"This This... "

Zhao Yu was so scared.

I'm so confused about playing flute.

Everyone was stupid.

Have they ever seen such a battle?

In their cognition, ghosts don't exist at all. They are just charlatans and tricks.

But now, they saw the ghost with their own eyes.

And it's a terrible ghost.

"Be careful!"

Han Lulu yelled.

"Lulu, don't worry. I'm here. It's OK!" Jiang Hao turned to smile and said calmly.

Han Lulu was angry and angry when she heard the speech.

There was a moment of stupidity.

Brother, the giant ghost is coming. Don't you see it?

"Son of a bitch, die!"

The man in black gave a shrill cry.

The giant ghost opened his mouth and wanted to swallow Jiang Hao.


The crowd cried out in unison.

"Hum, little ghost, dare to be presumptuous!"

Jiang Hao gave a cold hum.

He slowly stretched out his fist, closed his fingers together and squeezed it into a fist.

Then, one punch.


The deafening sound sounded, which made people's eardrums ache.

Click! Click!

See huge ghost, completely broken glass, inch by inch broken.

The fragments vaporized and disappeared before they fell to the ground.

Smash the giant ghost with one punch.


The man in black was full of horror.

Giant ghost, how powerful, he knows best.

Once upon a time, three masters of Ming Jin Da Cheng chased and killed him. As a result, they were all blasted into meat mud by his giant ghost, and the soul would also be devoured by the giant ghost.

The true form and spirit are destroyed.

But now, it was smashed by a little boy.

"Run away!"

The man in black was decisive and ran immediately.

"Want to run? Can you run away? "

Jiang Hao gave a cold smile and darted out.

Suddenly, he appeared beside the man in black.


The man in black was startled and responded quickly.

He clawed at Jiang Hao's chest as if to take out his heart.


Jiang Hao gave a cold hum and another blow.


Suddenly, the man in black flew out like a ball.

Jiang Hao bullied him and put his finger on him. He ordered several times.


The man in black shivered all over and spewed a few mouthfuls of blood.

"You You're wasting my channels? "

That's right. Jiang Hao's channels are broken.

His accomplishments were also abolished.

Jiang Hao took him to Li Qu and asked, "are you ok?"

"I Cough... "

Li Qu coughed a few mouthfuls of blood and stood up with difficulty I can't die yet. "

"You stay here and watch him. I'll go after him."

Jiang Hao threw the man in black on the ground.


Li Qu stepped back in horror.

He has just seen the horror of the man in black. It's too dangerous for him to watch the man in black. Is it there?

Seeing this, Jiang Hao explained: "don't worry, he has been abandoned by me. Now even ordinary people are not. There will be no danger."


Li Qu swallowed his saliva, "OK All right

"Lulu, you protect them."

Jiang Hao ordered a, immediately chased out.

In half an hour.

He came back with a few people.

"Only a few of them were caught, and the rest didn't know where they had gone." Jiang Hao's light tunnel.

"Come on, handcuff them!" Li Qu waved his hand and said.

As a result, Zhao Yu, Zhang Di and others took out handcuffs one after another and handcuffed several people.


Li Qu coughed a few times, faltered, walked up to Jiang Hao, lowered his head, bent down, bowed and said: "Jiang Hao is the same Oh, no, master Jiang, I'm sorry. "

"Before, I shouldn't have doubted you. I apologize to you."

"Nothing." Jiang Hao waved his hand.

Li Qu stares at Zhang Di, Zhao Yu and others and scolds: "what are you doing in a daze? Why don't you come here and apologize to master Jiang?"

Zhang Di and others came over with their heads down.

"I'm sorry, master Jiang. We have eyes that don't know Taishan. We have doubts and even satirize you. Please forgive us."

Jiang Hao shook his head.

"You suspected me out of a good heart, because you were afraid that I would command you blindly and hurt you; you satirized me, because you didn't want the prisoners to run away, so I don't blame you.""But next time, I hope you don't judge people by their appearance."

"Yes, please follow master Jiang's instruction!"

Everyone said in unison.

"Well, go back." Jiang Hao waved.

They escorted several criminals out of the underground laboratory and back to the police station.

The police officers of the police station were shocked to see this scene.

"My God, has Jiang Hao solved the case and caught the prisoner?"

"No, it's not a day so fast!"

"No, it's not a day, it's not half a day!"

"This speed, criminal killer officer Xingli, is not so fast?"

"Is officer Li going to lose?"

The crowd was full of words.

Jiang Hao recorded a confession, and then accepted the commendation of the director, ready to go home.

All of a sudden, Li Xiang and a group of people rushed in.

"Jiang Hao, you lost!"

Before entering the door, Li Xiang began to shout.

Li Xiang rushed to Jiang Hao and said with pride, "Jiang Hao, I have found the crucial clue. Tomorrow, no, tonight, I can catch the murderer and solve the case."

"You'll lose!"

"Are you Jiang Hao?" Behind Li Xiang, a young man with an inch head, his hand in his pocket, tilted his head, glanced at Jiang Hao and dragged the tunnel.

"Who are you?" Jiang Hao asked.

"My name is a fen, and I'm a member of the LIGO team."

Ah Fen said haughtily: "boy, I didn't expect that you are not big. You dare to bet with Li Ge to see who will solve the case first?"

"I really don't know how your brain grows, knowing that you will lose, but also accept the challenge!"

Suddenly, another young man spoke.

"Boy, my name is Abu, and I'm also a member of LEGO's crime solving team. We have found important clues. We can solve the case tonight. What about you?"

"I..." Jiang Hao spoke.

However, before finishing a sentence, Abramovich interrupted.

"You can't even find a clue, can you?"

He smacked his mouth, shook his head and said, "tut Tut, I thought that if you have the courage to accept the challenge of LIGO, you must have some skills."

"Now it seems that you can't do it at all."

"Well, I was so happy that I thought I could compete with the experts. Unexpectedly, I just abused a rookie. It's really boring."

The last young man, ah Yu, shook his head and said, "brother Li, I don't understand why you want to PK with such a rookie. It's boring to abuse him."

Jiang Hao's face was a little gloomy.

I don't know!

It's so strange.

For no reason, they are ridiculed and despised by a group of people, who will be upset.

"Get out of here!"

He gave a cold rebuke.

"Jiang Hao, what? You know you're going to lose, and you're afraid of losing face in front of everyone, so you want to run away? " Li Xiang joked.

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