"Brother Tong Jing, you Are you okay? You look terrible. " Zhang Fei is afraid of tunnels.

"I'll eat you." Tong Jing said with a grim smile.

Then, he reaches out his hand and grabs Zhang Fei.

"You You don't want to come here. "

Zhang Fei was a little afraid and quickly stepped back.


Tong Jing grabs her wrist and pulls her back.

Zhang Fei is scared!

She looked at Tong Yuzi and asked for help: "Uncle Tong Yuzi, brother Tong Jing is crazy. Please help me."

Tong Yuzi's face is cold, light way: "he is not crazy, Xiao Fei, don't resist."

"You You... "

Zhang Fei's face changed greatly.

Suddenly, her breath was short, her eyes were misty, and her pretty face was flushed.

"I I'm hot. I'm hot. "

"Don't be afraid, Xiao Fei. I'll help you cool down." Tong Jing said with a smile.

Tear ~ tear ~

he tore Zhang Fei's clothes, revealing the clean clavicle.

Ah ~

Zhang Fei screamed.

"Brother Tong Jing, stop it, stop it!"

"I won't stop. I'll love you." Tong Jing said with a smile.

"I'm wrong, brother Tong Jing. You're going to let me go." Zhang Fei begged for mercy.

Unfortunately, Tong Jing turned a deaf ear.


Zhang Fei began to cry. She regretted: "it turns out that what Jiang Hao said is true. You always want to hurt me."

"That's right!"

Tong Jing grimly smile, "Xiao Fei, do you know how beautiful you are?"

"It's a pity that I see you. She was drugged, and she couldn't get away.

"Xiaofei, I know that you love me, so don't resist and help me." Tong Jing said with a grim smile.

"No, I don't love you."

Zhang Fei screamed, "let me go!"


Suddenly, Tong Yuzi gave a cold drink.

"Jing'er, don't talk nonsense, do it immediately, so as not to cause trouble."

Then he turned and left.

Hey, hey

Tong Jing grimly smile, "Xiaofei, do you hear me? My father told me to do it quickly, so don't resist. "

"JiangHao, JiangHao, where are you? Come and help me Zhang Fei yelled.

"Jiang Hao?"

Tong Jing sneered, "Jie Jie, he was angry with you, he won't come to save you."

"This boy is so lucky. I let out poisonous snakes and insects many times along the way, but I couldn't kill him."

"Even my father, using a hundred poison powder, attracted so many poisonous insects and snakes to kill him, and let him escape."


Zhang Fei's face changed when he heard the speech.

"Those poisonous snakes and insects, are you doing it?"

"What do you think?"

Tong Jing said with a smile: "originally, we were afraid that he would destroy our plan, so we wanted to kill him. Unexpectedly, you took the initiative to drive him away. It's so perfect."


Zhang Fei's eyes shed crystal clear tears.

"Jiang Hao, I wronged you. Please, come and help me!"

"He won't come!"

Tong Jing sneered: "Xiao Fei, follow me!"

On the other side.

After Jiang Hao left, he walked into a dense forest.

"Come out!"

Suddenly, he gave a cold drink.

But there was silence.

"Do you want to hide after you've been with me?"

Jiang Hao has sharp eyes and stares at the big tree on the left.


The shadow of a flash, a person, suddenly appeared.

"Come on, why do you follow me all the way?" Jiang Hao looked at him coldly and asked.

"Kill you!"

The man in black spits out two words coldly.

"Who sent you?" Jiang Hao asked.

"You don't need to know!"

The eyes of the man in black are very cold, without any emotion.

"Let me guess."

Jiang Hao calmly smile, "should be Wang Xiang, send you to kill me."

The man in black's pupil shrank and his body trembled.

"I guess I'm right." Jiang Hao said with a smile.


The man in black snorted coldly.

"So what? The master has an order that I should take your head back. You must die! "

The man in black gave a cold drink and rushed to Jiang Hao.


The sword in his hand pierced the sky and made a sound.

"Mingjin is perfect. You dare to assassinate me like a mole antIn Jiang Hao's eyes, a cold light flashed.

He picked a leaf at random.

Then, with a wave of his hand, he shot out.


Suddenly, blood splashed.

"You Are you master dark strength The pupil of the man in black contracted, shocked.


Then he fell on his back.

Soft leaves, like sharp knives, stabbed him in the heart, resulting in his life.


Jiang Hao snorted scornfully.

"Wang Xiang, do you want to die?"

In his eyes, there was a flash of opportunity.

Immediately, he turned to leave, wandering in the jungle, continue to look for the corpse king.

"I feel a strong and gloomy smell nearby. It seems that the corpse king is nearby." He muttered to himself.

"Jiang Hao, come and help me!"

Suddenly, he heard the cry for help.

"The sound It's Zhang Fei's

Jiang Hao face a change, "did not expect, Tong Yuzi and Tong Jing father and son, so soon started."


He swayed and ran away.

Originally, he wanted Zhang Fei to suffer some losses, sharpen, and then go back to find her.

Did not expect, Tong Yuzi two people, so soon started.

Ha ha

Tong Jing said with a smile: "Xiaofei, you will be my man right away. If you swallow your Yin yuan, I can break through."

"Stop it

Suddenly, a cold cry rang out.

"Jiang Hao?"

Zhang Fei heard this voice, dark, empty, desperate eyes, instantly bright.

She yelled, "Jiang Hao, help me, help me!"

"Why are you here? Aren't you gone? " Tong Jing raised his head, surprised tunnel.

"Let her go!"

Jiang Hao's eyes were cold and murderous.


The sound of breaking the air rings, and Tong Yuzi rushes over.

"Jiang Hao?"

He was also a little surprised.

"Let her go, break your arms, I'll spare you." Jiang Hao stares at Tong Jing and shouts.

"Spare me not to die?"

Ha ha ha

Tong Jing looks up at the sky and laughs, as if he has heard the funniest joke.

"You're a waste. You're crazy. It's not that I look down on you. Even if I tie my hands and feet, you can't kill me." He said scornfully.

"All right."

Suddenly, Tong Yuzi gave a cold drink.

"I'll take care of him, you go on. "

then he looked at Jiang Hao and said in a cold voice," come on, how do you want to die? "

But Jiang Hao didn't give a bird to him.

Jiang Hao stares at Tong Jing and scolds: "let her go, do you hear me?"

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