"Heavenly Master, please see if there are any good treasures in it. I want to give them away."

Suddenly, Cao Bin spoke.

The Heavenly Master took a look at him and asked, "send a man or a woman."


The master nodded and began to search.

A moment later, he picked up a jade pendant.

This jade pendant, crystal clear, very beautiful, above also carved a Phoenix, lifelike.

"It's beautiful." Cao Bin praised.

"This jade pendant is extraordinary and full of spirituality. If it is worn by a woman, it can not only nourish yin and Yang, but also beautify her face." The Heavenly Master sighed.


Cao Bin's eyes brightened.


The master nodded and handed the jade pendant to Cao Bin.

Cao Bin took the jade pendant and hesitated.

Then, go to the next Shen Mengqi.

"Mengqi, this is the jade pendant I asked from the Heavenly Master. It can nourish yin and Yang, beautify and beautify. I give it to you. I hope you can forgive me." Cao Bin is sincere.

Shen Mengqi glanced and said coldly, "I don't want to!"

"Mengqi, the Heavenly Master said that this is a treasure. You can take it." Cao Bin pleaded.

"Who is the master of heaven?" Shen Mengqi asked.

Cao Bin pointed to the master of heaven and said, "this is the master of heaven. He is an expert in the world who has the eye of Dharma. He knows the misfortunes and blessings and distinguishes the true from the false."

Shen Mengqi looked up and frowned slightly.

From the aspect of appearance, the master of heaven really has the temperament of an expert.

But I don't know why, she always felt that this kind of temperament, a little against, like a monkey, rather uncomfortable.

"Little girl."

The Heavenly Master came slowly, "your seal hall is black, and there is a dark cloud on your brow. It's hard to disperse, but what's bothering you?"

Shen Mengqi frowned, a little surprised.

She's really upset recently. How can he tell.

"Don't be surprised!"

The Heavenly Master seemed to see through her heart and said with a smile: "I look at your face, you are noble, you must be a successful heroine, but you are frowning, obviously worried about your career."

"As long as you have this jade pendant for two months, it will bring you less worries and avoid misfortune."


Shen Mengqi had not finished a word, but was pulled by Jiang Hao.

Jiang Hao glanced at the master and said coldly, "since this jade pendant is so good, you'd better leave it to yourself."

The master of heaven frowned when he heard the words.

"What do you mean, Jiang Hao?" Cao Bin stares at Jiang Hao and cheers coldly.

Jiang Hao shrugged and said innocently, "it's meaningless. Since he said this jade pendant so well, let's leave it to him. We don't need it!"

There was a haze in the eyes of the Heavenly Master, but a smile appeared on his face.

"Don't you believe me, sir?" he said gently

"Yes, I just don't believe it!"

Jiang Hao is very direct.

"In the world, good and evil, beauty and ugliness are hard to distinguish between true and false. I have a pair of eyes to see through the false, to see through the disguise, and to point out a clear way for the confused pedestrians."

"It's a pity that people don't believe me," sighed the master.

Cao Bin, indignant, scolded Jiang Hao, "Jiang Hao, the teacher of heaven is an expert in the world. Why do you question him?"

"Let's go!"

Jiang Hao is too lazy to pay attention to them. He pulls Shen Mengqi and is about to leave.

"Wait a minute!"

Suddenly, the Heavenly Master stopped him.

"Little brother, I see that your Yin Tang is black, and your eyes are dark. There is a dark air between your eyebrows. There must be ghosts. Let me help you get rid of it."

"You're haunted. Get out of here!"

Jiang Hao shook his sleeve and scolded.

"Don't play tricks on me. If you want to cheat money, go to other people. Don't look for me, or you will be rude to me!"

His words ignited the dynamite barrel.

"What did you say, boy?"

President Zhang came over, glared at Jiang Hao, rolled up his sleeves, and had a tendency to fight.

"Boy, how dare you slander the Heavenly Master?"

"Boy, apologize to the Heavenly Master immediately, otherwise, don't blame us for being impolite!"

"Heaven's master Gao de treats money like dirt. How dare you slander him?"

Six or seven generals who had been "instructed" by the Heavenly Master came forward one after another with bad eyes.

Han Lulu shrank in horror.

She pulled Jiang Hao's sleeve and said in a low voice, "brother Jiang, would you like to apologize?"

She's a little scared!

Because, in front of a few boss, are Chuzhou man of the hour.

There are tens of millions of people with the lowest value, and there are several people with more than 100 million, especially president Huang, president Zhang and president Luo. They are more rich and powerful than her, and they can't offend easily.The Heavenly Master stood with his hands down, his eyes contemptuous, looking down at Jiang Hao, and his mouth filled with a smile of victory.

"A group of idiots, being cheated, are still foolishly defending him."

Jiang Hao shook his head, rather speechless.

He is a charlatan, but he is worshipped as a master of heaven and protected in every way.

In fact, he still admired this heavenly master.

In a few words, plus a few tricks, you can cheat a group of bosses who have seen big waves. It's really something.

"What did you say?"

A group of managers, staring at the eyes, face ferocious.

At this time, the Heavenly Master spoke.

"Oh, little devil, dare to show off in front of me, but don't show off quickly!"

His cry made everyone jump.

Cao Bin was a little confused, and asked: "master of heaven, what evil, what show the original shape?"

"He The master pointed to Jiang Hao.

"I've just lost my sight. He's not haunted by ordinary ghosts at all. He's haunted by fierce ghosts. He's ferocious and vicious. Be careful!"


The crowd recoiled in fear.

Even Shen Mengqi was shocked.

However, she still hugged Jiang Hao's arm and did not let go, let alone escape.

Because she believes in Jiang Hao.

Jiang Hao mouth a Yang, light tunnel: "make up, you continue to make up!"

"Come on, little devil, you're not going to fall into reincarnation. You're reincarnated again. Don't blame me for beating you out of your wits. You can't live forever!" The master of heaven is very strange.

"You big head

Jiang Hao rolled his eyes.

This fake Heavenly Master is good at pulling and deceiving.

"Be careful, he's going to blow it up!" The Heavenly Master drank a lot.

Ah ~

the crowd screamed in horror and retreated from Jiang Hao.

Jiang Hao is speechless.

What do you think about playing games?

"Don't be afraid. I'll take him!"

The Heavenly Master yelled and rushed to Jiang Hao, grabbing Jiang Hao's head.

"Go away!"

Jiang Hao was too lazy to talk, so he kicked him to the ground.

"Tianshi, Tianshi, are you ok?"

As soon as Zhang Zong's face changed, he quickly helped the Heavenly Master up.

"The spirit of the devil is the essence, and the way is really deep!"

The Heavenly Master sighed.

Jiang Hao waved his hand, "don't pretend. Who are you? You know, and I know. You don't have to pretend in front of me!"

"Otherwise, don't blame me for exposing your fraud!"

The Heavenly Master heard the speech, and he felt a thump in his heart.

"Little devil, don't try to bewitch the world. Since you say I'm a liar, show me the evidence!" The master of heaven was a little guilty.


Jiang Hao snorted coldly, "don't cry if you don't see the coffin. Let's see how I can expose your fraud!"

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