Chu Han's face was a little ugly.

He worked as a protector of the Tong family for five years, and knew everything about the Tong family.

Not to mention the practice of evil Kung Fu, he has seen more illegal things.

If you really want to check, the Tong family will be finished.

No way!

He didn't allow it to happen.

Because, he was the master of the Tong family, cast a curse, Tong family is finished, he also has to die.


Chu Han rubbed his hands.

"Xiao Zhangzi, Tong Yuzi and Tong Jing's behavior is really against the rule of heaven. They deserve to die, but it's unnecessary to thoroughly investigate the Tong family, isn't it?"


Director Zhang gave a cold hum.

"Necessary, very necessary!"

He said angrily: "from the case of Xiaofei, we can see that the Tong family acted recklessly. Behind their back, they didn't know how many illegal things they had done."

"Such a family must be thoroughly investigated and must not be tolerated!"


Chu Han didn't know what to say.

He glared at Jiang Hao, and there was a flash of murder in his eyes.

In his opinion, Jiang Hao is to blame for all this. We must not let him go. We must find the right opportunity to kill him.

There was a moment of silence at the scene.

After a few words of conversation, they dispersed.

Chuhan left quickly and hid in a cave.

He took out his mobile phone and dialed the number of Tong Mo, the eldest son of the Tong family and the owner of the Tong family.

The phone is through.

"Hello, master, is it convenient for you to talk now?" He asked.


Xiangxi Tongjia.

Tong Mo nodded, "you call, what's up?"

"Tong Yuzi and Tong Jing are dead." Chuhan road.


Tong Mo a surprised, immediately, angry shout a way: "who do?"

"Jiang Hao."

Chuhan spit out two words.

"Jiang Hao?"

Tong Mo eyebrows a wrinkly, "what does he come from?"

"I don't know."

Chu Han shook his head.

"No matter what he has, he will die. If he dares to kill my Tong family, he must pay for his life. You can do it. Take his head and come back to see me." Tong Mo cheers coldly.


Chu Han is in trouble.

"What? You can't do it? "

Suddenly, Tong Mo's voice, a little cold.

"It's not that it can't be done, but that it's a bit tricky." Chuhan explained.

Tong Mo asked: "how difficult?"

"Tong Yuzi and Tong Jing, stare at a little girl, give her medicine, ready to rape her, devour her Yin yuan."

"As a result, Jiang Hao found them and killed them." Chuhan road.


Tong Mo cold hum a, "this small matter, also call thorny?"

"The practice of our Tong family is to rape girls and devour Yin yuan. This kind of thing is not" what? "

Tong Mo rubbed and stood up.

He can't sit.

"No, you must stop him. You must never thoroughly investigate the Tong family. Otherwise, all of us will be ruined!" Tong Mo said in a deep voice.

In Xiangxi, the Tong family is very strong.

But compared with the state, the Tong family is too weak.

Just a few tanks, a few guns, a few flying frames, a few bombs, some masters of dark energy, some thousand year old corpse kings, all of them are blasted to pieces.

"I tried, but he didn't listen." Chu and Han had no choice but to find a way out.

"No, you have to stop it. If necessary, take extreme measures." Tong Mo orders.

"Extreme means?"

Chuhan frowned.


Tong Mo nodded, "who knows this?"

"I, Jiang Hao, Xiao Zhangzi, Zhang Fei, Wang Xiang, and Luo Lun." Chu Han reports.

Tong Mo pondered for a moment.

Then he spoke.

"Don't worry about Wang Xiang. With the relationship between the Tong family and the Wang family, he will never say anything about it. As for other people, if necessary, kill them all!" Tong Mo is a murderous man.


Chu Han's face changed greatly.

"If necessary, all these people will be killed and none will be left. Do you understand?"

Tong Mo stressed again.


Chuhan's body was shaking.

He was a little nervous and a little scared.

"Other people are OK, but Xiao Zhangzi is the deputy director of the Security Bureau headquarters. Is it crazy to kill him?"


Tong Mo snorted coldly.

"We are not crazy, what is waiting for us is death!""Besides, the barren mountains, the wild mountains and the corpse king are dead. Who knows, you killed them."

"Ming I see Chuhan took a deep breath and said.

Tong Mo asked: "remember, we must clean hands and feet, never leave any clues."

"I see."

Chu Han nodded.


He hung up.

"Xiao Zhangzi, don't blame me for being cruel."

His eyes were full of light, and he murmured.

On the other side.

Wang Xiang came to a secluded place by himself.

"Come out."

He called out to the air.


In a flash, a man in black appeared in front of him.

"Master, what can I do for you?" Humanity in black.

"Ah Fei failed, so I need you to kill Jiang Hao for me." Wang Xiang said sternly.

"Yes, master!"

A Chong, the man in black, nodded.

"Remember, Jiang Hao is very powerful. You can't be careless. You have only one chance. You have to kill him." Wang Xiang warned.


"Come and see me with Jiang Hao's head."

Wang Xiang waved.


A Chong, a man in black, disappeared in a flash.


Jiang Hao, who is talking with director Zhang, suddenly frowns.

"Master Jiang, what's the matter?" Zhang asked.


Jiang Hao shook his head and stood up.

"It's convenient for me to go."

Then, turn around and leave.

He came out more than 100 meters before he stopped.

"Come out!"

Jiang Hao gave a cold drink.

There was silence and no movement.

"What? Shall I invite you out? " Jiang Hao sneered.

Still, it was quiet.

So Jiang Hao picked a leaf and shot it out.


The thin blade, like a sharp knife, cuts the sky and makes a sound.

Whoosh ~

a human figure, gently swaying, dodged past.

Jiang Hao's face was calm, staring at a Fei, a man in black, and said, "it's a killer of a man in black again. It seems that if Wang Xiang doesn't kill me, he won't give up."

"By the way, what's your name? What's the relationship between you and the man in black who died last time?"

"Cut the crap and die!"

Ah Fei gave a cold drink and rushed over.

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