
The smile on Mr. Mai's face suddenly solidified.

"Mr. Shen, are all your employees such unqualified goods?" He said coldly.

"Are you sick?"

Jiang Hao gave a blunt reply.

"I know in a minute that with such unqualified employees, Shen Mengqi, no wonder your hotel is getting worse and worse. You'd better close as soon as possible and find a man to marry!" Mr. Mai sneered.

"Idiot, you make fun of sister Mengqi?"

Jiang Hao's face, instantly become cold, "believe it or not, I beat you?"


Mr. Mai stepped back in fright.

"Mr. Mai, you go. I don't welcome you here. You make up your identity for Wang Fu and cheat consumers. Sooner or later, it will be exposed. Take care of yourself." Shen Mengqi hummed coldly.

Hey, hey

Mr. Mai said with a faint smile, "exposed, exposed. At that time, I had made a lot of money. Besides, even if exposed, what can they do?"

Shen Mengqi heard the speech and immediately shook her head.

"The consumer is God, you open a hotel, actually don't even know this truth, your hotel, sooner or later will end."


Mr. Mai sneered, "consumers are not God, money is God!"

"I just fabricated an identity, stir up a gimmick, and didn't hurt consumers. What can I do?"

Shen Mengqi frowned, "you go!"

It's a long story!

"Don't worry, don't worry, hehe Mr. Shen, there are few guests in your hotel. Would you like me to advertise for you in my hotel? "

Mai general obscene smile, "you don't worry, not expensive, a day 500000, how?"

When they heard the words, they turned their eyes.

Half a million a day?

Not expensive?

You think we don't know how to count?

"No need!" Shen Mengqi cheered coldly.

Mr. Mai shrugged his shoulders and said with regret: "it's a pity, Mr. Shen, I give you a chance, but you don't want it. It seems that your hotel will be finished soon!"

"No, it's more of your hotel, idiot? What can I do for you? "

Jiang Hao gave a cold drink.


With a flick of his sleeve, general manager Mai hummed, "Hey, my hotel has a lot of guests. I just want to have a good time. What can you do?"

"Look at your hotel. There's no one at all. Let's get out of here as soon as possible."


Jiang Hao squinted at him. "There are so many guests. What's so great about that? Can you believe that tomorrow, our hotel will have more guests than yours? "

Ha ha ha

When Mr. Mai heard the speech, he looked up to the sky and laughed.

"Boy, are you brain burned out?"

"More guests than my hotel?"

Mr. Mai sarcastically said, "what do you use to attract customers?"

"Idiot, I won't tell you!" Jiang Hao said haughtily.

Mr. Mai's nose is almost crooked.

"Well, I'd like to see how many guests are there in your hotel tomorrow?"

He snorted coldly and left.

After Mr. Mai left, Shen Mengqi quickly asked Jiang Hao, "brother Jiang, you were too aggressive just now. Mr. Mai's hotel is too hot. I think there are more guests than him. It's impossible."

"Sister Mengqi, I'm here. It's not impossible!" Jiang Hao patted his chest.

Shen Mengqi eyes a bright, "you have a way?"

"Of course!"

Jiang Hao's mouth lifted.

In the afternoon of that day, another activity was held in Xingmeng hotel.

Flyers, radio

There are advertisements everywhere.

"Do you want to get thinner?"

"Do you want to be white?"

"Do you want to be beautiful?"

"Do you want to get rid of acne?"

"Do you want to be healthier?"


The novel advertisement immediately attracted many people.

Almost all those who have heard of advertisements are interested.

Which woman doesn't want to be white and beautiful, even if she is already white and beautiful?

Which fat man doesn't want to lose weight?

Which face has the person of whelk, do not want acne?

Who doesn't want to be healthier, men and women, young and old?

As soon as the advertisement came out, it caused a sensation.

Star Dream Hotel.

Shen Mengqi looked at Jiang Hao with a worried face, "Jiang Xiaodi, you Can your dish really achieve the effect of the advertisement? If not, isn't it cheating consumers? "

"Sister Mengqi, don't worry, my cooking is absolutely attainable!"

Jiang Hao smiles confidently.

Want to get thinner?Simple!

As long as he does a few cucumber scrambled eggs, or vegetable fried cabbage, OK.

Cucumbers and cabbages have the effect of shaving oil to lose weight. He uses his spiritual power to completely retain these nutrients when cooking.

Such a dish, weight loss effect is very obvious.

Moreover, he will leave a little spiritual power in each dish.

After the guests eat the dishes, Lingli enters the body, burns fat and loses weight.

"Really?" Shen Mengqi has some doubts.


Jiang Hao nodded and left.

"Sister Mengqi, I'm going to cook first."

In the afternoon, the activity began.

All of a sudden, dense people came in.

"Boss, give me a dish to lose weight." Cried a fat man.

"Boss, a dish that can turn white after eating!" Lang's skin is a little dark.

"Boss, I want a beautiful dish!" A "flower like sister" yelled.

"Boss, white, beautiful, thin, acne free dishes, all to a!" A dinosaur girl, yelling at the top of her voice.


Hundreds of people yelled together, the voice was like thunder, and almost overturned the roof.

Shen Mengqi stood up and presided over the situation.

"Hello, everyone. I'm the boss of Xingmeng hotel. Our chefs can make all the dishes you want. Don't worry. Wait patiently for a while."

"Well, boss, hurry up."

The guests all sat down.

Two minutes later, the first dish was served.

It's scrambled egg with cucumber.

"It smells good."

"Yes, I smell hungry!"

"It looks delicious. I want to eat it!"

"Boss, hurry up, I'm hungry!"

The guests quarreled again.

Lucky fat sister, in the eyes of envy, began to taste cucumber scrambled eggs.

"Well, delicious, delicious, delicious!"

Fat sister, while eating, while praise.

In the blink of an eye, a dish was destroyed.

Next to the guests, quickly asked: "how? Do you have the effect of losing weight

Fat sister shook her head, confused way: "I don't know, I feel warm, like running."

People's eyes lit up when they heard the words.

Warm body, like running?

Isn't that the characteristic of fat burning?

Can a dish really lose weight?

All of a sudden, everyone's breathing, are short.

"Boss, hurry up!"

They all urged.

Among the chefs, Jiang Hao can cook three kinds of dishes at the same time without any confusion.

In the afternoon of that day, the guests of Xingmeng hotel came in an endless stream.

Not to mention those dishes, whether they can lose weight or whiten, just because they are so delicious that they can't stop, makes the guests linger.

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