This time, Shen Mengqi attached great importance to holding activities.

Through Jiang Hao's scrambled eggs with tomatoes, she hopes to bring back the lost customers.

So, on the penultimate day, she started advertising everywhere.

For example, distributing leaflets, publishing newspapers, advertising on websites and so on.

On the other hand, Mr. Mai also advertised.

He's got a lot of money.

Not only in the local TV stations to buy advertising, but also bus stations and other places with large traffic, bought advertising space.

Moreover, he also made a MV for Wang Fu to create momentum and stir up stunts.

Fu Wang lied about his identity.

He actually said that he was of overseas Chinese origin. Although he was born in China, he grew up living abroad, speaking foreign languages and receiving foreign education.

But his heart always belongs to China.

Now, he has passed the Michelin star rating assessment and become an international chef with Michelin star rating.

He made it.

But resolutely gave up the foreign excellent treatment, with honor, return to the motherland.

Because, he has a patriotism.

This MV, caused not small sensation.

People who have seen the MV say they admire Wang Fu very much.

And I promise I will support him in two days.

"Wang Fu, good boy, I will support you!"

"International chef, welcome back to China!"

"Wufu Hotel, right? I will go the day after tomorrow

"Just for Wang Fu's patriotism, we must support one!"

"Support + 1!"

"Support + 2!"


"Support + 10086!"

Overnight, everywhere in Chuzhou City, people were talking about Wangfu and Wufu hotel.

The activity was hot before it started.

Even in the past two days, the business of Wufu hotel has improved a lot.

In contrast, the advertising effect of Star Dream Hotel is a little miserable.

"Mr. Shen, they are so shameless. That Wang Fu, who clearly couldn't get along abroad, came back to China. He actually said that he would give up the preferential treatment because of his patriotism."

Sister Chen was very angry and couldn't help muttering.


SHEN Mengqi shook her head when she heard the speech.

It's said that Mr. Mai is cunning and good at hype. If he's mixed up in the entertainment circle, he's sure to be prosperous.

She didn't believe it before, but now she does.

The point is, Mr. Mai is very careful.

He lied openly. He must have dealt with everything.

Even if she shakes out Wang Fu's background, it may not be useful.

"Mr. Shen, why don't we spend money on advertising?" Chen Jie suggested.

Shen Mengqi shook her head, "it's too late, even if the next cost of advertising, the effect will not be very ideal, so there is no need to spend money wrongly."

"Well, don't worry, everything depends on tomorrow. Jiang Xiaodi's scrambled eggs with tomatoes is our real trump card!" Shen Mengqi said confidently.


Sister Chen smiles when she hears the speech.

They have great confidence in Jiang Hao's scrambled eggs with tomatoes.

After all, this is a dish praised by Mr. Li He, a famous international food critic.

The third day.

At six in the morning, the activity officially began.

There was a long line at the gate of Wufu hotel.

As soon as the door opened, the crowd poured in.

Mr. Mai had expected that 20 or 30 security guards rushed out to control the scene.

Then he took a microphone and began to speak.

"Hello, everyone. I'm the owner of this hotel. I've seen your support for Wang Fu, the international chef. I'm very happy and thank you very much."

"But as you can see, your enthusiasm is so high that we can't bear it."

"Therefore, we decided to select 30 lucky viewers, each of whom can bring three relatives and friends to taste Master Wang Fu's delicious food."

"Those who have not been selected need not be depressed, because today's consumption is 10% off!" Mike said in a loud voice.

"Wow, that's great!"

"Boss, you are also good!"

"10% off, I like it!"

All of a sudden, the crowd was boiling.

When Mr. Mai saw this scene, the corners of his mouth were almost behind his ears.

Small profit and quick turnover!

So many guests, even if all 10% off, can also make a lot of money.

From the moment of opening the door, Wufu hotel has been full.

It's so hot!

"Mr. Mai, the following people have made a rough statistics. Today's turnover should exceed 800000, and the net profit is about 500000." The Secretary reported."Good, great!"

Mr. Mai was so excited that he almost jumped up.

One day's turnover is over 800000, which is unimaginable.

You know, before Wufu Hotel, the turnover of a day was only 100000 at most.

Today it's quadrupled, or even more.

The advertising expenses of the last few days can be earned back in two days.

It's worth it!

"By the way, how is the Star Dream Hotel next door?" He asked.

Hey, hey

The secretary gave a schadenfreude laugh.

"According to the following observation, their guests today are less than half of their usual number, and their activities are almost ignored. This time, they are completely defeated!"

"Good, good!"

Mike is excited again.

Two years.

Wufu Hotel, which has been under the pressure of Xingmeng Hotel, has finally made a beautiful turnaround today.

"Go and see if Shen Mengqi's face turns black?"

With a wave of his hand, Mr. Mai led his secretary to Xingmeng hotel.

When I came to the Star Dream Hotel, I saw the rare guests inside. The smile on Mr. Mai's face became more and more brilliant.

"Mr. Shen, why is there no one interested in our activities?" Sister Chen was puzzled.

Shen Mengqi shakes her head. Deep in her eyes, she reveals deep disappointment.

She wanted to use the event to boost the hotel's customer base.

But now it seems that there is not only no pull, but also a lot of loss.

"Yo, Mr. Shen, what's the matter? "Sad?" Mai always smacked his lips and said sarcastically.


Shen Mengqi snorted coldly, "what are you doing here?"

"Let me have a look. It's said that you are also holding activities here. Why doesn't there seem to be any people?"

"Well, you don't know, there are too many guests in our place. The cooks and waiters are too busy. What a pain!" Mr. Mai shook his head and sighed.


Shen Mengqi glaring, "hurry up, I don't welcome you here."

"The door is the guest. Mr. Shen, it's wrong for you to drive away the guests like this. No wonder you are so cold here. Alas, young man, you still have a lot to learn."

Mr. Mai waved his hand. "Forget it, I'll teach you how to run a hotel when I have time today."

"No, you need to go!" Shen Mengqi said in a cold voice.

"Don't be in a hurry to refuse. Don't worry. I won't take any money." Mr. Mai laughed.

At this time, Jiang Hao came out.

"Sister Mengqi, who is this idiot? Where did you come from? "

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