Jiang Hao was stunned for a moment.

Zhang pengleng said: "waste, don't you hear me? Luo Shao told you to go away! "

Jiang Hao stares at Luo Ying coldly.

Luo Ying frowned and said coldly, "what are you looking at? Go away!"

His words are very impolite.

Because he looked down on Jiang Hao from the bottom of his heart.

Zhang Peng Sen ran a smile, "waste, how to drop, you still want to hit luoshao?"

"Luo Shao is the top childe in Chuzhou City. If you touch him, his life will be over!"

Suddenly, Jiang Hao smiles.

"I want to fight who, no one can stop, no one dares to stop!"

"The Luo family? Is it awesome? I haven't paid attention to it. If it wasn't for the sake of my classmates, I would have done it. I'll spare you this time! "

"Next time, never forgive me!" Jiang Hao rebuked him coldly.

"You What did you say? "

Luo Ying was confused.

He did not expect, he has been looking down on the waste, even in front of so many students, scolded him, but also threatened to beat him.

How unreasonable!

"Jiang, don't think you are my classmate, I won't do anything to you?" Luo Ying roared.

"You can't provoke me!"

Jiang Hao gave a cold drink and turned to leave.

"Jiang Hao, what are you doing?" Monitor Li Feng asked.

"Go home!"

Jiang Hao waved his hand and left.

He left the campus and worked hard in the society for three years. He cherished the friendship of his classmates more than these college students.

Unfortunately, these people don't regard him as a classmate.

There's no need for him to stay.

"You..." Li Feng wants to talk but stops.

Zhang Peng opened his mouth, "monitor, don't persuade him, let him go, with him, we are not happy."

"It's a good party. He stirred it up!"

"I didn't expect that this rubbish, who hasn't seen him for three years, has become more and more capable of pretending to be forced, and even dares to scold Luo Shao!"

"A fool out of his own measure!"

"Don't you think it's a classmate who won't beat him? Fool

Many people abuse Jiang Hao in order to please Luo Ying.

"Luo Shao, I know some gangsters. Do you want me to call them and tell them to come over and teach that trash a lesson?" Zhang Peng suggested.

Luo Ying was silent.

After a moment, he nodded, "OK, you call. Remember, call a few more people."


Zhang Peng grinned.

Wen Wen, who is silent, hears the words and flashes a touch of worry on her face.

She is going to find a chance to sneak out of the box and report to Jiang Hao.

This side.

Jiang Hao got out of the box and was ready to go home.

Suddenly, he heard a noise in front of him, as if someone was fighting.

He took a closer look.

He was suddenly angry.

Two strong, upright looking men were lying on the ground.

Five or six ruffian youths, surrounded by them, beat and kick very hard.

"Brother Mao, brother tie!"

Jiang Hao yelled and rushed up.

He quickly pushed away several young people and helped brother Mao and brother tie up.

Brother Mao and brother tie are his workmates. They used to take care of him.


Brother Mao and brother tie are delighted to see Jiang Hao.

Immediately, yelled: "Xiaojiang, you run!"

Jiang Hao did not move, asked: "brother Mao, brother tie, why are you here?"

"Stop it, you run!" Brother Mao and brother tie, urged.


"Can you run away?"

All of a sudden, a young man said: "little boy, you just dare to push me, grass, brothers, give me, beat him!"

"Yes, brother Yao!"

Several young people, said in unison.

Confused, Jiang Hao looks at brother Mao and brother tie.

Brother Mao cried quickly and called out, "Xiaojiang, stop talking. Run away!"


Suddenly, six young people rushed up together.

"Get out of here!"

Jiang Hao yelled angrily and suddenly moved.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

The dull sound is heard all the time.

In the blink of an eye, six young people, all lying on the ground.

"This This... "

Brother Mao and brother tie are stupid.

The onlookers were also confused.

One person, six people in a second, isn't that awesome?

Jiang Hao's face is not red, breathless, asked: "brother Mao, brother tie, what's the matter?"

Mao brother returned to his senses and said with anger, "old fellow iron and I saw them just now. They were molesting a little girl and they were very mobile.""So we went up to stop, and they beat us up!"

When Jiang Hao heard the words, a cold light flashed in his eyes.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

He kicked six more youths.

Ah ~

young brother Yao, the leader, screams in pain.

"Little bastard, you dare to hit me, you are dead!" Brother Yao roared.

"My brother-in-law, the manager of this KTV, you don't want to run away!"


Brother Mao and brother tie's face changed greatly when they heard the speech.

Because, they heard that the manager of this KTV is a gangster on the road. It is said that he is still a big brother and has a group of younger brothers under his hand.

"Xiaojiang, it's because of us. We can't implicate you. Run away and leave us alone!" Brother Mao and brother tie, anxious tunnel.

"Son of a bitch, you can't run!" Brother Yao roared.

"Shut up

Jiang Hao gave a cold drink and kicked him.

Brother Yao cried in pain, almost crying.

"Brother Mao, brother tie, it's OK." Jiang Hao gave a faint smile.



brother Mao and brother tie were pleased and angry. Finally, they sighed.

"That's all. The three of us will be beaten together." Brother Mao shook his head.

"Waste, why are you still here?"

Suddenly, a voice came.

Jiang Hao gave Zhang Peng a cold look. "If you scold me again, I'll break your teeth!"


Zhang Peng opened his mouth and Wu didn't say anything after all.

He counseled!

Suddenly, he saw six people lying on the ground. He was surprised and said, "this Did you do this? "

"Look at you

Brother Yao is very arrogant and scolds.

"Grass, who the hell are you scolding?"

Zhang Peng suddenly lost his hair.

"Son of a bitch, you actually know each other. You must be one of them. You wait for my brother-in-law to come here and clean up with you!" Brother Yao roared.

He saw that Zhang Peng and Jiang Hao knew each other.

So, I take it for granted that they are a group.

Poor Zhang Peng, innocent suffered.

"Take care of your sister!"

Zhang Peng is also arrogant. He rushes up and kicks brother Yao.

"Damn, they're all turned over, lying on the ground, still so crazy!"

"Crazy Chicken Feather, you!"

Ah ~

brother Yao screamed in pain and began to shout.

"Dog, you're dead. When my brother-in-law comes, I'll kill you too!"

"Kill your sister!"

Zhang Peng scolded him and kicked him.

"What's the matter?" Luo Ying frowned, came over and asked.

Didn't Zhang Peng say that he had to go to the toilet?

Why did you fight with people?

Zhang Peng laughed, pretending to force the tunnel: "Luo Shao, nothing, these people, do not know for what reason, was surnamed Jiang beat a meal."

"As a result, they spread their anger on me and threatened to destroy me."

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