
All of a sudden, Wang Laosan was surprised.

"Boss, there's a contract here."

Boss Zhang took a look.

All of a sudden, he shuddered.

"My mother, what kind of business is this talking about? It's worth 60 million?" He said in horror.

Li Laoer's face changed.

"Boss, look at the signature here. It's Shen Mengqi."

"Shen Mengqi?"

Hey, hey

Zhang old obscene smile, "is Star Dream Hotel beauty boss?"

"That's right."

Wang Laosan nodded, "boss, this contract has just been signed. We can blackmail Shen Mengqi."

"It's worth 60 million. We blackmail millions. I'm sure the beauty boss will agree."

"Yes, blackmail her!" Li Laoer is excited.

Boss Zhang nodded.

"Well, we'll blackmail her, just five million."

"No way!"

Suddenly, Chen Shaolong spoke.

He pounced and took the bank card and the contract.

"What are you doing?" Boss Zhang stares and roars.

"These things are very important. I want to return them. I can't give them to you!" Chen Shaolong said in a loud voice.

"Give it back?"

Boss Zhang's face turned cold when he heard the speech.

"You want to die!"

Li Laoer is hot tempered. He rushes up and kicks Chen Shaolong over.

Then, it's a beating.

"Grass Mud Horse, these things are ours now. Do you want to give them back and cut off our money? Do you believe me

Wang Laosan made a rude remark.

Afterwards, they also started to fight and kick.

Chen Shaolong clings to his bank card and contract.

"Give us the card and the contract!" Zhang ordered.


Chen Shaolong's tone is firm.

"Grass, little bastard, you've got a fucking temper, haven't you?"

Li Laoer was very angry and kicked him again.

Chen Shaolong's mouth is bleeding and his whole body is injured, but he just refuses to let go.

In Wang Lao's three eyes, there was a cruel light.

"Little bastard, if you don't hand it over, I will break your hand."


Chen Shaolong firmly said: "these things are too important for the owner. I have to return them."

"Mad, cut off our money!"

Wang Laosan scolded angrily and rushed up.

He grabbed Chen Shaolong's hand and twisted it.


There was a crack in the bone.

Ah ~

Chen Shaolong screamed, and his arm was broken.

Hey, hey

Wang Laosan gave a ferocious smile, grabbed his other hand and twisted it again.


The other hand, too.

Chen Shaolong, convulsed, lay on the ground, roaring in pain, like a wounded beast.

However, his fingers, still firmly grasp the bank card and contract, did not loosen.

"Grass, my hands are broken, and I still won't let go!" Li Laoer scolded.

Then he grabbed Chen Shaolong's fingers, one by one, and broke them.

Click! Click! Click!

Crack sound, one after another.

Ah, ~

Chen Shaolong screamed bitterly, sweating.

He rolled his eyes wildly and nearly passed out in pain.

"Spicy next door, do not give a lesson, do not know obedience!"

Li Laoer grabbed the bank card and the contract and scolded.


Wang Laosan spat on Chen Shaolong.

Then, he kicked again.

"Mad, little bastard, how dare you disobey our orders!"


Suddenly, boss Zhang gave a cold hum.

He said, "second, third, hang this little bastard outside and starve him for three days and three nights."

"Three days and three nights?"

Wang Laosan frowned and said weakly: "boss, this little bastard, his accomplishments are all wasted. Now he is an ordinary man. He must die after hanging for three days and three nights."

"At that time, I can't explain to that person."

"Yes, boss."

Li Laoer nodded and said, "boss, just hang him for a day and a night."

"That's good."

Boss Zhang said coldly, "just hang him for a day and a night."


Wang Laosan answered.

Then he grabbed Chen Shaolong by the foot and dragged him out.Then, he found a rope, tied his hands and feet, and hung him on the branch.

On the other side.

After Shen Mengqi returned to the office, she finally found that her bank card and contract had been stolen.

Suddenly, she panicked.

So she dialed Jiang Hao's mobile phone.

"Hello, Xiaojiang, my wallet and contract have been stolen." She said in a hurry.


Jiang Hao immediately asked, "is there anything important in it?"

"Yes, a bank card with a deposit of more than 1.8 million. In addition, the 60 million contract I just signed with President Mai today is also in it." Shen Mengqi said anxiously.

"Don't worry."

Jiang Hao comforted, "I'll go there now. Don't worry."


Hang up the phone, Shen Mengqi sitting in the office, anxious.

In five minutes.

Here comes Jiang Hao.

"Xiaojiang, please help me." Shen Mengqi cried.

That contract is too important. It involves many trade secrets. Once it is leaked, the problem will be serious.

"Sister Mengqi, don't worry."

Jiang Hao comforted: "you think about it first, where is your wallet and contract, and it was stolen?"

Shen Mengqi smell speech, carefully recall.

Suddenly, she jumped up.

"I remember that my wallet and contract were stolen on Guanghui road."

She recalled: "because, after discussing the contract with Mr. Mai, I came out of her company. On the way out, I felt thirsty, so I went to the opposite side and bought a bottle of water."

"Then he drove straight back."

"The wallet and the contract must have been lost there."


Jiang Hao nodded, "let's go to the local police station now and check the video."


Shen Mengqi's head is slightly curled.

In an hour.

They both came out of the police station with disappointment on their faces.

According to the police's explanation, the section of Guanghui road happened to have a broken camera, which has not been repaired for the time being.

So, there's no surveillance video.

"Xiaojiang, what should we do now?"

Shen Mengqi is anxious again.

"Sister Mengqi, don't worry, don't worry."

Jiang Hao said with a faint smile, "didn't the policeman just tell us to go to know everything? He may have some information. "

"Does he know?"

Shen Mengqi looks suspicious.

"Just go and see." Jiang Hao said with a smile.

"All right."

Shen Mengqi nodded.

They drove to the parking lot.

Dong Dong!

Jiang Hao knocked on the door.

"Who is it?"

Inside, there was a lazy voice.

"There's business coming." Jiang Hao said in a loud voice.

Pa Pa!

Suddenly, a burst of rapid footsteps sounded.


The door opened and a thin man with a pointed mouth appeared.

"Who are you? What can I do for you? " Asked the thin man.

Jiang Hao frowned, "are you a know it all?"

"That's right."

Know it all straightened his chest, "you come to me, do you want to know something?"

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