"Poisonous insects, poisonous snakes, many, many." Zhang Fei screamed.

"Don't be afraid, Xiao Fei. I'll protect you!" Tong Jing said with a warm smile.


Zhang Fei yelled and waved his sword.

Poof! Poof! Poof!

For a time, the blood flew, and all the poisonous snakes and poisons near her were killed by her.

Tong Yuzi and Tong Jing also pretended to kill the poisonous snake.

However, they were so slow that they chopped down a poisonous snake most of the time.

Panic Zhang Fei, did not find this scene.

She's been wielding a sword, she's been chopping.

Wheezing ~ wheezing ~

after a while.

She was so tired that she was out of breath.

"Why do poisonous snakes run this way?"

She was chopping and shouting.

"Jiang Hao, come and help!"

But Jiang Hao holds his arms and stares at Tong Yuzi and Tong Jing coldly.

"Jiang Hao, don't stand there. Come and help. I can't stand it."

Zhang Fei yelled.

Jiang Hao glanced at it and said faintly, "no, your accomplishments are all built up by drugs. Your fighting experience is almost zero. Fighting for life and death can lay a solid foundation for you."

At a glance, he saw that Zhang Fei had some shortcomings in his practice.

Her breakthrough is too fast, and she has not been tempered. Her cultivation is very unstable, and there will be problems at any time.

If you don't lay a solid foundation, you will not be able to improve your accomplishments; if you don't lay a solid foundation, you will be possessed.



"The one who's afraid of death!"

"Not a man, hiding behind me!"

Zhang Fei kept swearing.

In three minutes!

She was sweating, pale and exhausted. She staggered and almost fell.

She's exhausted!

Jiang Hao shakes his head. Zhang Fei's foundation is too bad.

General Mingjin Dacheng, full burst for ten minutes, no problem at all, but she just insisted on three minutes, it's not enough.

Jiang Hao is ready to fight!

"My girl is angry!"

Suddenly, Zhang feijiao had a drink.

She took out a talisman from her arms, recited the incantation and threw it out.

Suddenly, Fuli turned into a fire, pouring down like rain and dew.

Squeak ~ chirp ~ hiss ~

in a moment, the poisonous insects and snakes on the ground made a shrill scream.

Then, in the flames, into piles of ashes.

Hiss ~

Tong Yuzi and Tong Jing take a breath.

They looked at each other and read the shock in each other's eyes.

It's really shocking.

This talisman is terrifying and obviously precious.

Unexpectedly, Zhang Fei has such a treasure.

"Asshole! Asshole! Asshole

Zhang Fei rushes in front of Jiang Hao and punches him with a little pink fist.

Beat and scold at the same time.

"It's all your fault. I even used my father's birthday present."

"You're useless. You're timid and afraid of death. You just hide behind women. You don't know how to be ashamed."

Suddenly, Tong Jing came over.

"Xiao Fei, are you ok?" He asked.

"It's OK. Thank you for your concern."

Zhang Fei smiles sweetly.

"It's OK. Just now, I was worried to death." Tong Jing said gently.

"Brother Tong Jing, you are so kind to me."

Zhang Fei lowered her head and dyed a blush on her pretty face.

Cough ~

Tong Yuzi coughed, "let's move on."

"Wait a minute."

Suddenly, Zhang Fei spoke.

She turned around, staring at Jiang Hao, scolded: "Jiang Hao, you go, the same way back, don't follow us, you are so weak, it's very dangerous to follow us."

"No way!"

Jiang Hao shook his head, "I promised your father to protect you."

"Protect me?"

Zhang Feile said, "Jiang Hao, tell me, which time did you protect me along the way?"

"Every time I'm in danger, I save you. Do you have the face to protect me?"

"I don't do it, I'm sharpening you." Jiang Hao's light tunnel.

"Sharpen me?"

Zhang Fei sneered.

"Enough, Jiang Hao. I don't know what you are trying to do with me by clinging to me in vain. But I tell you, don't follow me any more."

"Next time, in danger, I will not save you. Even if you are dying, I will not save you." She exclaimed.

"I don't need your help!" Jiang Hao said calmly."You..."

Zhang Fei trembled with anger.

"Hey, boy, don't you hear me? Xiao Fei wants you to go away. I advise you to be wise and go away quickly. " Suddenly, Tong Jing cheers coldly.

"Shut up

Jiang Hao glared at him and gave him a fury.

"There are some things, one or two, not three. Next time, don't blame me for doing it."


Zhang Fei said angrily: "Jiang Hao, you are too much. Along the way, brother Tong Jing saved me many times. Why do you yell at him?"

"He wants to hurt you." Jiang Hao opens his mouth.


Zhang Fei's pretty face is cold.

"Jiang Hao, at the beginning, you said that brother Tong Jing wanted to harm me. As a result, he saved me every time, but you kept saying that you wanted to protect me, but you stood by every time."

"You are so hypocritical, you are so mean!"

"What did you say?"

Jiang Hao narrowed his eyes and the cold light in his eyes was deep.

"I say you are hypocritical, mean, insidious, shameless!" Zhang Fei drinks cold.

"Good, good."

Jiang Hao was very angry and laughed, "originally, director Zhang pleaded with me, and I promised to protect you, but you have no eyes, and you have no distinction between loyalty and adultery."

"In that case, I'll leave. I don't care about your life or death."

"Let's go, let's go." Zhang Fei waved.


Jiang Hao snorted and left.

Hey, hey

Tong Yuzi and Tong Jing, look at each other, silent sneer a few times.

"Xiao Fei, let's go." Tong Jing Road.


Zhang Fei nodded and followed.

"Xiao Fei, the talisman you just used is the flame talisman, isn't it?"

Suddenly, Tong Jing asked.


Zhang Fei nodded and said, "flame symbol is my eighteenth birthday. My father gave it to me as a birthday present."

"The power of flame talisman is terrible. Do you still have it?" Tong Jing asked.

"No more."

Zhangfei shook his head.

"Well So, does your father give you any life-saving treasures? " Tong Jing continues to ask a way.


Zhang Fei shook his head again.

Hey, hey

Suddenly, Tong Jing gave a grim smile.

On Tong Yuzi's face, he also showed a ferocious color.

"Brother Tong Jing, what are you laughing at?" Zhang Fei asked naively.

"Nothing, nothing."

Tong Jing shakes his head.

"After walking so long, Xiao Fei, you should be tired. Let's have a rest, eat something and drink some water to replenish our strength." Tong Jing Road.


Zhang Fei agreed without much thought.

The three stopped.

"Do it."

Tong Yuzi whispered in Tong Jing's ear.


Tong Jing nodded without any trace.

"Here you are, Xiao Fei. Drink water first."

Tong Jing hands Zhang Fei a kettle.

"Thank you, brother Tong Jing."

Zhang Fei smiles sweetly, takes the kettle and drinks a few mouthfuls.

Hey, hey

Suddenly, Tong Jing grinned grimly. In his eyes, there was a blazing light of immorality.

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