"Damn, how can so many people buy 100 yuan worth of scrambled eggs with cucumbers?"

In the kitchen, Jiang Hao murmured discontentedly.

Then, he tried to cook.

Now, he's frying five dishes at the same time, or he'll be too busy.

Wufu Hotel, office.

"Asshole! Asshole

Mr. Mai roared and looked ugly.

"A group of cheap dog things, their hotel food prices rise, 100 yuan a plate of vegetables, are scrambling to buy, Laozi Hotel, discount, you do not come!"

"Bitches, bitches!"

Dong Dong!

There was a knock at the door.

"Come in!" Mai always roared.

The Secretary opened the door and walked in gently, for fear that if the noise was a little bigger, it would annoy Mr. Mai.

"What's the matter?"

General manager Mai stares at the secretary.

The Secretary trembled and said weakly, "Mai Mr. Mai, the most According to the statistics of the turnover in the last three days, the total profit is 875000. "

"Asshole, why so few? Less than half of the money spent on advertising and stunts. " Mr. Mai was even more angry when he heard the speech.

"Because Because in the last two days, the guests are too Too little. " The Secretary trilled.

"A bunch of bitches!" Mai always insisted and scolded.

"Think of a way for me quickly, we must curb the hot trend of Star Dream Hotel!"

The Secretary had a bitter face.


Before he finished a word, he was interrupted by Mr. Mai.

"If you can't, get out of here now!"

The secretary was bitter when he heard the speech.

Suddenly, he thought of a plan.

"Mr. Mai, I've come up with a way. I don't know if it's ok?"

"What can I do, say it quickly!" Mai always roared.


The Secretary nodded and said, "the gimmick of Star Dream Hotel to attract customers is their food, which can whiten, lose weight, remove acne, lower blood pressure and blood lipid."

"Although some dishes can do this, the effect is not obvious."

"So, we can report them anonymously on the Internet, pour dirty water on them, and say that they cheat consumers and make dirty money. At that time, we can find some water army to fry them, and then we can discredit their hotel!"

"If the reputation of their hotel stinks, it's over!"

Mr. Mai laughed grimly when he heard the words.

"That's good, that's good!"

"Hey, Shen Mengqi, aren't you very happy? This time, I want your star dream hotel. It's over

Then he looked at the secretary.

"This matter, you go to handle immediately, tomorrow morning, I want to see the result!"


The Secretary said, and quickly quit.

That night, a microblog set off a big wave on the Internet.

"In order to make money, a hotel in Chuzhou lied that their food could whiten, lose weight, remove acne, lower blood pressure and blood lipid, and cure all kinds of diseases."

"Even a dish of a few yuan scrambled eggs with cucumbers is selling for 100 yuan. It's so black hearted. Let's boycott this hotel together!"

In just one hour, there were more than 100000 tweets on this microblog, and more than 50000 comments below.

"Damn, what hotel is so dark?"

"Boycott, boycott, boycott!"

"My God, do you want a dish of 100 yuan vegetable?"

"I have a big fork. Is it too dark?"

"Blogger, what's the name of this hotel? I'll report it!"

"How dark is the heart of the owner of this hotel? It's not enough to cheat consumers by making false advertisements, but it's still a pit for our money! "

"A dish of scrambled eggs with cucumbers costs 100 yuan. It's another shrimp with skin!"

"No prawns, no cucumbers!"

Ten minutes later.

It has been revealed that this hotel is called Xingmeng hotel.

Suddenly, netizens began to spray Star Dream Hotel.

"Star Dream Hotel? I think it's the black heart hotel

"If you buy a dish of vegetables for a few yuan, you can earn almost 100 yuan. If you buy a dish for a hundred yuan, you can earn 100 yuan. If you earn a dish for a hundred yuan, you can earn a thousand yuan. If you buy a dish for a thousand yuan, you can earn 100000 yuan. You can earn hundreds of thousands of yuan a day. It's too dark!"

"That is, the black hearted boss of this hotel is not human!"

Of course, there are different voices on the Internet.

Basically, the customers who have consumed in Xingmeng Hotel stand up and speak for Xingmeng hotel.

"Don't talk nonsense. I've eaten the food of Xingmeng hotel. It's very delicious and can really lose weight. It's worth 100 yuan. I don't think it's expensive at all!""Yes, I don't think it's expensive either!"

"It can whiten, lose weight, remove acne, and it's very delicious. What's wrong with a hundred yuan dish like this? I am willing to

"Red eye is a kind of disease, it must be treated!"

"If you want to die one by one, you're just jealous. Other people have the ability to earn hundreds of thousands a day?"

However, the sound was soon drowned by the water army.

"Are you the monkey's Teaser?"

"A dish of vegetable for 100 yuan, are you willing? Stupid


"It has been identified that the people who wash the floor upstairs are all hired by the boss of Xingmeng hotel!"

"A bunch of brains!"

Seeing these comments, the people who spoke for Xingmeng hotel were so angry that their heads were smoking.

They finally recognized a fact:

never reason with brain damage!

Because, they will pull your IQ to the same level, and then beat you with rich experience.

This micro blog, under the hype of the Navy, is becoming more and more popular.

The next day.

Shen Mengqi trembled with anger when she saw the microblog.

"Find out for me, who in the end is behind the trouble, to our hotel?"

Jiang Hao's mouth turned when he heard the speech.

"Sister Mengqi, with a little speculation, we can guess who was responsible for this?"

"Who?" Shen Mengqi asked.

"Who is the most profitable in blackmailing our hotel?" Jiang Hao asked.

"It's him!"

Shen Mengqi thought of one.

Mr. Mai!

"Yes, I think he did it in all probability!" Jiang Hao said coldly.

Sure enough.

An hour later, sister Chen came over and told Shen Mengqi that the people below had found out that it was Mr. Mai who did this.

"Mr. Mai?"

Shen Mengqi's face is cold, "good, very good!"

"Mr. Shen, how to deal with this? We have clarified on the Internet that our hotel is operated by conscience and there are no black consumers, but netizens don't believe it. " Elder sister Chen was distressed.

"Invite professionals to come and test our food, and then invite Mr. Li helao, an internationally famous food critic, to testify for us." Shen Mengqi said.

"Mr. Li he?"

Chen shook her head. "It's impossible."

"Do your best!" Shen Mengqi sighed.

If you can invite Mr. Li He to testify for them, the rumors on the Internet will be broken.

"All right." Sister Chen nodded.

Wufu hotel office.

When Mr. Mai saw the comments on the Internet, he was totally one-sided and showed a sinister smile.

"Shen Mengqi, you are finished!"

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