
Jiang Hao nodded, "I want to know, what are the recidivists and thieves nearby?"

Know it all twists its fingers.

"You know the rules? You have to pay for information. "

"How much?" Jiang Hao asked.

"One hundred, one question." Know it all.

"So expensive?"

Shen Mengqi frowned.

Know it all glanced at her, and there was a trace of lust in the bottom of her eyes.

"Beauty, one hundred and one questions. It's not expensive. The price here is fair. If you don't believe it, go and find out."

"Well, one hundred is one hundred."

Jiang Hao takes out a red banknote and hands it to master.

"Now, can you tell me who are the habitual thieves around here?"

Know it all frowned.

"This question is not easy to answer, because there are too many thieves nearby."

"Did you lose something important?"

Jiang Hao nodded, "yes."

All of a sudden, know it all asked.

"Is that how your things were stolen? Was it stolen, or was it scratched? "

"The bag is cut." Shen Mengqi is busy.

Know it all.

"Where is the bag? Let me see. Maybe I can tell whose modus operandi it is? "

"Is it?"

Shen Mengqi's face brightened when she heard the speech.

She ran to the car and took out the bag.

Know it all over again, looked at it.

Then, he gave it back to Shen Mengqi.

"I know who did it."

"Who?" Jiang Hao asked.

There was a cold light in his eyes.

"Chen Shaolong."

Know it all: "this boy, two years ago, appeared in our area and was taken in by boss Zhang. Then, he became a thief."

"His fingers are very flexible. With only a small blade, he can steal tens of thousands of yuan every day, and even hundreds of thousands of yuan every day."

"Are you sure?" JiangHao road.

Know it all nodded. "Sure, it must be him."

"OK, take us there." Jiang Hao said coldly.

"No, no, No

Know it all shakes its head.

"Chen Shaolong is the man of the elder Zhang. I dare not provoke him. You know, the elder Zhang has powers. It's said that the immortal reincarnated and killed people."

"Immortal reincarnation?"

Jiang Hao frowned.

"Don't worry, even if he is immortal reincarnation, with me, you will be OK." He promised.

"No, No."

Know it all or shake your head.

"I'm not going to say anything."


Jiang Hao is a little upset.

Ding Ling Ling!

Suddenly, Shen Mengqi's mobile phone rings.

She took it out to have a look.

Suddenly, Liu Mei frowned.

Because the number displayed on the mobile phone is a strange number.

However, she got through.


"Are you Shen Mengqi?"

On the other end of the cell phone, there was a low voice.

Shen Mengqi frowned, "yes, who are you?"

Hey, hey

The person on the opposite side, a smirk.

"It doesn't matter who I am. The important thing is that the contract you signed with President Mai is in my hands."

"Are you Chen Shaolong?" Shen Mengqi said in a cold voice.

The people on the opposite side were stunned.

Then, shake your head.

"Don't worry about who I am. In a word, I have your contract in my hand. If you want, I'll exchange it for five million."

"What? Five million? "

Shen Mengqi was surprised.

Suddenly, Jiang Hao grabbed her mobile phone and said coldly, "I don't care who you are. Now, I order you to send the bank card and contract to Xingmeng Hotel immediately."

"Otherwise, the consequences will be at your own risk!"


A cold hum came from the other side.

"Son of a bitch, who the hell are you? Crazy what crazy

"Do you hear me? Send the bank card and contract to Xingmeng Hotel immediately Jiang Hao exclaimed.

"Send you paralyzed!"

The person on the opposite side burst out a rude remark.

"Son of a bitch, call five million at once, otherwise, don't blame us for being rude!"


The person opposite hung up.


Jiang Hao scolded.

Then, he looked at master of all things and said, "master of all things, is that Chen Shaolong's voice?"Know it all twists its fingers.


Jiang Hao gave him a hundred, "go ahead."

"It's not Chen Shaolong's voice, it's boss Zhang's."


Jiang Hao picked his eyebrows.


He snorted coldly, "this boss Zhang has a lot of courage. How dare he blackmail me."

"Where does he live? Take me


know it all or shake your head.

"Take me!"

Suddenly, Jiang Hao drinks suddenly. In his eyes, his essence is shining.

Know it all over a tremor, back, forehead, immediately exude cold sweat.


Endless fear, like a tidal current, gushes out from the bottom of my heart and can't be contained at all.

"Yes, I'll take you, I'll take you!" Yelled know it all.

"Let's go." Jiang Hao said coldly.


Know it all with a flattering smile.

There was still a deep fear in his eyes.

Just now, Jiang Hao's glance was so terrible that he had the illusion of being in hell.

If not for his good psychological quality, it is estimated that he will be scared to urinate on the spot.

"Sir, this way, I'll take you." He was obsequious.

Jiang Hao and Shen Mengqi follow up.

A moment later.

They arrived at Zhang's residence.

Dong Dong!

Know it all came up and knocked on the door.

"Who is it?" Zhang shouts discontentedly.

"Boss Zhang, it's me, know it all." Yelled know it all.

Creak ~

boss Zhang opened the door, frowned, and his face was very unhappy. He asked, "what are you doing here?"

Whoosh ~

know it all blinked and slipped into the room.

"What's the matter?" Boss Zhang drinks cold.

Master of all things pointed to Jiang Hao and yelled: "boss Zhang, this boy wants to harm you. I've brought him. You're going to waste him."

"What the hell?"

Boss Zhang has a confused face.

Jiang Hao looks at the know it all with a smile.

Know it all a little hairy, a face of fear, hiding behind the boss Zhang.

"What's the matter, boss?" Li Laoer came over and asked.

Wang Laosan also came.

"Boss, do you think that beauty boss will honestly hand over five million?"

All three of them are here.

In an instant, know it all.

He stood up, pointed to Shen Mengqi, said: "Li Laoer, Wang Laosan, she is the beauty boss, I brought her."

"You control her, don't say five million, fifty million is possible!"


Boss Zhang's eyes suddenly turned green.

"Of course."

"Master Zhang, do it quickly and catch her," he said

Ha ha

Suddenly, Jiang Hao sneered.

He stared at know it all and said in a cold voice, "know it all, it seems that we haven't offended you. Why did you betray us?"


Master of all things gave a cold hum and a ferocious smile.

"Little bastard, because you threatened me just now, and..."

Suddenly, he looked at Shen Mengqi and licked his tongue.

"What's more, such a beautiful woman is still the chairman of Xingmeng hotel. I have never tasted it in my life, so I want to taste it."

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