Mr. Zhang is still skeptical.

After all, no matter how you look at this stone, you can't see anything strange about it.

"If you don't believe it, feel it." The way of heaven.

Mr. Zhang reached for the stone.

The Heavenly Master said softly, "do you feel the warmth?"

Mr. Zhang touched it and nodded: "Mm-hmm."

"This is a sign of Yang leakage. If you take it with you, you can absorb Yang and take care of your body." The Heavenly Master said in a deep voice.

"Eh, I feel that my body seems to be getting better. I'm still a little sleepy just now. Now I'm not sleepy. My arm seems to be more powerful." Zhang Zongjing Yi way.

"Yes, your body is gradually recovering." The Heavenly Master said with a smile.

"Thank you, master." Mr. Zhang bowed.

"Master of heaven, master of heaven, you say I am haunted by unjust ghosts. How can I get rid of them?" Mr. Luo asked.

"Shut up

Suddenly, the Heavenly Master yelled.

The crowd was frightened.

The master closed his eyes and said, "sin, sin."

Then, open your eyes, eyes sharp, staring at Luo, "everything in the world has life, ants have life, ghosts also have life, how cruel to get rid of?"


Mr. Luo quickly admitted his mistake and said, "yes, the teacher taught me that I was wrong. Please help me."

"If you are haunted by unjust ghosts, you will never get rid of your resentment. Therefore, you need to get rid of your resentment." The way of heaven.

"How to eliminate it?" President Luo asked.

The heavenly master picked up another "old thing" from the table.

A wood carving.

This wood carving, which Jiang Hao explored just now, is only a fake of less than five years old. It's useless. At most, it can be used for decoration.

"The work of this object is exquisite, and the carving of Maitreya Buddha is lifelike. It has been consecrated in the temple for more than 100 years. Influenced by the Buddhist nature of eminent monks, it has become extraordinary that withered wood is fragrant."

"Wearing it, you can eliminate the resentment of the unjust ghosts, and make the unjust ghosts live beyond their means."

Mr. Luo took the woodcarving, and his face brightened.

"Eh, I don't feel so cold. Is it the wood carving that dispels the grievances of the unjust ghosts?"

"Yes The Heavenly Master uttered a word.

"Thank you for your guidance."

President Luo took the woodcarving and bowed respectfully to thank him.

"Master, my leg..."

See two old friends, have baby protection, Huang total anxious.

"Don't worry, don't worry."

The master slowly picked up a mottled jade from the table.

"Your leg, old injury recurrence, mainly due to bone necrosis, this jade, contains spirit, can nourish life, help your leg, better."


Mr. Huang took the stone and looked at it again and again, with a suspicious face.

The master laughed and explained, "look at the patterns of jade. What do they look like?"

Mr. Huang took a close look at the speech.

"Like a blooming lotus."

"Yes, the lotus is a symbol of vitality. This jade is born with spirituality and nourishes the necrotic leg bones. It's perfect." The Master explained.

"I don't believe you take two steps with jade."

Mr. Huang heard the words and did it.

"Eh, how can I feel my leg, it doesn't hurt?" Mr. Huang was surprised.

"Jade is full of vitality, so it has a wonderful effect." The master stroked his beard.

Huang quickly bag shoes, "thank you for your guidance!"

"My heart is sad when people are suffering. You don't have to thank me for the experience of the world. Saving you is also saving myself." The teacher of heaven is obscure.

Mr. Zhang didn't understand at all.

But he said, "thank you for your help."

"Thank you for your help."

Mr. Huang and Mr. Luo saw this and quickly bowed their thanks again.

The master waved his hand and did not speak.

"Lao Zhang, Lao Luo, Lao Huang, this heavenly master, is it true or false?"

"Lao Luo, did you just pretend?"

"I don't believe the master of heaven, just a charlatan!"

While watching the boss, have expressed doubt.

"Shut up, Lao Lu. Don't blame me for breaking up with you if you dare to be disrespectful to the Heavenly Master again!" President Zhang denounced a boss.

Lu always picked pick eyebrow, "isn't it, Lao Zhang, you just for this charlatan, want to break up with me?"

"Shut up

Mr. Zhang said angrily, "Heavenly Master is a master with real ability, not a charlatan!"

"That is, Lao Lu, if you slander the Heavenly Master again, I won't cooperate with you in the business we talked about yesterday!" Mr. Luo also cheered coldly.

Huang did not speak, but his face was gloomy and his eyes were not good.

People's hearts were awed.

The three managers are all people who have seen big waves.

They're defending the old man like that.Is he really the master of heaven?

Some people are dubious and question the Heavenly Master.

As a result, the Heavenly Master pointed out the problems in his body. He was so scared that his face turned white. He immediately asked the Heavenly Master for help.

After Tianshi's instruction, he accepted his thanks.

Therefore, more and more people are asking for heavenly master.

The master of heaven is not annoyed or annoyed. He gives his advice carefully.

A moment later, there were five more managers who became the supporters of Tianshi.

"Master of heaven, the grace of saving lives is greater than heaven and earth. You say, what do you want? We can do it. We will not refuse." Zhang Zongdao.

"Yes, master, no matter what you want, we will do it for you!" A group of managers, said in unison.

"No need."

The Heavenly Master refused.

"People in my generation have only one heart and one mind. The purpose of going down the mountain this time is to experience the world of mortals and save all living beings. How can they care about things outside their bodies? No more such words."

After hearing the speech, the public was filled with admiration.

"The teacher of heaven is better than me!"

"The realm of the master of heaven is really not comparable to that of ordinary people like us."

"We are Meng Lang!"

"In this life, I only serve the master of heaven!"

People admire it.

They gradually believe that the master of heaven is really an expert from the mountains.

The master of heaven does not accept the gift of thanks, but general manager Zhang and others have to repay their kindness.

"Heavenly Master, this bank card has two million deposits. It's a small thank-you gift. It's not a respect!" Mr. Zhang handed out a bank card.

Other managers, seeing this scene, have followed suit.

"Master, I have two million yuan in this card. Please don't refuse."

"Master, I have three million in my card. Thank you for saving my life!"

"Master of heaven..."

For a time, eight managers all took out their bank cards.


The master is in a dilemma.

"Heavenly Master, I know you are an expert in the world. Worldly money is like dirt in your eyes, but this is our intention. Don't refuse." Mr. Zhang pleaded.

"Yes, master!"

Everyone nodded.


The master of heaven is in a dilemma.

He hesitated, pondered for a moment, and said, "well, I'll take the money for the children in poor mountainous areas and donate it to them!"

"Good weather, master!"

"The master of heaven is indeed the master of heaven. He has a heart of compassion for heaven and people!"

A group of managers praised it one after another.

They didn't notice that when the master was collecting the bank card, the corners of his mouth were slightly cocked up, as well as the bottom of his eyes.

Only Jiang Hao on one side saw it.

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