"What? Do you want to imitate Qin Feng just now, pretend to beg for mercy from me, and then take the opportunity to attack me Jiang Hao sneered.

"Dare not, dare not!"

Zhu Huo shook his head.

"Lord Jiang, I'm wrong. I deserve to die. Please spare my life." He kowtowed.


Jiang Hao gave a cold hum.

"You all say that you deserve to die. Can I spare your life?"


Zhu Huo was so angry that he slapped himself.

"Mr. Jiang, I'm wrong. I really know I'm wrong. Please forgive me. I can be your younger brother. Please don't kill me!" He prayed.

"Master, what do you say?"

"Elder, are you crazy?"

"Elder Zhu Huo, get up quickly, and don't disgrace our flame gate!"

The disciples of the flame gate cheered one after another.


What a shame.

I knelt down to beg for mercy, but he didn't beg in front of the enemy.

"Shut up

Zhu Huo glared and yelled.

"If anyone dares to say a word more, I will shoot him to death!"

At this moment, he was fierce.

However, as soon as he turned his head, he immediately showed a flattering smile and begged for mercy: "master Jiang, I can be your slave. Please don't kill me!"


All of a sudden, Jiang Hao slapped him on the head.


Zhu Huo's skull, split, red blood, from the top of the head, flowing down.


He tilted and fell to the ground.

Jiang Hao took back his hand and said coldly, "I don't need a younger brother or a slave. Anyone who wants to kill me will die!"

The crowd gasped.

Obviously, they were frightened by Jiang Hao's cruel and fierce means.

Da Da ~

with both hands on his back, Jiang Hao walked towards Dilao step by step.

Then, he slowly raised his hand, also ready to result in Dilao.

"Stop it

He gave a cold and arrogant drink and came at a gallop.

However, Jiang Hao didn't care about him at all. He lifted his hand up and shot it down.


He scolded coldly and arrogantly.

He waved his hand.

Suddenly, a silver white thing shot at Jiang Hao.

This is a poison needle!

There are more than ten kinds of lethal toxins on the silver needle. Even if master amjin is shot, he can't bear them.


Jiang Hao snorted coldly and swung his sleeve.

A wind, out of thin air.

Wind a roll, suddenly, the shot from the needle, fly back.


The cold proud pupil shrinks, the facial expression is startled greatly.

He dodged at once.

However, it was shot.


With a groan, he fell to the ground.

The needle stabbed him in the arm.

His palm, his face, in a flash, became black and blue.

It can be seen from this that the strength of the toxin is appalling.


Suddenly, lengao trembled and spat out a mouthful of black blood.

He took the antidote out of his pocket and took it immediately.

A moment later, his face returned to normal, only a little pale, very weak.

Suddenly, a hand, stretched out, grabbed his neck, like a chicken, lifted him up.

"Cold and proud, right?"

Jiang Hao said coldly, "you want to kill me with poisonous needles. Do you really think that if you are the little leader of Taishan sect, I dare not kill you?"

In his eyes, the cold light is deep.

Coughing ~ ~

coldly and arrogantly, coughing violently, his face turned red.

"You If you dare to kill me, taishanmen will definitely Will destroy you Eighteen generations of your ancestors


Jiang Hao sneered.

"How dare you threaten me when you are dying?"

"The Taishan sect is just a school. If he doesn't offend me, he will prosper. If he is weak, he dares to offend me. I'll make his whole family destroyed and disappear!"


Cough ~

coldly and arrogantly, his face is full of venom.

"Big Don't be ashamed, even if you You are master amjin. When you enter Taishan gate, you also There is only one way to die. Why should you die Destroy the gate of Mount Tai

"With my fists!" Jiang Hao drinks cold.

All of a sudden, Wang Sen, the iron fist man, came running."JiangHao, JiangHao, don't be impulsive. Calm down. Calm down. You can't kill lengao. You can't kill lengao!" He advised.

Lengao is the little leader of taishanmen. He is the only son of the leader of taishanmen. He is also the hope of taishanmen in the future.

If he died, taishanmen would be crazy.

At that time, not only Jiang Hao will die, but they will also be doomed.

"Get out of the way!" Jiang Hao cheered coldly.

Not long ago, Wang Sen kindly advised him and pleaded for him. Jiang Hao was very grateful.

That's why I didn't do it.

If someone else dares to stop him, just slap him to death.

"Don't be impulsive." Wang Sen trills.

His little heart is breaking.


It's pure fright.

After all, the status of aloofness is too different.

Looking at the whole Jiangdong Province, few people dare to provoke him.


Jiang Hao snorted coldly, "he wants to kill me, how can I let him go?"

"Today, he will die!"

"No way!"

Wang Sen gave a cold drink.

He firmly said: "Jiang Hao, if you really want to kill lengao, then kill me first!"


Jiang Hao is a little angry.

"What does aloofness have to do with you? Is it worth fighting to protect him?"

Wang Sen shook his head.

"I have nothing to do with him, but he can't die!"

"Do you know that he is the young leader of taishanmen, but taishanmen is a first-class sect in Jiangdong province. If he dies, taishanmen will be furious."

"In time, all of us will suffer!"

"Do you want to involve so many innocent people because of personal grudges?"


Jiang Hao is in a dilemma.

To tell you the truth, since he set foot on the road of martial arts, his heart has become colder and harder.

Before, he didn't even dare to kill a chicken.

Now, he killed people.

This world, is so cruel, the jungle, forced his heart, had to become cold and hard.

However, if dozens or hundreds of people are involved because of his personal grudges, he will not bear it.

After pondering for a moment, Jiang Hao made a decision.

"Well, it's OK not to kill him!"

Jiang Hao said in a cold voice: "however, the death penalty can be avoided, and the living sin can't escape. I won't kill him, but I will abolish his cultivation!"

After that, he raised his hand, squeezed it into a fist, and prepared to blow it to his cold and arrogant abdomen, destroying his elixir field.

"Stop it

Suddenly, a cold cry came from the distant horizon.

Jiang Hao turned a deaf ear and prepared to blow his fist out.

"Stop it

There was a sudden sound of thunder.

Ah ~

suddenly, many people screamed.

Their ears were bleeding, their eardrums were almost broken, and they became deaf.

Boom! Boom!

A great momentum rolled over.

The whole sky seemed to tremble.

"This is..."

Wang Sen looked up and looked into the distance.

He's shaking, he's afraid, he's afraid!

A person, come from the air.

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