man in a suit and shoes walking slowly.

Manager CAI and Xiao Da turned pale.

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