"Black lord, we are not afraid of extortion, kidnapping and robbery, but we can kill people..." Brother Bao advised.

Brother Hei smiles when he hears the speech.

"Don't worry, those are all local guns. As long as they don't hit the key, they can't die."

"But if we beat them up and throw them into the mountains, they will be eaten by wild animals, but it has nothing to do with us."

Brother Bao was relieved when he heard the speech.

If they kill people, they will be mercilessly exterminated.

"Heiye, master Jiang, who has become famous recently, do you know?" Asked brother leopard.

Black elder brother nods, "know, hear he is very terrible, strong abnormal."

"Yes, if you can invite him, no matter how powerful the monkey is, he won't be afraid." Brother leopard sighed.

Black brother shook his head.

"I sent someone to inquire, but I didn't get anything. I only knew master Jiang's name, but I didn't know who he was or where he lived, and I couldn't invite him."

"Ah, Hei ye, Jiang Ye's surname is Jiang. Do you think he is master Jiang?"

Suddenly, brother leopard came.

Brother Hei immediately shook his head.

"It's impossible. Master Jiang is very powerful, but he is much worse than master Jiang."


brother Bao sighed, "if you can invite master Jiang, it will be safe."

"Don't think about it. I have the old man, the master Jiang, and my backhand. Even if there's an accident, I want the monkey. There's no way back!" Black brother squints, ruthless tunnel.


The next day.

At 7:30 p.m., Jiang Hao arrived at KTV.

Black brother came up.

"Mr. Jiang, here you are."

"Well." Jiang Hao nodded.

"Are they here, monkey?"

Black brother shook his head, "not yet, master Jiang, sit down quickly."

Jiang Hao sat down.

A moment later, an old man with white hair came in.

He glanced around, disdaining to say: "I said sunspot, you this KTV is too broken, actually choose here duel, really lose my identity."

The black elder brother hears speech, in the eye flash a trace of anger.

Face, but a smile.

"That is, that is, Master Wang is an expert. Naturally, he doesn't look up to my poor fortune. You can feel aggrieved."

"All right."

Master Wang asked, "has anyone come yet?"

"Not yet." Black brother replied.

"Dawdle, like a girl, really, hurry to, hurry to finish, take the money, I'll leave immediately." Master Wang is proud.

"By the way, if you say five million, you can't lose a cent. If you dare to pit me, you know the consequences very well." He sternly threatened.

"Yes, yes." Black brother nodded.

"Come on, Master Wang, let me introduce you to someone."

Black brother pointed to Jiang Hao and said, "this is master Jiang. Although he is young, his skill is terrible. Master Jiang, this is master Wang. He is an expert in martial arts."


Jiang Hao held out his hand out of politeness.

As a result, Master Wang directly ignored him and did not shake hands with him.

"What do you mean?"

Master Wang stares at brother Hei with a trace of anger on his face.

Black brother said with a smile: "Master Wang, don't worry. I invite Mr. Jiang to make sure that I won't lose the duel tonight, because I can't lose and I can't afford to lose."

"You don't trust me?" Master Wang squinted and said in a cold voice.

Black elder brother explains hastily, "no, no, Master Wang is an expert in martial arts and Taoism. How can I not trust him? I invite master Jiang to make sure he is safe."

Master Wang shook his head.

"It seems that you don't know how powerful the master monkey is?"

"How powerful is it?" Asked Heige.

"This man is an expert in martial arts and Taoism. He has developed his inner strength and has surpassed ordinary people. It can be said that no matter how good the ordinary people are, they can't hurt him." Master Wang said haughtily.

Hiss ~

brother Hei sniffs at the words and takes a breath.

He knew that the man monkey invited was very powerful, but he didn't expect to be so powerful.

Fortunately, he was on guard.

Master Wang glanced at him and said with a sneer, "it seems that you still don't know how terrible the martial arts masters are."

"Well, I'll show you my hand to open your eyes."

Master Wang glanced around and pointed to brother Bao and others, "you five come out and attack me."


Brother leopard is in a bit of a dilemma.

"Master Wang, the five of us are all experienced men. The king of elite soldiers is not our opponent. Are you sure, we will go together?""Sure!"

Master Wang nodded.

Brother Bao waved his hand. "Master Wang, forget it. I'm afraid I'll hurt you, so I can't cope with the duel later. Let Xiao Yao go alone."

He didn't pretend to be forced, but he was really afraid of hurting Master Wang.

After all, the five of them, with tacit cooperation and joint efforts, are much more powerful than brother Hei's four bodyguards.

"Hurt me?"

Master Wang sneered and said contemptuously, "you don't have this ability."

"Cut the crap and let's go together!"

He hooked his finger and began to provoke.


Brother leopard looks at brother black.

Black brother nodded.

"All right." Brother leopard agreed.

Then, five of them surrounded Master Wang.

Jiang Hao sat on the sofa, bored.

At a glance, he saw that Master Wang was a great master of Ming Jin. Although he was weaker than master Hong in terms of cultivation, he could not be challenged by five ordinary people.

"Master Wang, you have to be careful!" Leopard brother reminds a way.

"There's a lot of rubbish. Fight it quickly!"

Master Wang is a little impatient.


Leopard brother suddenly drank, and five people moved at the same time.

Five big fists of casserole, with strong wind, roared to master Hong.

Suddenly, Hong Dashi is like a sea, shrinking freely.

In a flash, he dodged five fists.

Leopard brother was surprised, and then the move became more fierce.

Punch, kick, elbow, knee top

All kinds of moves.

Unfortunately, from the beginning to the end, brother Bao didn't touch master Hong's clothes, let alone hurt him.


Brother Bao, five people, drank violently, and his face showed a ferocious color.

They were angry and serious.

Attack, faster; move, harder.

Five people joined hands to narrow the encirclement and surrounded Master Wang.

However, they still missed.

Every time, it's a little bit worse.

One side of the black brother, dumbfounded.

He finally realized how powerful the experts in martial arts and Taoism were.

You know, his trump card is not the four bodyguards around him, but the five tiger generals of brother Bao.

But now, his five most valued tiger generals have joined hands, but they can't even touch Master Wang's clothes.

The corner of Master Wang's mouth outlines a radian of disdain.

"It's my turn!"

As soon as the words came out, he made a move.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

Leopard brother five people, fly backward, lie on the ground, face twitch, expression is very painful.

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