"Isn't he from a rich family?" Jiang Hao doesn't think so.

"A good family background is an advantage!"

Kedi said faintly: "good birth, high starting point, high starting point, future achievements, will be more brilliant!"

"So, you don't deserve Mengqi!"

Ha ha ha

Jiang Hao laughs, "do you deserve it or not? You are not qualified to judge!"

"Besides, how can you assert that my future is not as good as that dragon?"

"You..." Cody spoke.

But Jiang Hao interrupted, "you don't have to say that. In fact, in my eyes, you and Xiang long, including the Ke family and Xiang family in Nanshan City, which you are proud of, are not bullshit!"

"Because, my future, not you can compare, more not you can imagine!"

He's very confident.

With nine days dragon formula, Jiang Hao's future is immeasurable.

You know, even now, as long as he is willing to save a few people, he can make millions every minute.


Cody was so angry, "arrogant!"

"Frog in the well, I don't know how big the Tianhe river is!"

"Do you know how much energy our Ke family and Xiang family have in Nanshan city and even the whole Jiangdong province?"

"Forget it. You can't understand what I'm telling you."

Ke Di stares at Jiang Hao. "I think your skill is very good. I'll give you one last chance to be my bodyguard. I promise you a boundless and prosperous life."

"Master Chen is an expert whom I have paid a lot of money to invite. If you behave well, I may ask Master Chen to accept you as an apprentice."

One side of the old man, blunt way: "no way!"

"He is too old to miss the golden age of practice. Even if he is accepted as an apprentice, he will not achieve anything in his life."


Slap in the face!

Hit the face on the spot.

Cody was rather embarrassed, but there was not a trace of anger on his face, or even a little dissatisfaction. Instead, he bowed and said, "master Chen said it."

"However, I can barely accept him as a boy, follow me and take care of my daily life. If I am satisfied, I may give him some advice." Master Chen drags the tunnel.

Kedi's face brightened when he heard the speech.

"Do you hear me? Why don't you kneel down and thank Master Chen? "


Jiang Hao mouth a lift, "good big gimmick, also reluctantly accept me as a boy?"

"Sorry, you want to take it. I don't want to be one!"

"What skill do you have to give me?"

"Hum, ignorant child!"

Master Chen gave a cold hum.

Kedi's heart trembled, and he immediately scolded: "boy, master Chen is willing to accept you as a boy. It's a blessing you've cultivated in your eight lives. You don't cherish it, and you don't respect master Chen!"

"Apologize quickly!"

"What's the apology?"

Jiang Hao said indifferently: "I'm not wrong. He is not qualified to instruct me, let alone accept me as a boy!"


When Kedi saw master Chen's face getting darker and darker, he jumped with fear.

This guy, he's a jerk!

Even he didn't dare to offend master Chen. He despised master Chen.

Mengqi must not follow him!

Ha ha ha

Suddenly, master Chen looked up and laughed.

He bent down, picked up a small stone, held it tightly, and made a sudden effort.


The sound of breaking.

He opened his hand and the hard stones broke into pieces.

Crush the stone with bare hands!


Cody's eyes are almost staring out.

He had seen master Chen's strength before, and he had psychological preparation, but this time, he was still extremely shocked.

The stone is so hard that it was crushed with bare hands. It's just like a myth.

"Master Chen, cow!"

Cody gave a thumbs up.

Master Chen's face was calm and he looked at Jiang Hao, "ignorant child, do you see that?"

"The world is far more magical than you think. When my boy follows me and listens to my advice, it's your destiny, but you don't cherish it."

"Do you regret it now?"

Jiang Hao shrugged, "nothing to regret."

Crushing stones with bare hands?

Is it hard?

He was able to do it before the breakthrough, not to mention now.

As long as he wants to, he can crush stones with one finger, or even crush them into powder, unlike master Chen, who can only crush them.

"Ignorant child, send you fortune, but you have eyes not to know!" Master Chen drinks cold."It's impossible for Shangqi to enter the dream all her life!"

Cody waved. "Let's go!"

Jiang Hao turns to Shen Mengqi.

Shen Mengqi asked with concern: "brother Jiang, what did the second uncle say to you?"

"He asked me to be his bodyguard. If he behaved well, he asked the old man to accept me as a boy. He told me that it was a gift and a gift."

Jiang Hao rubbed his nose and said, "it's ridiculous that when someone else's slave, in his mouth, he has become a gift!"

"Come on, don't be angry."

Shen Mengqi is also a little dissatisfied with her second uncle.

"Boy, frog in the well, he has little knowledge. Master Chen is an expert in martial arts and Taoism. It's an honor for you to be his boy, but you still dislike him!"

"What a fool Xiang Long laughs.


Jiang Hao picked to pick eyebrow, "when his boy, really have so good?"

"Of course!"

Xiang Long complacent smile, "now know regret?"

"As long as you swear to leave Mengqi forever and apologize to me, I will plead for you and persuade master Chen to take you in, OK?"

"Not so good?"

Jiang Hao said sarcastically: "if you want to be a slave, you can be it!"


Xiang Long glared.

"Brother Jiang, let's go!"

Shen Mengqi glances at him, pulls Jiang Hao and turns to leave.


Xiang Long looks at their back and scolds them.

Cody came over, patted him on the shoulder and comforted him: "don't worry, your life experience, background, appearance, knowledge and ability are not comparable to those of that boy."

"I believe that Mengqi will choose you in the end!"


Xiang long heard the speech and nodded heavily.

Time flies.

In the blink of an eye, it was dark.

Antiques auction, officially started.

Jiang Hao and Shen Mengqi send out the invitation and enter the auction house.

This auction is of high standard.

People with a value of less than 50 million are not eligible to enter.

The auction house is big and has three floors.

The first floor has the largest number of people, all of whom are worth less than 100 million yuan.

People in the second tier are worth more than 100 million.

Shen Mengqi and Jiang Hao, sitting on the second floor.

The third floor, sitting, are all real people of the moment.

Cody and Xiang long are on the third floor.

"The first auction, the blue and white porcelain vase of the Yuan Dynasty, starts at a price of one million yuan. The price increase should not be less than 200000 yuan each time. Now the auction begins!"

With the auctioneer's order, the price calls came one after another.

"1.5 million!"

"1.8 million!"

"Two million!"

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