"Run away from your sister!"

Jiang Hao burst a rude sentence, "what are you doing here?"


Li Xiang said with a smile, "I just want to tell you that I can solve the case tonight, so you need to speed up."

"Brother Li."

Ah Fen yelled: "you are too tough. We can solve the case tonight. Even if he speeds up, how can he compare with us?"

"That's right, LIGO, you overestimate him!" Abramovich said.

Li Xiang smiles indifferently and stares at Jiang Hao.

"Jiang Hao, you are sure to lose this competition. I don't need you to fulfill your bet, apologize to me and admit that you are inferior to me. I have only one condition."

"You have to leave Lulu!"

When Jiang Hao heard the speech, he suddenly appeared.

It turns out that his purpose is this.

No wonder he would come here with his team and ridicule me.

It turned out that he wanted to make me lose face in this way, so as to leave lulu.

But you're wrong.

Jiang Hao gave a faint smile.

"Are you sure you won?"

When Li Xiang heard the speech, he sarcastically said, "isn't it?"

"We can solve the case tonight. How about you? Give you ten days, you may not be able to solve the case! "

"What's the point of being noisy!"

Suddenly, the director came out.

He overcast the crowd.

Li Xiang shrunk his neck and asked for credit: "director, I have found an important clue. I can solve the case tonight!"


The director nodded.

Li Xiang was surprised.

Normally, the director will be very happy to hear the good news. Why is it so calm now?

Isn't he quite clear?

Yes, it must be!

Therefore, Li Xiang stressed once again: "director, I can solve the case tonight and promise to catch the murderer. This boy has no clue on purpose!"

At the same time, he did not forget to satirize Jiang Hao.

"No more."

All of a sudden, the director came with such a sentence.

Li Xiang is a little confused.

"The Bureau Director, why not? " He asked.

The director glanced at him. "I mean, you don't have to investigate any more."

As soon as Li Xiang heard it, he suddenly became hairy.

"Why? Director, why? "

Don't use him to investigate. Isn't that bullying?

In his view, the director is clearly biased against Jiang Hao, making it clear that he will not win.

"Because Comrade Jiang Hao has solved the case and the murderer has been caught." The director glanced at him coldly.


Five thunderbolts!

Li Xiang was stunned.

Ah Fen, Abu and others were also confused.

"No No way. How could he solve the case? How could he be faster than me? " Li Xiang yelled, hard to accept the fact.

"You mean I'm lying to you?"

The director looked at him coldly.

Suddenly, Li Xiang shuddered and shook his head, "no No, "he said

"Comrade Jiang Hao, not long ago, he led a special police force to destroy the murderer's nest and capture five suspects. He has made great contributions. You should be polite to him in the future. Do you hear me?" The director cheered coldly.

Li Xiang lowered his head, "I hear you."


The director snorted and left.

"Now, do you still think you can win?" Jiang Hao looks at Li Xiang and teases him.


Li Xiang was shy and angry. His face turned red and white.

What a shame!

Jiang Hao has solved the case, but he is still in front of him, showing off, showing off and satirizing.

Nima, this is my face!

He felt that the eyes of the police around him were full of ridicule.

"Go, go, go!"

With a wave of his hand and a tail between his legs, he ran away.

Abu, ah Fen and others also ran away in shame and anger.

Jiang Hao looked at their backs and laughed.

Farewell to Han Lulu, Jiang Hao went home.

At home, Jiang Yueyue is watching TV.

"What are you looking at?" Jiang Hao saw that she was fascinated and went to ask.

"Cangshan promo." Jiang Yueyue replied.

"Cousin, Cangshan is so beautiful. When we have a chance, can we go and play?"

Jiang Hao nodded, "yes."

"If you want to go, you can go now."


Jiang Yueyue's big eyes twinkled in an instant."It's true, of course."

Jiang Hao rubbed her hair, "but, do you have time recently?"

"Yes, of course. There are no classes in our class recently." Jiang Yueyue said in a hurry.

Jiang Hao glanced at her, "little girl, you can't lie to me and deliberately skip class, can you?"


Jiang Yueyi said: "I'm the best student in my class. How can I skip class? Recently, several teachers have gone to other places for investigation, so there is no class. "

"Well, in that case, let's go to Cangshan tomorrow." JiangHao road.

"Yes, cousin, that's great!"

Jiang Yueyue jumped up excitedly and gave Jiang Hao a kiss on the cheek.

Suddenly, her face was red.

She hid shyly in the boudoir.

Jiang Hao touched his cheek, shook his head and chuckled, "this little girl..."

The next day.

Jiang Yueyue got up early and put everything in order.

It seems that she is really looking forward to traveling.

It's no wonder that her family has been very poor since she was a child. For so many years, she has never traveled.

If she had not gone to university, she would not have had the chance to go out of the mountain village in her life.

Thinking of this, Jiang Hao cherished it for a while.

"Are you ready?" He asked.

"It's already packed up, cousin. Let's go!" Jiang Yueyue jumps down the tunnel like a lively lark.

"OK, let's go!"

"Oh, let's go, let's go!"

It's not too far from Cangzhou City by plane for two hours.

After getting off the plane, Jiang Yueyue realized later, "cousin, where do we live at night?"

Jiang Hao touched her small head, "don't worry, cousin has arranged."

To be exact, it was Ma Fu who arranged it.

When he learned that Jiang Hao was going to visit Cangshan, he immediately called a good friend of Cangzhou City and told him to treat Jiang Hao well.

This friend is Qian Rong, the owner of Cangzhou Glory Hotel.

Glory Hotel.

This morning, a sign of "suspension of business" was posted just to receive Jiang Hao.

The hotel hall is full of people.

From the boss Qian Rong, down to the waiters, chefs, are in the list.

"Boss, who are the people we are receiving for such a grand occasion?" Asked a manager.

"Yes, it's too heavy. The last time Mr. Ma Fu and Mr. Ma visited our hotel, they were not so grand." The rest nodded.

Qian Rong glared at them.

"What do you know? The people who come here this time are not simple. Even Mr. Ma should be treated respectfully! "

"I'm warning you, don't talk about it later. No matter who offends him, you'll get out of your way immediately. Do you hear me?"

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