
Ah Fei's speed, very fast, in the air, leaving a few shadows.

He has a dagger in his hand.

This dagger is extremely sharp, flashing green light. Obviously, it is highly toxic.


With a low drink and a wave of his hand, ah Fei stabbed Jiang Hao in the heart.

The whole process, clean and neat, without a bit of procrastination, and without a redundant action, is the way of assassination.


Jiang Hao gave a cold hum.

He picked a leaf and shot it out.


All of a sudden, blood is flying.


Ah Fei's eyes were round and staring at Jiang Hao. His face was full of disbelief.


He turned back, fell down, and there was no more movement.

He's dead!

Jiang Hao walked slowly, picked up the dagger and played with it.

"Wang Xiang, I've been assassinated many times. It seems that you can't stay."

He murmured, a wisp of murder flashed in his eyes.

Then he turned and went back.


All of a sudden, director Zhang said softly.

"Master Jiang, this dagger is so delicate. It's cold and powerful. It's a good weapon. Where did it come from?"

"I picked it up."

Jiang Hao said something nonsense.


director Zhang recognized it, but he didn't ask much.

"Come on, it's time to go back."

Jiang Hao stood up and left.


Director Zhang and Zhang Fei, keep up.

On the other side.

Hey, hey

Mike looked back and laughed scornfully.

"You want to imprison me? What a joke. This time, if I don't kill Jiang Hao, I won't go back to China. "

He snorted.

Then, take a step, disappear in the vast sea of people.

A building in Chuzhou.

"It's not good, elder sword. It's not good."

Suddenly, a man rushed in.

Sword five eyebrows a wrinkly, cold scold a way: "flustered, become what body system."

"Come on, what's the matter?"

"Mike's gone." The man was out of breath.


Sword five bounced from the chair.

He yelled, "didn't I ask you to take strict care of him? How did he escape? "


The man was speechless.


Sword five scolded a, "that he escaped to where, know?"

"No I don't know. "

The man shook his head weakly.

"Waste, are a group of waste, Leng do what, not immediately inform down, the city search Mike?" Sword five roars a way.

"Yes, yes."

The man rushed out.

"I hope Mike doesn't mess around." Sword five mumbles to himself.

Xiangxi, forest.

The crowd came together.

"Next, let's discuss how to deal with the corpse king? We can't delay any longer. If the king of corpses evolves again, we won't be able to subdue him. " Wang xiangdao.


Suddenly, Jiang Hao spoke.

Bang Dang!

He took out the dagger and threw it directly at Wang Xiang's feet.

"Wang Xiang, this dagger is familiar to you, isn't it?" Jiang Hao said coldly.

"This is..."

Wang Xiang's pupils shrank.

"Did ah Fei fail, too?" He said in secret.

"No, I don't know." He shook his head.

Ha ha

Jiang Hao sneered.

"Don't pretend any more. Do you want me to carry out the body of the owner of this dagger before you admit it?"

"You What do you mean Wang Xiang asked.

"It doesn't mean much. I just want to settle with you."

Jiang Hao said with a faint smile: "you have sent people to assassinate me many times. My heart is so blazing."

"Since you want to kill me, I have to kill you."


Ha ha ha

When Wang Xiang heard the speech, he looked up to the sky and laughed

"Jiang Hao, you said you wanted to kill me? How ridiculous

"It's up to you, all right?"

He was full of sarcasm.

"OK, you'll know when you die." Jiang Hao takes it easy.


Wang Xiang gave a cold hum.He glanced at the crowd and yelled, "everybody, do you hear me? This boy wants to kill me, so I can't spare him! "

Then he hooked his finger.

"Boy, come on, I'll give you a hand!"

"Wait a minute."

Suddenly, Chu Han spoke.

Suddenly, Wang Xiang's face sank and his eyes were cold.

He glared at Chu Han and said in a fierce voice, "what? Chu Han, do you want to help him? "

Ha ha ha

Chuhan laughed, "Wang Xiang, with the relationship between the Tong family and the Wang family, how can I help your enemy? I'm helping you. "

"This boy, kill Tong Yuzi and Tong Jing, I must carry his head, go back to see the owner."

"All right, let's do it together. Let's take a second, boy." Wang Xiang said with a smile.

"Stop it

Suddenly, director Zhang yelled.

He stared at Chu Han and said in a cold voice, "Master Chu, Tong Yuzi and Tong Jing are better than pigs and dogs. If you kill master Jiang, you are guilty of murder."

"Then you will die, too!"


Chu Han cold hum way: "kill Tong family member, must die doubtlessly, have what matter, say again at that time."


Director Zhang is a little angry.

"Don't talk nonsense. If you dare to stop me again, I'll kill you together." Chu Han threatened.

"How dare you?"

"Today, I will never allow you to kill master Jiang," director Zhang said

I'm kidding.

Jiang Hao saved his daughter and showed great kindness to him. How can he watch Jiang Hao be killed without being moved?

"Well, I'll kill you with me!"

Chu Han gave a cold drink, rushed to Director Zhang and clapped it.


Director Zhang was surprised and surprised. In a hurry, he raised his arms and quickly resisted.


There was a crack in his bone. His arm was broken.


He flew out and vomited blood.


People were shocked to see this.

"Chuhan, what are you doing?" Wang Xiang was shocked.


Chuhan coldly spit out two words.

"Don't you start soon?" He said coldly.

"Are you crazy? He is the deputy director of the Security Bureau headquarters. If you kill him, you Tong family will suffer. "

Wang Xiang's face was startled.

"He will die!" Chu Han said in a shrill voice.

"Cut the crap and do it quickly. You kill Jiang Hao and I'll kill him!"


Wang Xiang nodded.

"How dare you?"

Director Zhang glared and said angrily, "Chuhan, I'm the deputy director of the headquarters of the Security Bureau. If you kill me, you're against the country."

"You, as well as the Tong family, are going to die."


Chu Han gave a cold hum.

"If I don't kill you, the Tong family will be finished, so go to hell!"

"Chu Han, do you want to rebel?"

Director Zhang was angry.


Chuhan sneered.

"What about the rebellion? You're dead today!"

"Go to hell!"

He gave a cold drink and was ready to start again.

"Stop it

Jiang Hao yelled, ready to intercept Chu Han.

However, he was stopped by Wang Xiang.


Chu Han drank a low, eyes in the murderous.

Dong! Dong! Dong!

Suddenly, the ground vibrated.

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