"Enough! "

the director angrily scolded," now, I announce that in this operation, Wang Dong is the team leader, Li Xiang and Han Lulu are the deputy team leaders, and you all listen to them. "

then he looks at Jiang Hao.

"Jiang Xiaoyou, I've wronged you. I hope you can cooperate with me. "

" no problem. "

Jiang Hao nodded.

"In that case, let's go. "The Secretary said with a smile.


Wang Dong stares at Jiang Hao.

Then, with a wave of his hand, he turned and walked away.

"Let's go! "

" yes! "

Li Xiang and others immediately followed, and Han Lulu and Jiang Hao also followed.

In half an hour.

They secretly arrived in Chuzhou City, a barren mountain in the suburbs.

"Brother Wang, the underground laboratory is in that cave. "Li Xiang pointed to the cave ahead and reported.

"Come on, let's go in now and catch them! "Wang Dong waved his hand and said.

"Wait! "

suddenly, Jiang Hao spoke.

"We should be careful and push forward slowly, not rashly, in case they set a trap at the entrance of the cave or bury an alarm. "

" if we rush through recklessly, it will be very dangerous. Maybe, it will disturb the people inside. "

" what a surprise! "

Wang Dong said rudely:" push it slowly? Slowly a bird, you slowly again, if the people inside run away, can you take the responsibility? "

" Oh? "

Jiang Hao sneered," do you know that time is precious now? What have you been doing. "

" not long ago, who was holding a woman in the bar, drinking red wine, having fun, wasting time, not carrying out tasks, and pretending to be a murderer? "

" you "

Wang Dong glared at him angrily.

"Well, brother Wang, don't be angry. "

Li Xiang stood up and made peace.

"Jiang Hao, I will tell you clearly that there is no trap or alarm at the entrance of the cave. "

" how do you know? "Jiang Hao asked.

Li Xiang said: "because last time, there were no such things. "

" you also said that it was the last time. There was no last time. Can you guarantee that there will be no this time? "Jiang Hao retorted.

"Well This "

Li Xiang was speechless.

"Enough! "

Wang Dong gave a cold rebuke.

"Whether he has a trap or not, even if he has one, what? So many of us are afraid of a small trap? "

abruptly, he glanced at Jiang Hao and scolded him:" and you, don't forget, I'm the team leader of this operation. My words are orders. "

" Whoever dares not to follow, get out of here! "

" go! "

with a wave of his hand, he led the way.

Go to the entrance of the cave.

"Go in! "

he gave a cold drink and strode in.

Suddenly, his eyelids jumped.

He felt as if he had stepped on something.

So he looked down.

All of a sudden, scared to death.

"Mine, hide! "

he yelled and ran.


A startling explosion, resounding in the mountains, the sound reverberated for a long time.

The earth is flying all over the sky.

All of a sudden, several screams came out.

There are two police officers, when they run away, they slow down a step, their legs are broken and their blood is flowing.

One member of security team three was also injured.

Wang Dong stood up, ran over and asked, "are you ok? "

" do you think it's ok? "

Jiang Hao sneered," I reminded you that there are traps at the entrance of the cave. If you don't believe it, how about now? "

" shut up! "

Wang Dong roared.

He was terrified.

Landmine, this thing has terrible lethality. Even master dark strength can't stop it.

Just now, if he didn't run fast, even if he had a trump card, he would not have been able to save his life.

”What about some of them? "Wang Dong pointed to the wounded and said.

”Go away! "

suddenly, Jiang Hao pulls him away.

Then, he took out the silver needle and treated several wounded on the spot.

After a few minutes, Jiang Hao exhaled a foul breath.

”The blood of the wound stopped temporarily. However, the legs of these two people were broken by the explosion, and I can't help them. Send someone to take them to the hospital immediately. "He said.

Jiang Hao just dealt with the injuries of the three.Full treatment, too time-consuming, but also the loss of spiritual power, not conducive to the next action.

”Good. "

Li Xiang nodded.

He looked at a policeman and said, "Xiao Wei, you stay outside, call the director and ask him to send someone to take the wounded back for treatment. "

" yes. "Wei nodded.

Li Xiang looked around. "As for us, move on! "

" yes. "

everyone said in unison.

”Let's go. Be careful. Step by step. Don't be rash. "Li Xiang warned.

Deep in the cave, in the vast underground laboratory.


The explosion at the entrance of the cave came in.

A man in Black said in a cold voice, "the mine has exploded. They are coming. "

" old four, you immediately take the experimental data and the medicine and leave from the dark channel. I'll stop them. "

" no way! "

Old four shook his head, "I'm gone, old two, what do you do?"

"Don't worry."

The second man in black has a smile on his mouth.

"I have these grenades and several experimental objects. Even if I can't fight them, I'm sure I can escape."


Old four's face is ugly.

"It's nothing but!"

Suddenly, the second exclaimed, "fourth, don't you forget how much manpower, material and financial resources the master spent on these experimental data and these drugs?"

"He's been waiting for so many years, we can't let him down."

"Let's go."


Old four gritted his teeth and agreed.

The second smile, "fourth, remember, you can die, but these experimental data and medicine, must not be lost, must be sent to the master."


Old four nodded heavily.

Then, he walked into the secret road.

The second man in black, with crazy eyes.

"Come on, come on, you all come in. Today, none of you want to go out of this cave!"

Ha ha ha

He laughed wildly.

Laughter reverberates in the cave, far away.


Wang Dong's eyelids jumped, "there is laughter, the murderer must be in front, move forward quickly."


The crowd quickened their pace and rushed over.

When Wang Dong saw the second man in black, he was surprised, "just you? What about the others? "

"Go to hell!"

The second man in black, yelled and rushed directly. There was no nonsense at all.


The people in the three groups of the Security Bureau were drinking one after another, and their whole body was full of energy.

Several special forces, also armed with guns, ready to pull the trigger at any time.

"Back off!"

Suddenly, Wang Dong yelled.

"Team leader, you..."

There's a member of security team three, with doubts on his face.

"I told you to step back, don't you understand?" Wang Dong stares at him and scolds angrily.

The man shrank his neck and stepped back.

Others, too, have retreated.

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