It was Ma Fu who came.

In the eyes of manager Cai, there was a flash of confusion.

Xiao Xiaobu ran to Ma Fu. He bent down and asked with a guilty heart, "Mr. Ma, why are you here?"

"I have an appointment here today. What's the matter?" Ma Fu frowned and asked.

Manager Cai turned his eyes and said, "Mr. Ma, it's like this!"

"These two men, who have eyes and don't know Taishan, collided with Feng Shao and Hua Shao, especially this boy. After practicing several moves, he knocked Feng Shao's bodyguard unconscious."

"What's more, he started to fight Feng Shao and Hua Shao."

"I advised him to leave, but he didn't listen and beat me. I had to call the security guard to force them out."

The more manager Cai said, the more aggrieved he was. His eyes were moist.

"Uncle Ma, you little bastard, you don't know what to do. He even threatened to destroy my Ye family. Don't worry about it." Ye Feng fury tunnel.

"Shut up

Ma Fu gave a cold rebuke and gazed at manager CAI. "What you said just now is true?"

"Really Really

Manager Cai is a little guilty.


Suddenly, Ma Fu slapped him with a big mouth.

Manager CAI was stunned.

"Do you know who you are talking about?" Ma Fu exclaimed.

"Yes Who is it? "

Manager Cai had a bad feeling in his heart.

"He is Jiang Xiaoyou, whom I often mention. He is my life-saving benefactor and my family's life-saving benefactor!"

Ma Fu stares at manager Cai coldly, "I have already said that as long as Xiaojiang is in my shop, you must treat him warmly without slighting him."

"And you? What are you doing? "

"You collude with outsiders to deal with Xiaojiang, and you call all the security guards to get rid of him. What do you mean?" Ma Fu exclaimed.

On manager Cai's forehead was a cold sweat.

"Mr. Ma, I..."

"Shut up

Ma Fu roared.


He slapped manager CAI in the face.

"Get out of here, now get out of here!" Ma Fu roared.

"Mr. Ma..."

Manager Cai is full of bitterness and repentance.

He wanted to humiliate Jiang Hao and curry favor with Zhou Hua to drink Ye Feng.

Unexpectedly, this clay legged migrant worker is Ma Fu's life-saving benefactor.

All of a sudden, it poked the hornet's nest.

So he looked at Zhou Hua and drank Ye Feng, hoping that the two of them could plead for him for his hard work.

When Zhou Hua saw manager Cai's look for help, he immediately lowered his head and pretended not to see it.

You're kidding!

The man in front of him is Ma Fu, a man of the hour in Chuzhou.

Don't mention him, even his father, in front of Ma Fu, are not enough to see.

Cough ~

Ye Feng coughs a few times and stands up with the identity of Ye's son.

"Uncle Ma, manager Cai, he..."

However, before he finished his sentence, he was interrupted by Ma Fu.

"Shut up

Ma Fu reprimanded, "two years ago, I warned you not to rely on the identity of the Ye family to bully everywhere, otherwise, one day you will die very ugly when you meet a more powerful person!"

"Unexpectedly, in the past two years, you have not made any progress at all!"

"Go away, you are not allowed to step on the property under my name in the future!" Ma Fu waved his hand and drove away.

Ye Feng stares at an eye, not angry way: "for this little bastard?"


Ma Fu slapped him in the face and said harshly, "if you dare to scold me again, I'll clean you up for your father!"


Ye Feng cried.

Grievance, anger, full of heart.

He scolded: "you hit me for this little bastard?"


Ma Fu slapped him again, "shut up!"

"If you dare to beat me, I'll tell my father that my father will kill you!" Ye Feng roared.


Ma Fu slapped him and directly knocked him to the ground.

"I'm useless?"

Ma Fu sneered, "your grandfather doesn't have this ability, and your father doesn't even have it!"

"If the mud can't support the things on the wall, the Ye family is not as good as one generation. Sooner or later, they will decay and collapse!"

Ma Fu is very disappointed with Ye Feng.

In the third generation of the Ye family, except for one ye, the rest are all waste. The huge Ye family, which flourished for a while, will eventually decline.

"Go away!"

Ma Fu waved his hand and drove away.

Ye Feng stubbles his neck and wants to resist.

Seeing this, Zhou Hua quickly took him and left the Rose Restaurant."Go away, too!"

Ma Fu yelled at manager Cai, "get out of Chuzhou and never come back. Otherwise, don't blame me for being rude!"

"Yes, yes." Manager Cai nodded.

Even if very unwilling, but also obedient.

Because he has no base to resist.

Ma Fu glanced at the security guards, then stared at Xiaoda, "go away, too. Now go away. Don't go back to Chuzhou!"

Xiaoda trembled all over, "Mr. Ma, I..."

"Go away!" Ma Fu drinks cold.

Xiao Da lowered his head, "yes!"

Then he took off his security uniform and left.

Ma Fu looked around at the security guards, "today is the last time. I don't want to see such a thing happen next time. If someone knowingly commits a crime, I will let him know what the rules are!"


A group of security guards, said in unison.

Ma Fu waved, "it's all gone."

The guards left.

"Xiaojiang, are you ok?" Ma Fu looks at Jiang Hao and cares about the tunnel.

Jiang Hao shook his head, "it's OK."

"I'm really sorry about today's business. I have no way to discipline you. I'll change a box for you. The consumption is free." Ma Fudao.

Jiang Hao shook his head and said, "forget it, Mr. Ma, we are almost finished."

Yi ~

Ma Fu looked at Han Lulu and was surprised.

"Who are you, Lao Han?" He asked.

Han Lulu frowned, "old Han?"

Ma Fu explained: "Han Jiande, what does he have to do with you?"

"He's my dad." Han Lulu replied.

Ma Fu was a little surprised when he heard the speech.

Immediately, shaking his head and smiling, he said with emotion, "you can see at a glance that the prosperous Ye family is not far away from decline."

"You can eat. I have a meeting. Let's go first. Don't mention anything you need."

With that, Ma Fu turned to leave.

"Mr. Ma, wait."

Suddenly, Jiang Hao spoke.

Ma Fu turned around and looked at Jiang Hao in surprise. "Xiaojiang, what else is the matter?"

Jiang Hao pulls Xiaowu, a bruised waiter, over.

"Mr. Ma, the waiter is very good. Just now when Lulu was harassed, he stood up and stopped, but he was injured by Zhou Hua and Ye Feng, and was fired by the manager."

"I want to ask you not to fire him?"

Ma Fu said with a smile: "it's just a small matter that the position of manager is vacant. Young man, would you like to be the manager?"


Xiaowu was a little confused when he heard the speech.

He was just in distress, he was fired, and he was looking for a job.

The next second, the boss he admired most hired him as the manager.

It feels like a dream.

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