
Yes, in Han Lulu's opinion, Jiang Hao is playing a trick on Qin Shu.

Because she didn't believe Jiang Hao.

After all, Qin Shu, a famous forensic doctor, is absolutely a top figure in the field of forensic medicine. He has never made mistakes in his life.

Although Jiang Hao is very skillful in medicine, he is certainly inferior to Qin Shu in autopsy.

"Xiaojiang, stop talking, let's go!"

Han Lulu pulls Jiang Hao to leave.


Suddenly, Qin Shu spoke.

"Young man, if you don't make it clear today, don't try to leave!"

He was really angry.

In recent years, as he grows older and older, his old prestige and fame gradually become more and more popular.

When people mention him, they will miss him in the past.

He is not reconciled, he does not accept old age.

He wanted to prove that he was still the most famous and authoritative forensic doctor.

This autopsy is a springboard for him to return to the peak.

However, Jiang Hao actually said that he was talking nonsense, and all the conclusions were wrong.

This matter must be made clear.

Otherwise, if it's passed out, he will not be able to return to the peak, but he may be in danger.

"I have been doing autopsy for 40 years, and I have never made any mistakes."

"There is a case where there is no scar on the body of the deceased. Many forensic doctors are helpless. They have studied it for half a month, but they have not made any progress."

"It took me a day to find out that there was a hair like wire on the dead man's head. That wire killed him, tested the evidence, helped the police and brought the criminal to justice!"

"In another case, the victim was burned into coke, and only his gender, identity and age could be identified. Many forensic doctors decided that it was a gas leak that led to a fire."

"It was the old man who came out and found the clues. From the coke body, he found the evidence, confirmed the identity of the dead and determined that he had killed him. Then, he helped the police to catch the murderer!"

"In my life, I have not examined 10000 or 8000 corpses, and I have seen more strange ones than these."

"You say, my conclusion, why is it wrong?"

Qin Shu's voice was loud and his body was shaking. He was very angry and excited.

"Yes, boy, don't blame me for being rude if you don't tell me how ugly you are today." Professor Liao cheered coldly.

"Question my martial uncle, if you can't get the evidence, I'll beat you!"

Luo Ling waved his fist and threatened Jiang Hao.

Li Yu didn't speak, but his eyes were not good.

It seems that as long as Jiang Hao can't produce evidence, he will do it.

Han Lulu regrets that she shouldn't invite Jiang Hao to come.

Later, if Jiang Hao can't produce evidence, Professor Liao and them will certainly not let him go.

Jiang Hao shook his head and said, "it's undeniable that your deeds are very brilliant, but the glory only belongs to the past, not inferior to the present."

"Just because you've never made a mistake before doesn't mean you won't make a mistake now!"

"According to your conclusion, the police will never catch the murderer. These people will die in vain!"

"That's bullshit!"

Qin Shu scolded angrily.

He picked up a syringe, stuck it into a dead man's blood vessel, and drew blood.

"Look, his blood is black. It's not poisoning. What is it?" Qin Shu shakes the needle tube on the hand and cheers coldly.

Jiang Hao shook his head.

"It's not only poisoning, blood is black."


Qin Shu cold hum a, "that you say, what is the cause of their death."

"They died of some kind of medicine!" Jiang Hao is slow.


Qin Shu Leng for a while, and then sneer, "a bunch of nonsense, a bunch of nonsense!"

"Don't you believe it?"

Jiang Hao raised his mouth and said, "OK, I'll show you the evidence!"

"First of all, you say that the dead died about thirty to thirty-five hours ago, right?" He asked.

Qin Shu nodded.


"Right? No, it's a big mistake Jiang Hao shook his head.

Qin Shu stares at him coldly, "where's the evidence?"

"You can determine the time of his death only by the temperature of the corpse, the spot, the stiffness of the corpse, the opacity of the cornea, and the decomposition of food in the stomach."

"These methods, taken together, can really determine the time of death of the general dead."

All of a sudden, Jiang Hao's voice improved a lot.

"However, it is impossible to determine the time of death of these bodies."

"Because, they took some kind of medicine, and their bodies are different from ordinary people!"Just now, Jiang Hao detected that there was residual internal strength in the bodies of the dead.

This inner strength is very strange. It is different from the inner strength cultivated by Master Wang and master Hong.

He also found out that the blood vessels of several dead people burst. Even though they were dead, their blood did not coagulate. On the contrary, they were very violent, just like wild animals.

In addition, he found an unknown liquid in the corner of the deceased's mouth.

This kind of liquid is very rare and has a lot of medicinal ingredients.

Therefore, it is speculated that they took some kind of medicine which is violent and capable of producing inner strength.

Because their bodies were too fragile to bear the violent drug force, they collapsed, their blood vessels burst and eventually died.

"Impossible, absolutely impossible!"

Qin Shu shook his head after hearing the speech.

What Jiang Hao said is well founded, but he doesn't believe it.

"Don't you believe it?"

When Jiang Hao saw that he didn't give up, he sneered.

Then he found a cotton swab and wiped it on the corner of a dead man's mouth.

Then he handed the cotton swab to Qin Shu.

"Check and see if what I said is true?"


Qin Shu took the swab and began to test it.

In half an hour.

Qin Shu put down his tools.

"How about elder martial brother?" Professor Liao asked.

Ha ha ha

Suddenly, Qin Shu laughed.

Professor Liao was startled and said: "younger martial brother, what's the matter with you?"

Seeing this, Luo Ling stares at Jiang Hao and scolds: "boy, you are a trash who doesn't know anything. You've made my martial uncle so bad. I can't spare you!"

"Bastard, I'll kill you!"

Li Yu is more direct, roars, waves his fist, and smashes Jiang Hao's face.

"Stop it

Suddenly, Qin Shu yelled.

Li Li stopped immediately.

Qin Shu walked slowly to Jiang Hao, lowered his head and bent down.

"Xiaoyou, you are right. Thank you for your advice. I have been taught."

His action made Jiang Hao feel uncomfortable for a while.

"Doctor Qin, don't do that. You've been doing autopsy for more than 40 years, and you've never made any mistakes. You're really powerful. I admire you so much. How can you accept your great gift?"

Jiang Hao helped him up.

"Never make a mistake? From today on, this sentence is a joke. "

Qin Shu shakes his head and laughs at himself. "If it wasn't for Xiaoyou's warning, I would be small if I didn't live in peace. If I provided wrong evidence, it would be hard for the dead to die in peace and the murderer would be at large!"

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