Jiang Hao raised his eyes and gave a blow.


There was an explosion.

A raging wave of air swept in all directions.

Hum! Hum! Hum!

There was a dull hum.

All the people around were shaken back by the storm.

Some of the weak ones were thrown away and vomited blood. They almost fainted.

Jiang Hao's body shook for a moment and almost stepped back.

His face, a little red.

In this confrontation, he was in a weak position.

"Little bastard, it's still time to beg for mercy. Just now, I only used 50% of my skill, and you can't resist it. Once I burst out with all my strength, you will die." Dildo.

"Is it?"

Jiang Hao gave a faint smile.

"Unfortunately, just now, I only used one success force."

"Old man, it seems that I underestimate you. As soon as I succeed, I fall into a disadvantage. You are really powerful!"


Dilao was so angry that he blew his beard and glared.

What is this?

It's ironic.

"Son of a bitch, you forced me!" Di Lao low drinks a way.

His eyes were full of murders.

"Burning heaven in Mount Tai's five movements!"

"Here it is

Hong Jian of baijianmen is full of energy.

"How long has it been since I saw the five styles of Mount Tai?"

Flaming door, red fire, a face sigh.


He snorted coldly, "Jiang Hao, the five movements of Mount Tai are the unique martial arts of Mount Tai. They are handed down from ancient times. How can you stop them?"

The onlookers also cheered up.

"It's said that the leader of the Taishan sect once burned a dark master to ashes by burning the sky in the five movements of the Taishan sect!"

"Yes, I've heard about the five movements of Mount Tai. It's terrible!"

"The martial arts of the immortal family can't be resisted by ordinary people at all!"

"Jiang Hao is in danger!"

There was an uproar.

Suddenly, the endless flame escaped from Dilao's body.

And wrap him up.

The flame is getting more and more vigorous and gradually rising.

Finally, a cloud of fire appeared in the sky above Dilao's head.


Hiss hiss hiss hiss hiss hiss hiss hiss hiss hiss hiss hiss hiss hiss hiss hiss hiss hiss hiss hiss hiss hiss hiss hiss hiss hiss hiss hiss hiss hiss hiss hiss hiss hiss hiss hiss hiss hiss hiss hiss hiss hiss hiss hiss hiss hiss hiss his.

"It's so hot!"

"Thirsty, too thirsty!"

"I'm on fire all over!"

The crowd cried out.

One by one, they all had dry mouth, red cheeks, hot skin all over, like baking on a fire. As soon as the sweat came out, they were immediately steamed dry.

People with weak cultivation will shake and faint at any time.

Around the plants, with the naked eye speed, become yellow.


Suddenly, a tree, burning up, crackling, fire is very strong.

People's hearts were beating.

They can't help it at last.

"Back up, back up!"

They retreated one after another, retreated 20 meters, and then stopped to watch the battle.

In the sky, a large flame, burning out of thin air, will not extinguish completely, as if to burn and melt the sky.

Burning the sky, burning the sky, it's true!


Jiang Hao's face showed a trace of surprise.


He chuckled. "I didn't expect that I could still see Xiandao martial arts on the earth with the decline of martial arts and poor aura. It's a pity..."

"It's a pity that this Xiandao martial arts is incomplete. It's less than one tenth of its power, and the loophole is too big. You can see through it at a glance."

"Go to hell!"

Suddenly, Dilao roared.

With a wave of his hand, the flames above his head rushed to JiangHao, just like a sea of flames.

With a sneer, Jiang Hao chopped his hand into a knife.

"Thirteen swords of wind and thunder, chop!"


All of a sudden, the flame was cut in half by Jiang Hao with an invisible palm knife.

Then, the flame burst out, and there were flames all over the sky, just like fireworks.

A moment later, the flame went out.

Mount Tai's five forms of burning heaven, collapse!


Dilao was bitten by him and spat out a mouthful of blood.


Jiang Hao's body swayed and ran past.

He slapped in the air and photographed it.Dilao raised his head abruptly, raised his arm difficultly, and blocked it.


All of a sudden, the sound of bone crack sounded, and his arm was broken.


Then, Jiang Hao kicked him away.

This foot is very heavy!

Poof! Poof!

Dilao spat out a few mouthfuls of blood and collapsed on the ground, unable to move at all.

Many of his bones were broken.

In the blink of an eye, Dilao, the master to be, is useless!

"This This This... "

The crowd was stunned.

No, it's creepy!

Jiang Hao is terrible!

Last night's attack and killing, I thought he would die.

As a result, he was safe and killed Wang Mazi, Zhang Wu and others.

Today, Zhu Huo, Hong Jian and others from the flame gate and Baijian gate are attacking with great power. People feel that this time, Jiang Hao is dead.

What happened?

He took two moves to kill Luo Huan and Qin Feng.

Then, Dilao, the master to be, made a move.

With one hand, heaven and earth move, with a great momentum.

Everyone thinks that this time, Jiang Hao will never live.

However, the fact, once again, swelled their faces.

Jiang Hao's three or two moves almost killed Dilao.

How strong is he?

This is everyone's doubt.

"Is he the master of dark strength?"

"Not really. It's said that master amjin can walk in the air and exude a sense of terror. Ordinary people can't look directly at him, otherwise they will hurt their eyes."

"Yes, I don't think he can be the master of dark strength."

"However, his strength is too strong!"

"Yes, in his hands, Dilao, the master to be, is like a toy, without any resistance!"

There was a lot of discussion.


All of a sudden, the flaming door was full of fire, and there was a loud drink.

When Hong Jian of baijianmen heard the words, he ran away.

"Want to run? Is that possible? "

Jiang Hao sneered and ran after him.

Hey, hey

Zhu Huo gave a sinister smile, then turned his head and ran away in the opposite direction.


Hong Jian scolded angrily.

He understood that he was set up by Zhu Huo.

"Zhu Laogui, I will not let you go when I die!" Hong Jian cursed.


Zhu's face was full of anger.

"Hum, Jiang Hao's strength is really strong, but in terms of speed, even the master to be is not as good as me. When Jiang Hao kills you, he can't catch up with me!" He said in secret.

Ah ~

suddenly, a scream came out.

Zhu Huo trembled and almost fell down.

His scalp is about to explode.

"Old Hong, you're dead so soon?"


Suddenly, the sound of breaking the air came from my ear.

He felt that someone was catching up behind him.

"So fast!"

Zhu Huo was so surprised that he was scared to death.

Suddenly, he stopped.


He knelt down on the spot.

Bang bang!

He kowtowed and begged for mercy. "Lord Jiang, I deserve to die. I'm a beast. Please spare my life!"

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