"Say it again!" Jiang Hao cheered coldly.

"Just say it, I..." Zhang Peng showed no weakness.

Monitor Li Feng, quickly advised: "calm down, a classmate, a rare party, there is any contradiction, later talk about it."

"Yes, the monitor is right."

Everyone nodded in agreement.

"Well, I'll let you go this time!" Zhang Peng said in a vicious way.

Jiang Hao smiles and completely ignores him.

Suddenly, Zhang Peng was so angry that his kidney hurt.

"Come on, everyone is here. Let's eat." Monitor Li Fengdao.

"Good, good."

We had a good time eating and chatting.

However, people intentionally or unintentionally ignored Jiang Hao.

Recalling high school, every time they talked about things related to Jiang Hao, they would change the topic.

Moreover, every time Jiang Hao took up the topic, they stopped talking.

Deliberately hang Jiang Hao, want him to make a fool of himself.

Several times later, Jiang Hao simply did not open his mouth, eating quietly and listening quietly.

"Well, the wine is gone. I'll get some bottles of wine."

Monitor Li Feng, stand up.

"Monitor, it's inconvenient for you to sit inside. Isn't our brother Jiang sitting outside? Brother Jiang, go and get a box of beer Zhang Peng ordered.

Jiang Hao turns a deaf ear and eats vegetables leisurely.

"Jiang Hao, are you deaf? Do you hear me? Go and get the wine Zhang Peng patted the table.

Jiang Hao raised his head and gave him a cold glance. "Who are you, dare you command me?"

"Oh, our bodyguard, brother Jiang, is pushing us again!" Zhang Peng laughs with drunkenness.

"You're such a jerk!"

Zhang Peng said sarcastically: "the waste who didn't graduate from high school thought that if they had great strength, they would be forced to heaven? Fool, aren't you still a bodyguard

"Hey, hey Well, it's a bodyguard. In fact, it's a slave running errands! "

Jiang Hao's face was cold when he heard the speech.

"What did you say?"

Belch ~

Zhang Peng belched, "I said you are a slave, why? You want to hit me again? Do you dare? "

"Little slave, go and get the wine. I'll give you a hundred yuan!"

He took out a note from his wallet and smashed it into Jiang Hao's face.

Jiang haoshao stands up, grabs his collar and is ready to beat him.

Li Feng pulls them aside.

"Don't be impulsive. At least it's a classmate. Don't do it."

Others are persuading.


Jiang Hao snorted coldly and let go of Zhang Peng. "Put your mouth clean. If you hear that your mouth is full of feces, don't blame me for breaking your mouth!"


Zhang Peng is very angry, ready to curse, but was pulled by Luo Ying.

"Forget it, forget it." Luoying road.

Suddenly, Zhang Peng sat down and listened to Luo Ying.

After this, the atmosphere became awkward.

Half an hour later, the dinner was over.

They decided to move to KTV.

This time, four people drove.

Luo Ying and Li Weiwei's cars are sports cars. Although they are not expensive sports cars, they cost hundreds of thousands.

Zhang Peng also drove a Volkswagen, more than 100000.

The fourth person with a car is Wen Wen, who is quiet, shy and ordinary looking.

When she went to school, she was very shy all the time. She didn't speak at activities and parties. Now she is still like this. Her sense of existence is too low.

"Monitor, come on, take my car, and you'll come too!" Zhang Peng patted the seat and said haughtily.


Li Feng and several classmates got into Zhang Peng's car.

The others, flattering, got into Luo Ying's sports car.

For a moment, only Jiang Hao was left standing outside.

"Brother Jiang, I'm sorry, I can't sit down any more. You are so powerful, just run to KTV in heaven." Zhang Peng laughed.

In fact, two people can sit in his car.

But he made it clear that he didn't want Jiang Hao to ride in his car, so he said it on purpose.

Luo Ying glanced at Jiang Hao and said, "my car is new. I can't get it dirty."

When Jiang Hao heard the words, a cold light flashed in his eyes.

Can't you get it dirty?

What do you mean?

Isn't he saying that Jiang Hao is very dirty, and he dislikes him?

Li Weiwei came more directly and coldly.

"You are not allowed to come up!"

Well, we play with Jiang Hao and want to make him embarrassed.

All of a sudden, quiet and shy Wen Wen, opened her mouth.

"Jiang Jiang Hao, you Will you take my car? "

Jiang Hao smiles when he hears the speech."Thank you."

Then he sat in.

Wenwen's face turned red, and the mosquito said, "no You're welcome. "

Jiang Hao is a little speechless.

For three years, this girl is so shy that she will blush when she talks to others.

"Shit, mind your own business!"

Zhang Peng pats the steering wheel and stares at Wen Wen.

Four cars, starting at the same time, go to KTV paradise.

In the Volkswagen.

Zhang Peng glanced at Li Feng in the rearview mirror and said, "monitor, I really don't understand why you invited Jiang Hao to be such a waste?"

"He is our classmate after all." Li Feng frowned.

"Stop, stop!"

Zhang Peng waved his hand, "I don't have such a classmate, and he doesn't deserve to be my classmate!"

"That is, brother Zhang is right, that Jiang Hao is not worthy to be our classmate!"

"Yes, I'm not comfortable with him!"

"Well, it's a good party. It's just like this because of him."

"Monitor, why don't you find a reason to drive him away later?"

Several students echoed.

"I think so!" Zhang Peng nodded.


Li Feng is in a dilemma.

Although he also looked down upon Jiang Hao, as a monitor, he had to be magnanimous.

Drive Jiang Hao away?

Isn't that right?

"Monitor, is there anything to be hesitant about? Don't you see that Luo Shao and Wei Wei also hate Jiang Hao? If you drive him away, Luo Shao and Wei Wei will be happy. " Zhang Pengdao.

Li Feng hesitated for a moment and nodded.

"Well, when I get to KTV paradise, I'll find a reason to let him go back."

Zhang Peng grinned at the speech.

"Monitor, that's right."

In a quarter of an hour.

People arrive at KTV paradise.

"Oh, here comes Luo Shao."

As soon as the car stopped, the doorman warmly welcomed it.


Luo Ying nodded slightly, "where is the box I ordered?"

"Luo Shao, this way, please." The doorman bowed.


Luo Ying turned his head, waved his hand and said, "let's go. I've ordered a box."

Zhang Peng touched Li Feng and said in a low voice, "monitor, don't forget to drive that waste away."

"I know, I know." Li Feng Road.

He was in a bit of trouble. He didn't know what reason to find to drive Jiang Hao away.

Entering the box, Zhang Peng immediately lay on the sofa.

Suddenly, he stood up.

"Luo Shao, Wei Wei, come here, you sit here."

Luo Ying and Li Weiwei, without refusing, sat in the middle.

Zhang Peng sat down next to Luo Ying.

Other students also took their seats.

Jiang Hao is also going to sit down.

Luo Ying suddenly opens his mouth.

"Get away from me, don't sit next to me!"

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