In some office.

"Eh, how do you feel that you are different today?"

"What's the difference?"

"Feel It feels like you've lost a little weight. "

"Well, I weighed myself yesterday and lost half a Jin."

"Half a kilo a day? How do you lose weight? Teach me. "

"Do you know the advertisement of Xingmeng hotel?"

"Know, a dish, can lose weight, can whiten, a listen is false!"

"No, it's true. I ate a dish to lose weight yesterday and lost half a Jin. I'll go to eat it after work later!"

"Really? I'm going to have a try, too! "

In a school classroom.

"Xiaoxiao, how does the acne on your face seem to be a little lighter?"

"I thought it was my illusion."

"What medicine did you put on? So effective. "

"Without the dressing, I ate a dish."

"Brag, what dish is so brag?"

"Do you know the advertisement of Xingmeng hotel? The food there is not only delicious, but also has the effect of removing acne! "

"Really? I'll eat after school, too! "

"OK, let's go together!"


Overnight, the star dream hotel was hot.

The next day, countless people poured into the hotel and formed a long line.

Shen Mengqi saw this scene, beautiful alchemy, showing a beautiful smile.

In contrast, Wufu hotel has nearly 30% fewer guests.

"Mr. Mai, today's guests are nearly 30% less than yesterday." The secretary is weak.

Mr. Mai's face is not good-looking.


"The gimmick has passed, and the popularity is declining. Naturally, there are fewer guests."

"There is another reason," the Secretary reported

"Yesterday afternoon, the Star Dream Hotel on the next street held another activity, which was very popular and robbed us of all our customers."

"Star Dream Hotel?"

Mr. Mai narrowed his eyes. "What are they doing?"

"According to the propaganda, what is the food that can lose weight, whiten and remove acne?" The Secretary said.

Whoosh ~

Mr. Mai laughed on the spot.

"Shen Mengqi, Shen Mengqi, I thought you were so noble. Unexpectedly, you kept saying that you can't cheat consumers. Now you are trying to cheat consumers for money."

"I really overestimate you."

He waved his hand, "OK, Star Dream Hotel, don't worry, consumers are not fools, advertising can cheat them once, but not twice."

"Wang Fu was ordered to make 20 plates of mandarin fish in thick soup today."


The Secretary stopped and said, "Mr. Mai, it takes at least 40 minutes for Wang Fu to make a plate of mandarin fish in thick soup, 20 plates a day, and at least 13 hours. Isn't it too much?"

"How much?"

"I don't think it's much at all!"

Mr. Mai cheered coldly: "the annual salary of 500000 is not for nothing!"

"Go and tell him that if you can't make 20 dishes a day, you'll roll up and go away!"


The Secretary nodded and walked out.

A dream of stars.

Following the dishes that can whiten, lose weight and remove acne, JiangHao has launched the dishes that can lower blood pressure and blood lipid, attracting a large number of middle-aged and elderly customers.

In the afternoon of that day, the guests of Xingmeng hotel had already surpassed Wufu hotel.

The next day, the customers of Star Dream Hotel continued to grow.

In contrast, the customers of Wufu hotel are only half of the day of the event.

The third day.

The turnover of Xingmeng hotel has broken the record since its opening.

The guests of Wufu hotel are only 30%.

On a street.

"Hey, Zhang Ming, where are you going to eat today?"

"Star Dream Hotel."

"What? Don't you claim to be patriotic? Why don't you go to Wufu Hotel and support Master Wang Fu? "

"I've already supported it. There's no need to go any more. Moreover, the dishes he cooked are not very delicious. There's only one kind of food to eat. I'm tired of it. I want to change my taste."

"OK, let's go to Xingmeng hotel."

In a living room.

"Honey, let's go to the star dream hotel for dinner today."

"You've been there for three days."

"The food there is delicious, and it can also reduce weight, whiten and remove acne."

"Can we not go?"

"No, I have to go. I have to go if I don't!"

"Yes, listen to my wife!""Hum, I'll discuss with you well. If you don't listen, you have to make me angry!"

"My wife, xiaoxiaohuo, I'm sorry, it's a small mistake. Let's go to Xingmeng hotel now!"

The reputation of Xingmeng Hotel soared, while that of Wufu Hotel plummeted.

In the office.

"Sister Mengqi, I don't cook any more." Jiang Hao looks tired.

In recent days, his spiritual power has been consumed so fast that he can't bear it.

He's ready to give up.

Ah ~

when Shen Mengqi heard the speech, the smile on her face disappeared.

"Younger brother Jiang, stick to it for a few more days. Please, elder sister. Although the price of hotel customers has soared, they haven't stabilized. Once you stop cooking, they probably won't come to spend any more." Shen Mengqi pleaded.

"Good All right

Seeing Shen Mengqi pleading, Jiang Hao's heart softened.

"Hee hee, I knew little brother Jiang was the best." Shen Mengqi praised.

"Sister Mengqi, there are too many guests recently. I can't be busy by myself. Otherwise, if you raise the price of vegetables, there will be fewer guests and I can relax." Jiang Hao suggested.

Shen Mengqi pondered for a moment, nodded and said: "OK, how much do you think is more appropriate."

"A hundred dollars a plate!" Jiang Hao's light tunnel.


Shen Mengqi was shocked by the speech.

"This Is it too expensive? What if there is no order? "

Scrambled eggs with cucumber and scrambled eggs with tomato are all on the market for ten yuan.

But Jiang Hao had to sell it for 100 yuan.

It's too expensive!

Who will buy it?

"Expensive? It's not expensive at all

Jiang Hao shook his head, "the person who should buy, or will buy, sister Mengqi, you don't have to worry."

He thinks it's cheaper?

After all, in his view, psychic power is priceless.

As soon as the notice of raising the price of vegetables was taken out, it caused a lot of dissatisfaction.

"What's the matter? How come the price of vegetables has gone up so much? "

"Damn, one hundred yuan a set. Why don't you rob it?"

"It's too expensive. I won't eat it!"

"Black, really his sister's black!"

A lot of people started shouting.

"Hey, do you want to buy it or not? If you don't buy it, just go away. Don't stand in front of us!"

"If you don't buy it, you're in line. Let's go now!"

People in the back, dissatisfied.

"Buy it, who says I won't buy it!"

The person who complained just now muttered, and then stood in line quietly.

One hundred yuan is not expensive for ordinary people.

After all, a bottle of cosmetics costs more than 100 yuan.

And a dish, can lose weight, can whitening, can acne, top a set of cosmetics, very cost-effective.

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