"Shut up

Jiang Hao coldly reprimanded, "one more word, don't blame me for doing it."


Luo Ying glared, but he didn't speak after all.

He's scared!

"Boy, you really don't want to forget it?" Brother Qiang said in a cold voice.

Jiang Hao said calmly: "I said, money I want, kneel down to apologize, can't less!"

"Good, good!"

Brother Qiang's face showed a fierce smile, "son, do you really think that if one person can fight more than ten, he will be invincible in the world?"

"Come out!"

Step on, step on!

All of a sudden, neat footsteps sounded.

Then, a team rushed out.

These people, with cold expression and fierce eyes, are obviously not easy to be provoked.

"This This is... "

Luo Ying shuddered all over and his face was full of horror.

"Is this the black army?"

Strong elder brother swept him one eye, eyes show strange color, Yang Yang chin, proud way: "yes, they are the black army."

Black army?

What the hell?

Isn't it just a bunch of thugs?

Jiang Hao is a little confused.

"They are all the best among the best. They have received cruel training, which is almost no worse than that of the regular army. They are all the best of the best."

Brother Qiang said with a grim smile: "boy, do you dare to be arrogant?"

Cut ~

Jiang Hao turned his lips and said, "still a group of minions!"

To tell you the truth, ordinary people, no matter how many they are, will not pay attention to them unless they have guns in their hands.

Only the experts in martial arts and Taoism will attach importance to him.

Ha ha ha

Brother Qiang looks up at the sky and laughs, "crazy, little boy, you are so crazy!"

"It's the first time I heard that someone said that the black army is a group of minions!"

Strong elder brother put up a thumb, "little bastard, you cow force!"

"But I want to make you a fool!"

"Give it all to me, as long as you don't kill him!"

With a wave of brother Qiang's hand, a dozen people in black rushed to Jiang Hao.

Jiang Hao lifted the corner of his mouth and outlined a smile of disdain.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

Familiar voice, ring again.

A dozen people in black were lying on the ground in a flash.

"This This... "

Brother Qiang is shocked!

He was proud of the black army, so vulnerable, just two seconds, all were knocked down.

What about the best of the best?

What about the top five?

It's like a bunch of rookies.

But brother Qiang is very clear that the black army is not a rookie. On the contrary, it is very powerful. He once laid a lot of ground for his boss.

But now, he is vulnerable, which shows that Jiang Hao is a strong pervert.

Even the black army is not an opponent, how can we do him?

Brother Qiang is helpless.

Step by step, Jiang Hao goes to brother Qiang.

Brother Qiang trembled, stepped back several steps, and said timidly, "you What do you want to do? "

"Hit you!"

Jiang Hao spits out two words.

A lunge, rushed up.


With a slap, he was so strong that he staggered.

Then, another kick kicked him over.

"You How dare you hit me? " Brother Qiang covered his stomach and yelled angrily.

"What about beating you?"

"You are the boss, and you have a lot of younger brothers under your hands. Is that great? My brother-in-law molested girls, but he didn't care. Instead, he wanted to beat my brother Mao and brother tie! "

"You fight, you stand up and fight!"

Jiang Hao scolded and kicked him.

Brother Qiang curled up and groaned.

"Little bastard, you're dead. If you beat me, you'll offend my boss. No matter who the hell you are, you can't get along in Chuzhou!" He complained bitterly.

"Well, I'd like to see who your boss is, so drag?" Jiang Hao drank coldly and kept on at his feet.

Suddenly, Luo Ying rushed over.

He grabbed Jiang Hao and said coldly, "stop it, Jiang Hao, stop it!"

"Get out of here!"

Jiang Hao lifted him with a wave of his hand.

"Jiang Hao, stop the fuck!"

Luo Ying made a rude remark.

"If you beat brother Qiang, we will all suffer. You can beat him, but can you beat him? You can't kill him. After today, brother Qiang comes to us for revenge. Can you save us? "

"Grass Mud Horse, I will be implicated by you!"

Luo Ying's eyes were quick, and he was so rude.He's really scared!

Just now, Jiang Hao only beat brother Yao and brother Qiang.

There is still room for maneuver in this matter.

Even if brother Qiang gets angry, he won't trouble them.

But now it's different.

Jiang Hao beat brother Qiang, the eldest brother. He was beaten by a little boy. Brother Qiang was bound to be furious.

In time, they will also be involved.

Needless to say, brother Qiang will definitely settle with them.

They are not Jiang Hao. They don't have the skills to fight dozens of times. Their background is not as good as brother Qiang. The end will be very miserable.

Zhang Peng and others, thinking about this, suddenly feel cold.

At the same time, he has a deep hatred for Jiang Hao.

"Paralyzed, trash, stop it!"

"Little bastard, let go of brother Qiang!"

Several students, have a drink.

"Xiaojiang, forget it!"

Even brother Mao and brother tie came forward to dissuade him.

Jiang Hao hears the speech and lets brother Qiang go.

He snapped, "brother Qiang, right? Today's matter has nothing to do with them. If you want to get revenge, just come to me and don't trouble them. "

"No way!"

Brother Qiang roared, "little bastard, from the moment you beat me, I will remember you. In my life, I will kill you at all costs!"

"They bastards, don't try to escape!"


Suddenly, Jiang Hao's eyes stood up.

"How dare you threaten me?"

Jiang Hao kicked him again.

"Fight, fight, as long as you don't kill me, I will kill you!" Brother Qiang's eyes were red and he roared.

Jiang Hao's eyes are full of cold light when he hears the words.

He was thinking about whether to use his spiritual power to let him die accidentally and get rid of the future trouble.

"Where is it, hadron? Come out and drink! "

Suddenly, a cry came.

Strong brother smell speech, eye pupil, burst out a wisp of essence.

"Brother leopard, it's brother leopard!"

He yelled: "brother leopard, I'm here. I've been beaten. Come and help me!"

"What? Who dares to beat me

There was a rush of angry people.

Brother Qiang stares at Jiang Hao with a ferocious smile.

"Little bastard, my big brother is here. You're dead!"

Ha ha ~

Jiang Hao sneered and completely ignored his threat.

Luo Ying smell speech, body a soft, almost collapsed on the ground.

Brother Qiang has been hanging like this. His elder brother

My God!

These characters, ten hundred of them, can't be provoked.

For a moment, his heart was dead.

I can't. I have to get rid of Jiang Hao, or brother Qiang's eldest brother will be angry and no one can save me.

Luo Ying thought to himself.

He trotted to meet people.

"Brother Bao, you are here at last. That little bastard is so bold that he dares to beat brother Qiang. I can't stop him. Please teach him a lesson quickly!"

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