The Heavenly Master sighed, "Sir, I'm for you. Have you been sleepy recently, but you can't sleep at night, your hands and feet are cold, and you shiver often?"

"Yes Yes

Mr. Zhang was stunned.

What the old man said is true.

He is really sleepy recently, but he can't sleep. No matter how much clothes he wears, his hands and feet will be cold, shivering from time to time, and sometimes he has a splitting headache.

I saw the doctor, but I couldn't find anything wrong.

Originally, he thought it was just a small problem and didn't care much.

Now, it's dangerous.

"Yes Is there a problem? "

Zhang asked subconsciously.

"There's a problem, there's a big problem!"

The Heavenly Master stared at Mr. Zhang and shook his head. "Your condition is very serious. Under the perspective of my eyes, your body has been rotten."

"When you reach middle age, your body gradually becomes empty. When you are young, you indulge too much and your body is hollowed out. When you reach middle age, you don't know how to control, your private life is erosive and you overdraw your life again and again."

"In addition, taking drugs accumulates a lot of drug toxicity in the body."

"I'm afraid you won't last half a year!"

Ah ~

General Manager Zhang's face turned white.

Recently, he really doesn't have enough energy, even if he takes drugs.

It's absolutely true.


Is he really the master of heaven?

"Well How can it be remedied? " Mr. Zhang is weak.

"Mr. Zhang, you've seen big waves before. How can you be cheated by him with a few words?"

"That's to say, a liar's words can't be trusted at all!"

"Get out of here, old man!"

A group of bosses yelled at each other.

The Heavenly Master glanced around and shook his head: "you are all evil people. Retribution is coming!"

"Shut up, old man. Believe it or not, I've ruined you!"

"Old man, if you don't shut up, I'll tear your mouth!"

"Old man, if you dare to talk nonsense again, I promise you'll regret it all your life!"

Several managers glared at each other.

The master changed his face and pointed to one of the managers, "have you ever killed anyone?"

The boss's face changed.

"You That's bullshit He quibbled with a guilty heart.

"The ghost of unjust death has been wandering in the sun for more than ten years. He has a deep resentment, and his evil thoughts have broken out. He has turned into a fierce ghost and has entangled you."

"In less than three months, you will die of nothing and be killed by the fierce ghost!" Tianshi youyou tunnel.

"You You... "

The boss surnamed Luo shivered and felt chilly, as if he was really possessed by a ghost.

He felt guilty and afraid.

Because he did kill people before.

When he first started a business, he was framed by a boss. After three years of painstaking efforts, he was ruined in an instant.

He's not willing, he's angry, he wants revenge.

In the end, the boss died. Although he didn't kill him himself, he made it.

This matter, he never mentioned with anyone, this old man, how to know.

Is he really the master of heaven who can foresee the past and the future?

Luo is shocked!

Regardless of his shock, Tianshi pointed to another boss, "did you ever break your leg?"

The boss nodded and laughed, "so what? What story are you going to make up to deceive me? "


The Heavenly Master glanced at him and shook his head.

"Stupid, stupid, in danger, still don't know!"

The boss picked an eyebrow, "Oh? I'm in danger? "

"What's the danger, then?"

"Your right leg, recently is not very painful, sometimes, even unable to walk normally?" Asked the Heavenly Master.

The boss has a cool face.

As soon as they saw it, they knew that the Heavenly Master was right.

All of a sudden, I can't help but feel a little awe for the Heavenly Master.

In particular, Uncle Zhang, Cao Bin and the boss, who are haunted by evil spirits, are frightened and at the same time have a kind of admiration.

Know the good and bad, know the past, see the future.

I'm afraid this man is really a teacher of heaven!

Even if he is not the master of heaven, he is also a master of profound Taoism.

"You How do you know? " The boss asked in amazement.

With a faint smile, the Heavenly Master said, "in my eyes, there is nothing to hide."

"Now you've had a relapse, but you'll never get rid of your broken bone for half a year."

"At that time, only amputation, installation of artificial legs!"


A playful boss suddenly changed his face.He is rich and powerful. He can enjoy life to his heart's content. He doesn't want to be disabled.

Ten thousand don't want to!

"Well Master, is there any way to cure my leg Asked the manager.

"Lao Huang, I asked the heavenly master first. The Heavenly Master should save me first."

Mr. Zhang looked at the Heavenly Master and flattered him with a smile. "Heavenly Master, I was stupid just now. I had eyes and didn't know Mount Tai. I bumped into you. I hope you don't blame me."

The master waved his hand.

"No harm, no harm, the world slanders me, I repay it with morality!"

"Heavenly Master, high virtue!"

Mr. Zhang flattered me and then said, "master, you just said that I would die within half a year. Please help me."

"Master, I'm haunted by evil spirits. Please help me first!" Another boss called.

Mr. Huang also asked, "please help my leg."

The Heavenly Master gave a kind smile.

"Don't worry, don't worry. Three days ago, I went down the mountain to experience the world of mortals, and I met Cao Xiaoyou, which shows that I have a destiny with him."

"It's fate to meet three of you here today. How can I not save myself from death?"

The Heavenly Master stroked his beard, which was a noble demeanor.

"In fact, it's not difficult to save you."

He pointed to general manager Zhang, "you are weak in Yang deficiency. You need things of extreme yang to make up for Yang Qi. If Yang Qi is sufficient, your decadent body will be rejuvenated and the danger of life will be eliminated naturally."

"Please tell me." Mr. Zhang bowed.

His attitude is very courteous, where there is a little bit of previous arrogance, disdain.

It is reasonable to say that he has rich experience and will not believe in the Heavenly Master just because of a few words.

But it's true that what the Heavenly Master said is true, and many of them are secret. Outsiders don't know, and they can't be heard.

So they couldn't help believing it.

What's more, we'd rather believe what it has than believe what it doesn't have.

For them, money is just a bunch of numbers.

No, I can earn it every minute.

But life is gone, everything is gone, so we have to pay attention to it.

After all, rich people are afraid of death and cherish their lives.

The Heavenly Master glanced and picked up an "old thing" from the table,.

A black stone.

Then, pass it to Mr. Zhang.

"It only takes one year to take this with you. It's like 20 years old to take care of your body."


Mr. Zhang is stupid.

Can a black broken stone save people?

Seeing his suspicions, the Heavenly Master said, "it's extraordinary. Although it's a stone, my eyes can see its true face."

"This stone, which has been buried in the crater for thousands of years, absorbs the Yang of the crater day and night, and transforms very extraordinary. If you take it with you, you can make up for the Yang and save your life."

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