In the blink of an eye, the price of blue and white porcelain vase was 2.5 million yuan.

Jiang Hao was speechless.

Really a group of rich people, open mouth, is 12 million, no hesitation, no pain, too extravagant.

In a few minutes.

The blue and white porcelain vase was won by a boss for 3.7 million yuan.

In the next auction, none of the pieces sold for less than three million yuan.

Jiang Hao was thrilled to see it.

However, he found that none of these antiques is a fake, they are all genuine.

It can be seen from this that the treasure appraiser is very good.

These antiques, after years of accumulation, gave birth to spirituality, which is quite extraordinary.

Antiques can make a home and raise people.

The stronger the spirit, the better the effect.

An hour later, the play came.

The last five are coming.

The bosses on the second and third floors, with their lazy faces, finally showed a touch of seriousness.

They are almost aiming at five important things.

After all, although the antiques just now are precious, they don't think much of them.

"The first of the five is the heart of luck."

The auctioneer put out a heart-shaped diamond and said, "lucky heart, there are five owners."

"The first owner, who was originally a poor man, got lucky heart by chance. From then on, he was lucky all his life. In just three years, he became a billionaire from poverty."

"The second master was a miner. Once he dug, the mine suddenly collapsed. Dozens of miners were buried deep underground. He was the only one who survived."

"The Third Master..."

"The fourth master..."

"The fifth master..."

Hiss ~

after listening to the auctioneer's introduction, everyone took a breath.

Lucky heart, really extraordinary.

Can bring good luck, help the host in the market officialdom, unimpeded.

Moreover, in a critical moment, it can also help the host escape from life.

It's against the sky!

The role of lucky heart has been verified. Don't worry about it.

The managers on the second and third floors are all short of breath.

Lucky heart, they all want to win!

After observing for a while, Jiang Hao found that this lucky heart contains a strong spirit, which can almost be called a fake magic weapon.

The magic weapon, which is made by the practitioners, has special functions.

This lucky heart is formed naturally. Without sacrificial practice, it can only be regarded as a fake magic weapon, but it is also extraordinary and has various functions.

However, he did not have the heart.

Because if there are materials, he can practice a real magic weapon, so he doesn't need a fake one.

He doesn't move, but a lot of people do.

"Lucky heart, the starting price is three million, and each increase should not be less than 200000!"

As soon as the voice dropped, someone called.

"Four million!"

This person directly increased by one million, but did not scare the people who were ready to move.

"I'll give you five million!"

"Six million!"

The bidding price is getting higher and higher. The managers on the second and third floors can't calm down.

The rich man on the first floor was stunned.

It turned out that they were just bidding fiercely, but now they are really crazy.

Finally, the lucky heart was won by a boss on the third floor with 34 million yuan.

There are five final treasures, one more precious than the other.

Similarly, prices are getting higher and higher.

The last one is the last one. The transaction price is as high as 68 million, which is amazing.

Jiang Hao shook his head secretly.

It's crazy!

In just over an hour, he witnessed hundreds of millions of transactions.

"Let's go." Shen Mengqi said.


Jiang Hao nodded, ready to leave with Shen Mengqi.

Suddenly, the auctioneer spoke.

"Ladies and gentlemen, we just received a deal at the auction, so we need to add an auction temporarily."

"Pass the auction up!"

Miss etiquette, with a tray, walked up to the auction table.

The auctioneer opened the red cloth to reveal the auction.

"A broken stone, what the hell?"

"Did you make a mistake that a broken stone was put up for auction?"

"This kind of broken stone, pick up a basket, fool will bid!"

Many rich people complain.

"This This is... "

Master Chen beside Cody was trembling with excitement.

"What's the origin of this stone master Chen?" Cody was surprised and asked."I don't know!"

Master Chen's eyes were burning, staring at the stone, "but I can feel that this stone contains a strong aura."

"If I can get a stone and practice it, my strength will be greatly increased. This stone can also be worshipped, practiced and forged into a magic weapon. It has infinite power!"

"Even if you wear it with you, it also has many advantages, which makes you immune to all kinds of diseases and poisons."


Kedi was shocked when he heard the speech.

His eyes, too, became hot, and his breath was short.

Be sure to take down this stone!

This is his strongest thought at the moment.

In addition to master Chen, there were several martial arts experts present. They also realized that this stone was extraordinary, and the managers also knew it.

"Start bidding quickly!"

A boss, can't wait, yelled.

Suddenly, other managers immediately realized that this stone is extraordinary.

So, they also want to put stones in their pockets.

Jiang Hao stares at the stone on the auction table and frowns.

"Is this stone the Diyin stone recorded in the inheritance?"

Diyin stone.

As the name suggests, it is a kind of stone deeply buried in the ground, which contains a strong Yin evil spirit, and also contains aura, which is rare in the world.

Especially on earth, it's almost invisible.

I didn't expect to see it now.

According to inheritance records, the biggest function of Diyin stone is not to sacrifice and practice magic tools, nor to improve cultivation, but to use it as a unique skill.

Nine turn Yin thunder!

This skill is in his memory. Jiang Hao has been coveting it, but he can't practice it because he has no Diyin stone.

Now, the Diyin stone appears. He can't miss it.

"Everyone, be quiet, be quiet!"

The auctioneer pressed his hand. "Just now, the owner of this stone asked for an auction."

"This stone is not sold for money."

Someone heard the speech and began to shout.

"If you don't auction with money, what will you auction with?"

"Is it barter?"

The auctioneer shook his head. "None of them."

"His demand is that whoever wants a stone will fight, and whoever wins will have the stone."


After hearing the words, they opened their mouths wide.

They have participated in many auctions, and it is the first time that they have heard such a wonderful way of bidding.

Who's going to win.

What is this?

Do hooligans fight?

"Well, if you want to compete for stones, please register with me and sign the contract. You can't kill people later. You can't be conceited!" The auctioneer said.

"It's a good way to bid."

Jiang Hao is smiling.

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