"No. Chen Shaolong, please remember that you are the slave we adopted now, not the big elder martial brother of Huquan in the past. " Wang Laosan said coldly.

"That is, you are a slave now. Put yourself in the right place. Do you hear me?" Li Lao er said sternly.

"Listen I heard you Chen Shaolong bowed his head.


All of a sudden, boss Zhang gave a cold hum.

"I see. Why don't you buy breakfast soon? Do you want to be beaten?"

"No I don't want to

Chen Shaolong shook his head and rushed out immediately.

A moment later.

He bought a bag of fried dough sticks and steamed buns.

"Three seconds slower than yesterday, three slaps in the face!" Boss Zhang looked at his watch and cheered coldly.

"No Don't

Chen Shaolong trembled and retreated.

"Want to run? Waste, you don't have any accomplishments now. Can you run away? "

Boss Zhang gave a sneer.

Then, a lunge, catch up.

He raised his hand and fanned it down.

Pop! Pop! Pop!

Three slaps on the face of Chen Shaolong.

Suddenly, his face became red and swollen.

"Boss, don't be angry with this little bastard. Come and have breakfast. Lao Li's fried dough sticks are delicious." Li Laoer urged.


Boss Zhang stares at Chen Shaolong and kicks him down.

Then he came over and ate his breakfast.

Gudong! Gudong!

Chen Shaolong swallowed a few mouthfuls of water.

He's hungry. He's hungry.

"Look what you're looking at, look again, and dig out your eyes." Wang Laosan is very cruel.

Chen Shaolong's body trembled and drew back his eyes.

"What? Hungry? "

Boss Zhang gave a cold smile.

Immediately, he threw a bun on the ground.

"Give it to you. Eat it."

Steamed stuffed bun on the ground, rolled a few circles, covered with soil.


Chen Shaolong glared.

"What? "No?"

Li Laoer sneered, "if you don't eat, you'll be hungry. I see how long you can last."

After breakfast.

Boss Zhang walks up to Chen Shaolong and lifts him up.

"Boy, don't pretend to be dead, go to work quickly!"

Li Laoer cheered coldly: "little bastard, you just stole 3000 yuan yesterday, and the distance is 10000 yuan. Today, you have to steal 17000 yuan."

"Otherwise, I will break your leg."

Wang Laosan pushed him, "go to work quickly."

I'm lazy and idle all day.

Although they are free to practice, they also need to practice.

To cultivate, you must ask for money.

Their accomplishments are mediocre. Rich people don't want them. Ordinary rich people don't like them.

So I started stealing money.

The easiest, the fastest.

Ever since they met Chen Shaolong, they were even more lazy and unwilling to start. They gave him the job of stealing money.

Although Chen Shaolong's accomplishments have been abolished.

But when he was young, he practiced boxing. His kung fu was very good, his movements were flexible, and he was very efficient in stealing money.

In fact, at the beginning, he refused to steal money and do such a thing.

However, he was beaten for three days by boss Zhang and was dying.

In the end, he was soft.

Because he doesn't want to die, and he can't.

"Get out of here!"

Boss Zhang kicked Chen Shaolong out of the door.

Then, with a bang, the door closed.

"Come on, let's play a few games against the landlord!" He said with a smile.


Li Laoer and Wang Laosan also smile.

The three played against the landlord.

On the other side.

Chen Shaolong left the house and walked blankly in the street.

To be honest, he didn't want to be a thief from the bottom of his heart.

But he couldn't help it.

So he raised his head, scanned the people and searched for the target.

He steals money. There's a rule.

He only steals the rich, but he never steals the ordinary.

Because, he thinks, stealing a little money from rich people is not a big crime.

After all, without tens of thousands, it's nothing to the rich.

Suddenly, in front of his eyes, he saw a beautiful woman walking slowly.

It's Shen Mengqi.

She just talked with a manager about cooperation, signed a contract and was ready to return to Star Dream Hotel.

Beauty, I'm sorry!Chen Shaolong whispered and went up.


A blade, between his fingers.

He swung his fingers and flicked.

Suddenly, the sharp blade cut Shen Mengqi's briefcase.

Chen Shaolong reaches out his middle finger and index finger, probes into the briefcase, pinches his finger and takes out a wallet.

Then he clipped it a few more times.

A total of two bank cards, a wallet and a document were stolen.

Immediately, he and Shen Mengqi passed by.

All this happened in the crowd.

So no one found out.

Shen Mengqi did not notice.

She stepped into an Audi with her briefcase.

Then he drove away.

After winning, Chen Shaolong left immediately and went back.

Creak ~

Chen Shaolong pushes the door open and walks in.

"Why? Coming back so soon? " Wang Laosan was surprised.

Boss Zhang stares, his face is cold, "little bastard, do you want to be lazy?"

"Grass, you dare to be lazy, I'll break your leg!" Li Laoer yelled angrily.


Chen Shaolong gave a cold hum and threw the stolen wallet and bank card onto the table.

"I'm lucky to meet a fat sheep today." He said faintly.

"Is it?"

All of a sudden, boss Zhang turned angry to laugh.

He picked up his wallet, opened it, and immediately laughed.

Li Lao Er glanced at him, and his mouth was almost behind his ears.

I saw a stack of red banknotes in my wallet. Roughly speaking, there are at least several thousand.

"That's great. So soon, there will be thousands." Mr. Zhang said with a smile.

Wang Laosan pointed to the bank card and said, "boss, there are still two bank cards here. Take out the card machine and have a look at the card. How much is it?"

"Yes, yes."

Li Laoer nodded repeatedly, "how much money does the card have?"

"I hope there will be tens of thousands of them. In this way, we can buy the old ginseng that we have been coveting for a long time, and then our cultivation will break through."


Wang Laosan nodded.

Boss Zhang immediately used it to swipe the machine and swiped the bank card.

Suddenly, the three of them petrified.

"One One One... "

Li Laoer was so confused that he didn't say anything for a long time.

"1.89 million." Mr. Zhang exclaimed.

he gasped.

Immediately, he began to laugh.

"Ha ha ha Get rich, get rich, we get rich! "

Wang Laosan excitedly said: "1.89 million, my God, we finally have money to buy that hundred year old ginseng."

"That's right!"

Li Laoer yelled, "once we take the hundred year old ginseng, our accomplishments will increase dramatically. At that time, it will be easier to get money."

Ha ha ha

Boss Zhang looks up at the sky and laughs.

He stood up, patted Chen Shaolong on the shoulder, praised: "little bastard, good, good, this time, you do really good."

"Tonight, I'll give you a drumstick!"

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