
Zhang feijiao snorted.

"Who's in charge? Besides, have you ever been in charge of me all the way? "

"All right."

Tong Jing comforted: "Xiaofei, don't be angry with such people. It's not worth it."


Zhang Fei nodded.

Tong Yuzi came over and whispered in Tong Jing's ear.

"Later, find a chance to kill Jiang Hao, and never let him break things."

"I understand."

Tong Jing nodded slightly.

"Xiao Fei, let's go." He said with a smile.


Zhang Fei nodded cleverly, very obedient.

On the way.

Walking in front of Tong Jing, suddenly from the bag, released a poisonous scorpion.

This poisonous scorpion, black in color, has a few blood red stripes on its back. It looks very scary and toxic.


Tong Jing shook his hand.

Suddenly, the scorpion jumped to the grass, and then jumped to the ground, quickly climbed to JiangHao.

All this, zhangfeisi did not know.

Suddenly, at the corner of his mouth, Jiang Hao outlined a sneer.

He stumbled under his feet. Unfortunately, he stepped on the scorpion to death.

Hissing ~

Tong Jing took a breath. His face was aching and his heart was dripping blood.

This poisonous scorpion, a treasure he has cultivated for half a year, was trampled to death.

"Brother Tong Jing, what's the matter?" Zhang Fei asked.

"No It's nothing. " Tong Jingqiang endured the pain and shook his head.

However, in his eyes, there was a flash of murder.

A moment later.

He once again took advantage of Zhang Fei's inattention to release a colorful poisonous spider.

As soon as the spider landed, it climbed to JiangHao quietly.

Oh, ~

suddenly, Jiang Hao gave a cry.

As soon as he sprained his feet and tilted his body, he took a staggering step and once again happened to step on the poisonous spider.


Abrupt, Tong Jing burst sentence rude.

"Brother Tong Jing, what's the matter?" Zhang Fei asked.

"No It's OK. "

Tong Jing shakes his head.


Zhang Fei's big eyes are full of water.

"It's OK. Why is your face so black?"

"Yes Do you have any? "

Tong Jingqiang Yan a smile, "it must be your eyesight, read wrong."

Suddenly, Tong Yuzi came over.

He whispered.

"Release the cobra."


Tong Jing's face changed.

He shook his head and refused.

After feeding the king cobras, they kill each other with hundreds of cobras.

Finally, it is possible to give birth to a cobra.

The toxicity of king cobra is dozens of times that of King Cobra.

Even if master dark strength is poisoned by the cobra, he will die if he is not treated.

"Use it."

Tong Yuzi uttered a word coldly.

"With what, uncle Tong Yuzi?" Zhang Fei asked.

"Nothing." Tong Yuzi touched her head and said kindly.

Tong Jing shook his head and made up his mind.

Use it!

So he released the cobra from his bag.

The cobra is very quick and flexible. It immediately climbs to the tree.

Then he opened his mouth, exposed his tusks, spit out the letter, and bit Jiang Hao's neck.

Ah ~


Suddenly, Zhang Fei screamed.

"Jiang Hao, hide She cried.

Jiang Hao's face did not change, slowly raised his hand.


Zhang Fei scolded.

Zheng ~

he took out his long sword and cut it out with one sword.


All of a sudden, snake blood splashed.

Zhang Fei took back her sword and patted her chest. Obviously, she was also scared.

A moment later.

He rushed to Jiang Hao angrily and beat him a few times.

"You are stupid. I just reminded you that there is a snake. Why don't you know how to hide?" She scolded.

"I don't have to..."

Jiang Hao explained.

"It's useless."

Zhang Fei despised: "isn't it a poisonous snake? I'm scared. I don't know how to hide. You're the only one protecting me? What a joke. "

"I think it's more like I'm protecting you."Well

Jiang Hao touched the tip of his nose, quite speechless.

He wanted to say that he didn't pay attention to a little poisonous snake, but he became a coward and was scared.

However, he was too lazy to explain.

"What? Was I right? Nothing to say? " Zhang Fei said with a smile.

Jiang Hao waved his hand and said, "whatever you say."


Zhang feiqiong wrinkled her nose and showed a smile of victory.

She turned around and found that Tong Jing's face was as black as the bottom of a pot.

So I asked.

"Brother Tong Jing, what's the matter with you? Is he ill? "


Tong Jing covers chest, painful tunnel: "my heartache!"

Ah ~

"is it serious? Otherwise, let's go back to the hospital. " Zhang Fei said.

"No It's OK. "

Tong Jing took a few deep breaths and shook his head.

Tong Yuzi came over and patted him on the shoulder, "OK, nothing."

Then he whispered.

"Jiang Hao must die. I'll see you later."


Tong Jing nodded, eyes, there is a touch of venom, a flash is gone.

It's a long way to go.

Suddenly, Tong Yuzi opened his mouth.

"You wait a minute, I'll go for your convenience."


Zhang Fei reminded: "Uncle Tong Yuzi, bite carefully."

"I know."

Tong Yuzi gave a kind smile.

In a moment, he turned and left.

He walked out dozens of meters and took out a bag of powder from his bag.

Hey, hey

Tong Yuzi said with a smile, "Jiang Hao, in order to entertain you, I even used a hundred poison powder. Jinger's good deeds must not be destroyed by you!"

Baidu powder is made by grinding all kinds of herbs and poisons. It has natural attraction to all kinds of poisons.

Tong Yuzi raised his hand and sprinkled the powder into the air.

Then he left immediately, sprinkling poison powder all the way.

Susu ~ Susu ~

the grass leaves shake, and the nearby poisonous snakes and insects climb over one after another. They follow Tong Yuzi's route and catch up all the way.

After returning.

Tong Yuzi patted Jiang Hao on the shoulder, and at the same time, secretly smeared Baidu powder on him.

"Didn't you get scared just now?" He asked.

Jiang Hao's eyes are cold and he stares at Tong Yuzi. He doesn't speak.

"No manners!"

Zhang Fei criticized: "Uncle Tong Yuzi asked you something."

"If heaven does evil, he can still live; if man does evil, he cannot live."

Suddenly, Jiang Hao spoke.

"Some things, stop while you are young, otherwise, your end will be very miserable."

Tong Yuzi's face was cold when he heard the speech.

"Jiang Hao, what are you doing?"

Zhang Fei scolded: "Uncle Tong Yuzi, all the way, he protected us and was kind to us. It's too much for you to threaten him and intimidate him."

"Why don't you apologize to him?"

"All right, all right."

Tong Yuzi light smile, "let's go."

Let's go.

All of a sudden, strange sounds came from all directions.

"What is it?"

Zhang Fei is a little afraid.

All of a sudden, she screamed.

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