"Where's that dog thing?" Brother leopard roared.


Luo Ying points at Jiang Hao.

"Brother leopard, help me Brother Qiang cried.

"Dog, you're looking for..."

Brother Bao looked up and scolded.

However, his voice suddenly stopped.

On his forehead, there was a cold sweat.

"Brother Bao, help me and kill this son of a bitch!" Brother Qiang roared.

"Brother Bao, that little bastard, although he is my classmate, he dares to beat brother Qiang. He can't be forgiven. Teach him a lesson quickly!" Luo Ying also yelled.

"Teach your sister a lesson!"

Leopard brother suddenly furious, a slap in the face of Luo Ying, directly will he pulled over on the ground.

Luo Ying covered his face and was stunned.

Brother Qiang is stupid.

What's going on?

"Brother Bao, you've got the wrong number. It's not him who hit me. It's this little bastard who hit me. You're going to kill him!" Cried brother Qiang.

Leopard Gordon rushed over, toward his body, Bang Bang is two feet.

"Kill your sister!"

"Grass, you fool, do you know who he is?"

"Paralyzed, he is what Laozi called Jiang Ye. Laozi has warned you more than once, don't offend Jiang Ye. How the hell do you want to kill Jiang ye?"

Leopard brother said more and more angry, and stepped on a few feet.

"He Is he Lord Jiang

The expression on brother Qiang's face was instantly solidified.

Full of anger, instantly turned into fear.

Master Jiang's name is in his mind.

Because brother Bao's eldest brother, Heiye, once warned all of them that no matter who they were, they could not offend Lord Jiang.

Once offended, I find a way to eliminate Lord Jiang's anger.

If you can't eliminate it, go away!

Suddenly, brother Qiang's heart fell into the abyss, and his whole body was cold.

"Jiang Mr. Jiang, yes I'm sorry

Brother Qiang is wrong.

Jiang Hao turned a deaf ear.

Leopard brother saw this and gave him a kick.

"Damn it, you should be pious and sincere in apologizing!"

Brother Qiang nodded.

"Yes, yes."

Then, he glared at brother Yao beside him, "beast, don't you come here quickly, kneel down and apologize to Lord Jiang!"

"Brother in law, I..."

Kneel down in public, brother Yao is not willing to.

"I'm your sister!"

Leopard brother saw Yao brother hesitated, suddenly a burst of fire.

He rushed up, fancied brother Yao a few big mouths, and then kicked him over, pressed his head, forced him to kneel down.

"Sorry!" Brother leopard was angry.

He was terrified.

I'm kidding. He didn't have long eyes and offended Jiang Hao. He was beaten by black brother. He didn't dare to disrespect Jiang Hao any more.

I didn't expect that the fool under my hand had made such a big mess for him.

"Jiang I'm sorry, Mr. Jiang

Yaoge was pressed, dare not resist, can only be soft, obedient apology.

Jiang Hao kicked him over.

"You should apologize to brother Mao and brother tie!"

"Yes, yes."

Brother Yao quickly climbed up to brother Mao and brother tie and prayed: "brother Mao and brother tie, I'm sorry, I have no eyes and collided with you."

"I know I'm wrong. Please forgive me!"

"This Come on Get up. "

Brother Mao and brother tie were at a loss when they saw this scene.

Brother Yao doesn't dare to move. He looks at brother Bao.

Brother Bao kicked him and roared, "look what I'm doing. If master Jiang doesn't promise, you can't get up!"

So brother Yao looks at Jiang Hao.

Jiang Hao waved his hand, "get up."

Brother Yao was pardoned and quickly got up.

Brother Qiang is ready to stand up.

As a result, Jiang Hao kicked him over again.

"Who allowed you to stand up?"

Leopard brother smell speech, smoked him a few big mouth son, "grass, river Ye didn't say a word, you his mother still remember?"? Paralyzed, keep kneeling

Jiang Hao looked down at him and said coldly, "I said I want money. I have to kneel down and apologize

"Now I've knelt down and apologized. Where's the money?"

"I'll give it, I'll give it, 100000 yuan. I'll call your card right away." Brother Qiang is in a hurry.


Brother leopard slapped him in the face.

"What the hell are you doing with beggars? One hundred thousand is not enough, at least half a million. "

"Yes, half a million!" Brother Qiang nodded.

Then he handed out a bank card.

"Mr. Jiang, this card just has 500000. The password is six zeros."Jiang Hao took the card and handed it to brother Mao and brother tie.

"Brother Mao and brother tie, take the money."


Brother Mao and brother tie hesitated.

To tell you the truth, half a million. It's so tempting. They want it in their dreams.

But they know that if there is no Jiang Hao today, let alone white take 500000, not to be beaten in hospital, even thank God.

"It's OK, you take it. You can share the money with all the workers, and then go back to your hometown to do some small business. It's too hard on the construction site." Jiang Hao said with a smile.

Brother Mao hesitated for a moment and took the bank card.

"Well, I'll thank you for the big guy first."

Jiang Hao waved his hand and said, "thank you. When I entered the construction site, I didn't know anything. Everyone took care of me and helped me. If you want to thank me, I should thank you."

"You're doing well. Get out of here!" Jiang Hao looks at brother Yao and brother Qiang and shouts.

"Yes, let's go now!"

Brother Qiang and brother Yao nodded.

Then, actually lying on the ground, rolled out.

Luo Ying saw this scene, and the wind was in a mess.

Even his father, brother Qiang, who is trying his best to curry favor with him, came to perform in front of everyone because of Jiang Hao's words.

"What do you do? Get out of here Leopard brother squint at Luo Ying and others, cold scold way.

"Yes, yes."

Luo Ying and others nodded, and then prepared to leave.


Suddenly, Jiang Hao spoke.

Luo Ying's body trembled and stopped. His face turned white in an instant.

Zhang Peng was almost paralyzed.

It's time to come. It's time to come.

"Jiang Jiang Hao... " Luo Ying hardened his head.


Suddenly, brother Bao slapped him in the face.

"Is the name of Lord Jiang what you can call it? Call Mr. Jiang

"Jiang Mr. Jiang, i... " Luo Ying spoke with difficulty.

Jiang Hao interrupted with a wave.

"Remember what I said before? I warned you, don't provoke me again. The Luo family is nothing. If you annoy me, kill me directly! "

"At that time, you all thought I was pretending. Now, do you believe me?"


Luo Ying nodded busily, "master Jiang, I'm wrong. I'm blind. I'm damned. I shouldn't provoke you. Please forgive me!"

Jiang Hao shook his head. "I've spared you once. This time, I won't spar you again."

Luo Ying hears speech, scared knee a soft, knelt on the ground.

"Master Jiang, I'm wrong, I'm wrong!"

Zhang Peng also knelt down, "master Jiang, I'm wrong, please, let me go!"

The other students were very pale. Although they were very reluctant, they had to kneel down and pray that Jiang Hao would forgive them.

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