Sniff ~

Li Xiang sniffed and said contemptuously: "boy, you don't even know the forensic Qin Shu, what kind of corpse do you have to examine?"

"Lulu, where did you get the trash?"

Han Lulu was annoyed when she heard the speech.

She explained to Jiang Hao in a low voice, "forensic Qin Shu is the most famous and authoritative forensic in Chuzhou City. With his assistance, she has solved several strange cases."

"Oh." Jiang Hao nodded.

"Lulu, this boy is not a professional when he looks at it. If you invite him to have a post-mortem examination, aren't you questioning the level of Qin Shu? He has a bad temper." Li Xiang said coldly.


Han Lulu Leng snorted, "Xiaojiang's ability is not bad, so what?"

"All right."

Li Xiang shrugged his shoulders and looked at Jiang Hao with more and more bad eyes.

Jiang Hao touched the tip of his nose, went to the body and took a look.

Suddenly, frowned.

This corpse, as Han Lulu said, died in a strange shape.

His skin was red with blood and his veins were blue.

What's more, he's as stiff as iron.

On the surface, there is no scar.

Jiang Hao reaches out his hand and grabs the wrist of the dead, ready to investigate.

"What are you doing?"

All of a sudden, a cold cry came out.

Jiang Hao looked up and saw two young people and an old man glaring at him.

"What's the matter?" Jiang Hao asked.

"What's the matter? What's the matter with you? "

Young Luo Ling angrily drinks, "who are you? Who allowed you to touch the body? "

"Go away quickly, don't interfere with my martial uncle's autopsy!" Another young man, Li Li, yelled.

Professor Liao, the old man, glanced at Li Xiang and said, "officer Li, what are you doing? Why let a stranger in? "

"Don't you know my younger martial brother is undergoing autopsy?"

Li Xiang quickly made amends and said, "I'm sorry, I'm sorry, Professor Liao. This boy was brought in by Lulu, and I don't have the right to drive him out."

So Professor Liao looked at Han Lulu and said, "officer Han, take him out quickly. Don't disturb my younger martial brother's autopsy."

Han Lulu immediately explained: "Professor Liao, I invited Xiaojiang to come for autopsy. He..."


Suddenly, Professor Liao gave a cold drink and rudely interrupted Han lulu.

"With my younger martial brother here, what else do you worry about?"

"He has never made any mistakes in his autopsy for so many years. Do you think he is old and can't do it, so you are questioning his level?"

Han Lulu waved her hand.

"No, it's not like that."

"I don't know who is not familiar with the skills of forensic Qin Shu. How dare I question it?"


Professor Liao snorted coldly, "it's good to know. Don't drive him out as soon as possible!"


Han Lulu is in a dilemma.

Jiang Hao was called by her. If we drive him out now, will it be a disgrace to him?

"Don't be angry, Professor Liao. I promise you that Xiaojiang will never make trouble or disturb the forensic doctor Qin Shu. Why don't you let him stay here?" Han Lulu asked.

Professor Liao frowned and nodded.

"All right, but remember, you can't talk, you can't move, you can't touch the body."

"Yes, yes." Han Lulu nodded.

Then, she reminded Jiang Hao, "Xiaojiang, do you hear me? Don't touch me."

Jiang Hao asked, "Lulu, who is this old man? Do you respect him so much? "

"He is a professor of Chuzhou University of traditional Chinese medicine and a famous master of traditional Chinese medicine in China." Han Lulu explained.


Jiang Hao nodded.

In a quarter of an hour.

Forensic Qin Shu, stop checking.

"How about younger martial brother? What is the cause of death? " Professor Liao asked.

Li Xiang also asked, "doctor Qin, have you found out?"

Qin Shu nodded, "find out, according to the characteristics of the death of the dead, you can determine the time of death, about 30 to 35 hours."

"The dead man's skin was red, his blood vessels were broken in many places, and his veins were blue. Nearly half a day after his death, the body was extremely stiff, and there was no scar on his body."

"It can be judged that he died of poisoning."

"I found the residual venom in his body." Qin Shu is light and genuine.

Professor Liao nodded, "as expected, it's the same as my guess."

"Younger martial brother, have you found out what poison he died of?"

Qin Shu shook his head and frowned, "No."

"This kind of poison is very strange. I've never heard of it or seen it. It should be the venom developed first.""Nonsense

Suddenly, Jiang Hao gave a cold drink.

"What did you say?" Professor Liao asked.

He suspected that he had heard wrong.

"I said, forensic Qin Shu, nonsense!" Jiang Hao's face is calm, and his voice is real.

All of a sudden, people were in an uproar.

"Boy, what are you talking about?" Li Xiang stares at Jiang Hao and shouts.

Professor Liao's face was gloomy, and he said angrily: "boy, I only let you stay here because of officer Han's face. I didn't drive you out."

"If you don't feel grateful, forget it. What are you shouting about?"

"Ignorant boy, shut up

Luo Ling angrily denounced, "my martial uncle is famous all over the country. He is the most famous and authoritative forensic doctor in Chuzhou City and even in the whole country. He has never made any mistakes in autopsy all his life."

"You said he was talking nonsense. Are you here to make trouble?"

Li Yu also said angrily: "boy, my martial uncle once cracked several strange death cases with his excellent autopsy skills. He is famous. What are you, and dare to question him?"

Han Lulu looks worried. She pulls Jiang Hao's clothes and says in a low voice, "Xiaojiang, don't talk."

"I'm not talking."

Jiang Hao blinked innocently, "he was just talking nonsense."


Professor Liao's eyes flamed, "get out of here, get out of here at once!"

"Lulu, take this ignorant boy away quickly!" Li Xiang cheered coldly.

Suddenly, Qin Shu waved his hand.

Suddenly, everyone was quiet.

Qin Shu's eyes are cold, staring at Jiang Hao.

"Young man, since you say I'm talking nonsense, point out what's wrong with me. If you can't point out, don't blame me for losing my temper!" He said coldly.

"It's not something wrong."

Jiang Hao shook his head, "but from beginning to end, all the conclusions are wrong!"


All the people were angry.

If Jiang Hao doubts a certain conclusion of Qin Shu wrong, it is still possible.

After all, forensic Qin Shu is too old to make mistakes.

It can be said that all his conclusions are wrong.

It's not a question, it's a riot!

It's definitely a riot!

"Boy, shut up and dare to say another word. Don't blame me for beating you!"

"Get out, get out now!"

All the people were angry.

Even Han Lulu doesn't believe in Jiang Hao.

She was very angry and complained about Jiang Hao's disorderly talk. Even the forensic doctor Qin Shu dared to make fun of him.

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