”Grass Mud Horse! "

Wang Dong stood up, roared, and his eyes were full of murders.

”Little bastard, you dare to hit me, you are dead, I will kill you! "He growled.


Jiang Hao gave a cold hum.

"I have a bad heart for lulu. I can't spare you!"

"Go to hell!"

Wang Dong roared and rushed over.

"Stop it

All of a sudden, a cold shout full of dignity rang out.

Then a man came in.

"Director." Li Xianglian is busy.


Han Lulu also leaned slightly.

However, Wang Donggen, who was not the director of the Bureau, still rushed to Jiang Hao.

"I told you to stop, can't you hear me?" The director drank cold.


Wang Dong gave an angry rebuke.

"Do you know who I am?" He cried.

"I know."

The director nodded, "you are from the Wangs in Jinling City."


Wang dongleng snorted. He raised his chin and chest. He said arrogantly, "you know I'm from the king's family in Jinling, how dare you scold me?"

"Don't you want to be a director?"


The director stares at him and gets angry.

"You what you, get out of the way."

Wang Dong waved, "I'll find you when I clean him up."

"Stop it

The director gave a cold drink.


Wang Dong made a rude remark.

"You are tired of living, don't you dare to scold me?"

"Group leader Wang, just now, the leader issued an order, ordering you to lead the three groups of the Security Bureau to cooperate with us to start the operation and solve the major case."

The director said coldly, "if you don't believe me, you can call your director Dai."

"Well, what if there's an order?"

Wang Dong disdains the way: "if I don't want to carry out, no one can force me!"

Ding Ling Ling ~ Ding Ling Ling ~

suddenly, his mobile phone rings.

Take it out and have a look. It shows that director Dai is calling.

So he got through.

"Hello, chief, call me. What can I do for you?" He asked.

"Group leader Wang, you immediately lead your three groups, cooperate with Li Xiang and Han Lulu of the police station, arrest the murderer and destroy the underground laboratory." Director Dai ordered.

"Director, I'm a little sick today and I can't take action. You can find someone else for this task."

Wang Dong grinned, "otherwise, when I'm in good health, I'll do it again."

"No way!"

Director Dai said firmly: "no matter whether you are sick or not, as long as you are not dead, take people with you immediately, cooperate with the police, and arrest the murderer. This is an order. Execute it immediately!"

Wang Dong's face was cold.

His tone suddenly rose several grades.

"I said, I won't go!"

"Dai," he said coldly, "on my first day in office, I said that although you are the director, you can't command me. Don't forget, I'm from the king's family in Jinling."

"Next time, talk to me like this, you director, you don't have to do it!"




He's just a small head of the Security Bureau. He doesn't pay any attention to the director at all. He even dares to threaten. It's very presumptuous.


At the other end of the cell phone, director Dai choked angrily.

"Wang Dong, this is the order of the Wudao League, and your father also agreed. As for whether to carry it out or not, you can do whatever you want!"


Director Dai hung up directly.

"Wu Dao Meng?"

Suddenly, Wang Dong shivered.

The Wudao League is the top part of the Security Bureau. Its nature is the same. It deals with the disputes and grievances in the Wudao community and protects the safety of ordinary people.

However, there is no superior security bureau.

Because, the Security Bureau, the most powerful, is no more than Mingjin, a perfect, quasi master.

The wudaomeng is different.

The threshold of wudaomeng is dark strength.

In other words, the people of wudaomeng are all masters of dark strength, even stronger.

These people are all drawn from various Yipin and chaopin sects, as well as ancient martial arts families.

Ding Ling Ling ~

suddenly, Wang Dong's mobile phone rings again.

This time, it's his father.

Wang Dong immediately connected the phone and said with a smile, "Dad, long time no see, I miss you."

"Less poverty, you Dai director, should tell you, immediately cooperate with the police in Chuzhou, crack the underground laboratory case, arrest the murderer.""Remember, you must perform well so that Dad can transfer you to Jinling City." Wang Xiang said.


Wang Dong nodded.

"Well, I have something else to do. Hang up first. "Wang Xiang said.

"Well, goodbye, Dad. "Wang Dong said with a smile.

Hang up the phone, he looked at the director, ordered: "let's go, start the operation. "


The director snorted and turned away.

Ten minutes later.

It's all set.

"Li Xiang, Lulu, remember that this action is very important, and the leaders also attach great importance to it. Only success is allowed, not failure. Remember? "The director warned.

"Remember! "

Li Xiang and Han Lulu speak in unison.

"Good. "

the director smiles.

Then, look at Jiang Hao.

"Jiang Xiaoyou, this mission is very dangerous. I didn't want you to take part in it. Since you insist on taking part, I won't stop you. "

" however, I have a request. I hope you can take care of the people who take care of me in a critical moment. After all, they are all talents. I feel sorry for losing one. "

" don't worry, chief. I'm here. They'll be fine. "Jiang Hao is confident.

"Well, No. "

suddenly, Wang Dong spoke.

"Secretary, is he going too? "He pointed to Jiang Hao.

"What's the matter? Can't we? "The director said coldly.

"Of course not! "

Wang Dong raised his mouth and showed a disdainful smile.

"Do you know who we are facing in this mission? They are all experts in martial arts and Taoism. According to your report, I guess "

" these people are all masters. There are at least three of them. They are Mingjin Dacheng. Don't you send them to death? "

" I don't want you to worry! "

Jiang Hao said in a cold voice," you'd better take care of yourself. Don't wait until the action starts, you will be killed. "

" you "

Wang Dong glared at Jiang Hao and said angrily," do you want to die? "

" you want to die! "

Jiang Hao drank coldly," keep your mouth clean. Don't annoy me. Don't annoy me. No matter what Jinling Wang family you are, I'll still beat you to death. "

" grass! "

Wang Dong has exploded.

"Slap me dead? I'll beat you to death first! "

after that, he raised his hand.

"Stop it! "

the director gave a cold drink.

"Before the operation started, there was internal strife. How can we solve the case? How to arrest people? "

Wang Dong pointed to Jiang Hao and said in a cold voice," it's easy. Let him go! "

" what is he? Is he qualified to participate in this operation? "

" in my opinion, the unqualified person is you, group leader Wang, who can only eat, drink, play and soak women! "

suddenly, Han Lulu sneered.

Wang Dong's face sank and he seemed to get angry.

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