"Leopard, Xiao Yao..."

Black brother was very nervous and rushed up.

He had to be nervous.

Brother Bao's five tiger generals are his right arm. If they are abandoned, he is a tiger without claws and teeth.

"Don't worry, they're OK. They'll be paralyzed for a while. They'll be fine later." Master Wang is light and genuine.

"Thank you, Master Wang, for your kindness." Black brother boxing.

Master Wang waved his hand, "if I want to kill them, I will take their lives in three moves."

"Now, do you know how terrible the martial arts experts are?"

"I know, I know."

Black brother nodded.

Master Wang glanced sideways at Jiang Hao and said, "I know. I still don't want to drive this little boy away. Really, are you confused or scared? You invited this suckling little boy."

"What's the use of him? Are you going to die? "


Black brother hesitated.

After watching Master Wang's performance, he finally realized the horror of martial arts experts.

In his opinion, Jiang Hao is very powerful, but he should be inferior to master Wang.

However, even if Jiang Hao is not as good as Master Wang, he can't fight against him. He can't offend him.

"Well Master Wang, master Jiang's skill is still very good. With him, we can have more assurance. " Black brother is in a dilemma.

Sneer ~

Master Wang sneered.

"Just him?"

"It's not my boasting. I'll fight with the man invited by monkey master. If he stands by, he will be absolutely shocked to death by our inner strength!"

"Besides, if I said, "if I lose, do you think he can win?"


Brother Hei is even more difficult.

Master Wang is right.

If master Wang is defeated, Jiang Hao is even worse.

Jiang Hao is a chicken here.

However, he did not dare to drive Jiang Hao away.

For a moment, brother Hei complained about brother Bao. Why did he invite Jiang Hao.

"Well Master Wang, let Mr. Jiang have a look here. If there is any place to use Mr. Jiang. " Black brother weak tunnel.

Master Wang was a little angry when he heard the speech and threw his sleeve.

"Whatever you want!"

Black brother immediately said with a smile: "Master Wang, don't be angry, sit down quickly."

Instead of sitting down, Master Wang looked at Jiang Hao sitting right above him.

"Boy, get out of the way, that seat, I want to sit!"

Jiang Hao hears the speech and looks up at him.

Then, lower your head and continue to taste the delicious fruits.

Master Wang was furious.

"Boy, I told you to go away, did you hear me?"

Jiang Hao was a little impatient and said, "I didn't hear you!"

I don't hear you. Can you answer my question?

Master Wang narrowed his eyes, and his eyes were full of cold light.

"You want to die, don't you?"

All of a sudden, he slapped the table.

All of a sudden, a hollow palm print appeared on the mahogany table.

Brother Hei was startled and quickly advised: "Master Wang, calm down, calm down, master Jiang, would you like to sit here?"

"No!" Jiang Hao's light tunnel.

Ha ha ~

Master Wang sneered a few times, "boy, for so many years, you are still the first person who dares to disobey my orders. You are so brave. I admire your courage."

Jiang Hao raised his head and gave a modest smile.

"Average, third in the world!"

Grass, I don't praise you!

Master Wang's nose is almost crooked.

He grabs a goblet and pinches it. It makes a crackle.

The glass broke into slag. The sharp glass slag couldn't hurt his hand at all.

Brother Hei was thrilled.

Jiang Hao raised his hand and stared at Master Wang, dissatisfied and said, "what are you doing? Why break my drinking glass? "


Master Wang almost spat out his old blood.

Nima, can't you see that I'm warning and threatening you?

"Finally, get out of here, otherwise, don't blame me for doing it!" Master Wang drinks cold.

"Do it?"

Jiang Hao raised his mouth and said, "do you want to juggle like that?"

Master Wang was so angry that his head was about to smoke.

Juggling your sister!

I just picked five. What a prestige! You said it was juggling!

"To die!"

Master Wang yelled angrily, raised his hand and slapped Jiang Hao in the face.

All of a sudden, nigger grabbed him."Master Wang, forget it. A duel is coming soon. Don't be angry and don't fight in the dark."

Then he looked at Jiang Hao and said, "Mr. Jiang, please pay attention. Don't irritate Master Wang any more. Otherwise, I can't protect you."

"Boy, I remember you!"

Master Wang overcast his face and said, "after this matter is over, let me teach you a lesson."

Jiang Hao is too lazy to pay attention to him and enjoys the fruits.

To tell you the truth, if his cultivation is higher, Jiang Hao may be interested in it and have a few moves with him.

But Mingjin Dacheng is not as good as master Hong.

I'm not interested.

He hoped that the expert invited by monkey master would be more powerful and not let him down.

It's seven fifty-seven.

Ding Ling Ling ~

suddenly, the mobile phone rings.

Jiang Hao took out his mobile phone and saw that Han Lulu's number was displayed on it.

He got up, went to the bathroom and got on the phone.

"Hello, Lulu, what's the matter?"

On the other end of the mobile phone, Han Lulu's solemn voice came.

"Xiaojiang, are you free?"

Jiang Hao looks a Lin, "free, what's the matter?"

"Come to the police station tomorrow. I have something to see you." Han Lulu said.

"What's the matter?"

"We've found some unknown bodies recently. They died strangely. I want to see you." Han Lulu said in a deep voice.


Jiang Hao promised.

When he called, monkey master with a group of people, swagger like, into the KTV box.

"Here you are

Black elder brother raises a head, cold voice way.

"Are you sure you want to give me those sites?" Monkey grinned.

Black elder brother stares at him, sternly way: "you so self-confident, tonight's duel, certainly can win?"

"Of course!"

Monkey master confident smile.

Black brother didn't speak, but looked at the middle-aged man behind monkey.

This man is ordinary and of medium build. He can't be recognized in the crowd.

But there was a terrible momentum in him, which made brother Hei's heart tremble.

"Is he the man you hired?" Asked Heige.

"That's right!"

Monkey master is proud, "master Hong will win the duel tonight!"

That's right!

This middle-aged man is master Hong who was defeated by Jiang Hao not long ago.

"Ha ha Bragging, everyone can, can win, depends on the real ability Black brother sneered.

Monkey master waved his hand and said languidly, "stop talking nonsense and fight!"

"Master Hong, please."


Master Hong stood up slowly and looked at brother black coldly. "Who wants to fight with me?"


Master Wang raised the corner of his mouth. "Mingjin Xiaocheng, your cultivation is pretty good, but if you fight with me, you will lose. Give up!"

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