"Zhao Yu, shut up and follow Comrade Jiang Hao's command!" Li Qu, the team leader, yelled.

Han Lulu frowned.

"Xiaojiang, is there really someone nearby?"


Jiang Hao nodded and reminded: "be careful, everyone. People hiding nearby may be very powerful. Don't separate them. Try to get closer to me so that I can protect you."

"Protect us?"

Chih ~

Zhao Yu chuckled, "are you really afraid? Just deliberately looking for such an excuse, just want us to be by your side and protect you? "

"No, you don't have to protect us!"

"Yes, we don't need your protection, so we'd better separate!"

The crowd echoed.

They became more and more determined, and Jiang Hao was really afraid.

Otherwise, why does he talk nonsense and ask everyone to stay with him.

"Shut up

Li Qu scolded the people.

And they turned their lips, and there was no more trouble.

"Let's go." Jiang Hao's light tunnel.

Everyone heard the words and moved forward slowly.

As a result, after a few steps, Jiang Hao spoke again.


"What's the matter?"

Zhao Yu is totally upset.

"The man, there he is again." Jiang Hao said in a deep voice.

"Renren, you always say there are people nearby, but where are they? You can find it out and let me have a look! " A flute said loudly.

"That's right. If you have the ability, you can find out the people. Don't just whine!"

The crowd echoed.

"Shut up

Jiang Hao gave a violent drink and glared at the crowd.

"Those who don't obey me can get out of here!"


The crowd glared.

"All right, Xiaojiang, don't be angry." Han Lulu advised.

Li Qu, the team leader, said to himself, "I'm sorry, Comrade Jiang Hao. It's me who didn't take care of me."


Jiang Hao snorted coldly, "if you don't want to get hurt or die, you'd better listen to me and get closer to me!"

All the people turned their lips together to show disdain.

"Let's go!"

Jiang Hao waved.

We move again, every step is very slow.

This time, Jiang Hao did not immediately stop.

Until more than ten meters away, Jiang Hao said again, "stop!"

"What? Who else Zhao Yu raised the corner of his mouth and sneered.

"People fart, even a ghost shadow are not, who?"

The flute murmured, "don't listen to him, hurry to catch up, don't let those people run away!"

"Yes, run after people!"

Everyone agrees.


Li Qu looked at Jiang Hao with dissatisfaction. "Comrade Jiang Hao, you always say that there are people and there are people. Where are people?"

"If you are really afraid, I can send two people to escort you out. We can't delay. We must catch up as soon as possible, or those people will run away."

He also thought that Jiang Hao was really afraid, so he deliberately said so.

"No, there are people nearby. Besides, there may be traps here. Don't be reckless!" Jiang Hao shook his head.

Ha ha ~

a flute sneered a few times, "one moment is a person, another moment is a trap, why don't you say that this is a sea of swords and mountains, you can't move forward, you can only withdraw?"

"If you are afraid, you can go out and don't delay us to arrest people!" Zhao Yu said coldly.

"Yes, get out if you're afraid!"

The crowd yelled.

"Don't leave him, let's move on!" The flute waved and yelled.

They didn't move. They looked at the captain Li Qu.

Li Qu hesitated for a moment, and then said, "keep going!"

Hearing the speech, Zhao Yu grinned and glared at Jiang Hao provocatively. Then he and several SWAT members moved forward.

Suddenly, Jiang Hao gave a loud drink.


No one would listen to him and move on.

Whew, whew!

All of a sudden, the air burst out.

The steel spikes, which were sharper than the arrows, were shot with cold light.

Ah ~ ah ~ ah ~

suddenly, the screams came one after another.

Several special police officers were injured. If they had not been wearing bulletproof vests, some might have died.

Whoosh ~

there was a gust of wind, and several special police officers vomited blood and flew out.

They saw that it was a man in black.

"Somebody, shoot!" Li Qu immediately drank.Bang! Bang! Bang!

All of a sudden, the bullets swept.

However, none of the bullets hit the man in black.

Poof! Poof!

There are three people, spit blood fly out, hit the ground, can't get up.

In a flash, all eight special police officers lost their fighting capacity.

"Ah, help me!"

Suddenly, Zhao Yu roared.

In his hand, there was a sharp stab in his head.

He yelled, he called for help.

However, his teammates can't stand up, let alone save him.

Despair, like the tide.

Am I going to die?

Zhao Yu regretted it.

I regret not listening to Jiang Hao.

It turns out that there are people nearby and there are traps here.


Sharp steel thorn, cold light Zhan Zhan, has not fallen, Zhao Yu whole body, had goose bumps.

Ah, ~

the shadow of the steel thorn, in his pupil, keeps enlarging.

Finally, it's going to fall.

Zhao Yu was completely desperate.

He closed his eyes.

Suddenly, he felt a gust of wind blowing past him.

Then, there was a bang, as if someone had flown out.

I'm not dead?

Zhao Yu opened his eyes and happened to see Jiang Hao, clapping the man in black.


The man in black flew upside down and bumped into a vessel containing corpses.

Click! Click!

All of a sudden, the utensil cracked, and the formalin liquid flowed all over the floor.


The man in black vomited blood.

He stood up slowly, took out a small bottle and said a few words.

Suddenly, a black gas, from the bottle, spray out.

Then, it became three shadows.

Jie Jie Jie Jie

The three shadows made a shrill, sharp and piercing sound, which made people feel numb.

"Well What's that? "

Zhao Yu widened his eyes and asked subconsciously.


Jiang Hao turned his head and answered.


Hearing this, Zhao Yu turned pale immediately.

"Be careful!" Suddenly, he yelled.

Three ghosts, under the control of the man in black, rush to Jiang Hao.

Jiang Hao turned his head slowly and gave a faint smile.

"Mingjin Dacheng, not bad. Who are you?"

"When you die, I'll tell you!"

The man in black spoke for the first time.

His voice, sharp and harsh, is similar to the howling of ghosts, which makes people feel cold.

"Hum, little ghost, you can't hurt me!" Jiang Hao snorted coldly, disdaining the tunnel.

"Go to hell!"

The man in black yelled.

Suddenly, the three ghosts merged into a giant ghost as high as three meters.

Moreover, giant ghosts, like those with bodies, tremble on the ground when they walk, leaving a deep footprint on the ground when they fall every step.

He waved his arm, smashed everything in front of him, just like a tank, crushing everything, unstoppable.

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