
Suddenly, a man stood up slowly and pleaded for Xiao Li.

"Director, Xiao Li didn't mean it. You Just let him go. "

"No way!"

Wang dongleng drinks.

He glanced at the crowd and scolded: "who is pleading for him? We will punish him for the same crime!"

All of a sudden, everyone shut up.

"Hum, you are so powerful!"

All of a sudden, a cold cry rang out.


Wang Dong looked around and roared, "get out of here!"


Jiang Hao kicked open the door of the private room and went in.

Wang Dong looked up and his face became gloomy.

"Boy, who are you? Who allowed you in? Get out of here now

Jiang Hao glared at him.

"You are the deputy director of the Security Bureau and the group leader Wang Dong?"

"I know I'm wang Dong, but I'm not obedient. Get out of here now?" Wang dongleng cheered.

Pop! Pop! Pop!

Suddenly, Jiang Hao clapped his hand.

"What a prestige, what a prestige!"

"Who are you? How dare you satirize me? " Wang Dong cold voice way.

"My name is Jiang Hao. I'm just an ordinary person."

Jiang Hao gave a faint smile.

"I know Li Xiang. He called you just now. You said that you are a crouching murderer. You are on a mission. Now it seems that you are on a mission."

"The content of the task is to eat, drink, play with women, oh, yes, and fight subordinates."

"So you are Jiang Hao! "

Wang Dong's eyes are cold.

鈥漁h. "

with a strange cry, Jiang Hao sarcastically said," do you still know me? "

" Oh, I'm so honored. You are the deputy director of the Security Bureau. I'm so lucky that you know me! "

" you "

Wang Dong glared and said," Jiang Hao, I know you have a good relationship with director Zhang of the Security Bureau headquarters. "

" Liang, the former director of Chuzhou Security Bureau and Li Gu, the leader of the third group, was dismissed for offending you. "

" I know all this. "

" Oh? "

Jiang Hao has a choice of eyebrows.

鈥漀ow that you are clean, how can you talk to me so boldly? "

" because my backstage is bigger than you think! "

Wang Dong sneered:" director Zhang is still a character. However, in my eyes, he is not even a fart. I can make him run away with everything in a word! "

" so, in your eyes, nothing. "

ha ha

Jiang Hao gave a cold smile. "I can't see that you are so big. "


Wang Dong cold hum a, proud way: "since know, still don't quickly kneel down, apologize to me?"? "

" apologize to your sister! "

Jiang Hao made a rude remark.

鈥漌hat are you talking about? "

Wang Dong's eyes were cold.

鈥滻 said, who are you to make me kneel down and apologize? Believe it or not, I hit you and you kneel down and apologize? "Jiang Hao said coldly.

鈥漃resumptuous! "

Wang Dong yelled.

鈥滲oy, are you tired of living? "

" don't say it's you, even director Zhang, your backer, dare not offend me. When you see me, you have to call Wang Shao respectfully. "

" I'm going to kill you. He can't save you, and he doesn't dare to! "

" is that right? "

Jiang Hao smiles.

There was no panic on his face.

鈥漎ou come from such a big family? Is it the major and minor in Beijing? "

" you don't deserve to know! "Wang Dong said haughtily.

鈥滱ll right, all right! "

Jiang Hao waved impatiently.

鈥滳ome with me, gather with Li Xiang immediately, act immediately and arrest the criminal! "

" why should I go with you? "

Wang Dong yelled.

鈥漌ho are you? Get out of here and don't disturb me! "

" eat? "

Jiang Hao sneered:" when you eat, even if you drink and flirt with a bar girl? "

" don't forget your identity. You are a member of the Security Bureau. Follow me immediately to arrest criminals, solve major cases and protect the common people. "

" go away! "

Wang Dong uttered a word coldly.

鈥漎ou're not going? "

Jiang Hao narrowed his eyes with a dangerous light in them.

鈥漀o! "

Wang Dong waved and yelled:" get out of here! "

" it seems that I'm going to do it! 鈥淪uddenly, Jiang Hao reaches out his hand, grabs Wang Dong's arm, pulls him hard, and walks towards the outside of the private room.

If the director didn't agree with him to solve the case alone, he would be too lazy to pay attention to Wang Dong.

鈥滱sshole! "

Wang Dong scolded angrily.

Suddenly, his body was shocked, and a violent momentum stirred up.

He shook off Jiang Hao's hand.

鈥滼iang Hao, you are so bold that you dare to murder the director of the Security Bureau. Today, I will kill you and do justice for heaven! "

" murder the director of the security bureau? "

hiss ~

Jiang Hao hisses," it's another old trick. It seems that the people in your security bureau have no other skills, but the ability of planting and framing is first-class. "

" cut the crap, Jiang Hao, let's die! "

Wang Dong drinks cold.

Suddenly, Jiang Hao's face was cold.

He stared at Wang Dong and asked, "are you going to kill me? "


Wang dongleng snorted: "you intend to murder the director of the Security Bureau and commit heinous crimes. Of course, you will be killed! "

there was a cold light in Jiang Hao's eyes.

鈥滻t seems that I'm going to knock you out and drag you to the police station. "

" death! "

with a cold drink, Wang Dong's inner diameter spurted out, and he had to start.

鈥漇top it! "

suddenly, a cold cry came.

Out of breath, Li Xiang rushed in.

鈥滲rother Wang, wait a minute. "

Wang Dong's eyes were cold, staring at Li Xiang, and said harshly," what? You want to protect him? "

" no no, it isn't. "

Li Xiang shook his head.

鈥滲rother Wang, our director has an order. Jiang Hao is here to help you arrest the murderer. You can't kill him. Otherwise, the director can't explain. "He said weakly.


Wang Dong snorted coldly, with disdain on his face.

鈥滼oke, he is just a small director, I need to explain to him? "

" get out of the way, or I'll kill you! "

Li Xiang trembled with fright and immediately backed away.

鈥漎ou can't kill Jiang Hao! "

suddenly, Han Lulu comes out.

鈥滲eauty! "

suddenly, Wang Dong's eyes twinkled with the light of evil.

Two eyes, staring at Han Lulu, how can not move.

鈥滲eauty, I can not kill him, but you must promise me a condition. "Wang Dong said with an obscene smile.

鈥漌hat are the conditions? "

Han Lulu asked.

Hey, hey

Wang Dong's evil smile, "if you are my woman, I won't kill him! "

" impossible! "

Han Lulu directly vetoed it.

鈥滻s that impossible? "

a cold light flashed in Wang Dong's eyes.

鈥漈hen I step back, do not need you to be my woman, as long as accompany me to sleep a few nights on the line! "

" you want to die! "

Jiang Hao gave a cold drink and rushed up.

He waved his arm and hit Wang Dong in the face.


Suddenly, Wang Dong flew out.

His face was black and the corners of his mouth were bleeding.

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