"What the hell?"

Wang Xiang's face changed.

Dong! Dong! Dong!

The vibration of the ground is getting stronger and stronger.

Moreover, there is a gloomy and terrible atmosphere, quietly, diffuse.

"This is..."

Wang Xiang's pupils shrank.

He sensed that the breath was too strong.


Suddenly, an earth shaking roar startled countless birds and animals in the forest.

For a moment, the sound of wailing and crying was heard all the time.

Even Chu and Han stopped.

He turned his head and his face changed.

"This is This is the king of the dead


Jiang Hao's eyebrows were picked, and his eyes were different.

This corpse King's wound, actually healed, moreover, also became stronger.

"Why, why is this corpse king so terrible?"

Wang Xiang was shocked and said, "didn't you say that this corpse king was just born?"

"What's the matter?"

Chu Han gave a cold rebuke.

Roar ~

suddenly, the corpse King roared and rushed over.

Wang Xiang dodged.

The corpse King rushed to Jiang Hao.

Obviously, he is very vengeful and wants revenge.

Jiang Hao raised his mouth and outlined a smile of disdain.

"Even if you become stronger, it's useless. Last time, you got away with it. This time, you're not so lucky."


The corpse king raised his head to the sky and roared. He stretched out his fingernail pointed hand and patted Jiang Hao.

"Get up!"

Suddenly, Chuhan gave a loud drink.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

Iron pillars came out from under the ground.

The iron pillar forms an iron cage, which confines Jiang Hao and the corpse king.

"What are you doing?" Jiang Hao stares at Chu Han and shouts.

"Of course, it's to create opportunities for you to be intimate with the king of the dead."

Chuhan smiles.

"You want to die!"

In Jiang Hao's eyes, a wisp of murder burst out.

"It's you who are looking for death!"

Chu Han cheered coldly: "little bastard, you dare to kill the Tong family, heaven and earth, you have to die!"

Roar ~ roar ~ roar ~

the corpse King roared repeatedly. He reached for the iron pillar and tried to break it.

However, with all his strength, the iron pillar was only bent a little, not broken at all.

Hey, hey

Chuhan gave a ferocious smile.

"This iron cage is called trapped immortal prison. It's a magic weapon given to me by the master of the Tong family. It's said that even the immortal can be trapped to death. Don't waste your efforts."


Jiang Hao snorted with disdain.

"Small iron cage, also want to trap me? I want to go out, no one can stop me. "

" OK, OK. "

Chuhan sneered: "there's no outsider here. There's no need to brag and pretend to be forced."

"You'd better think about how to deal with the corpse king."


Wang Xiang was a little surprised.

This prison looks very powerful.

"Don't be in a daze. Hurry to kill with me." Chuhan cheered coldly.

"To whom?"

Wang Xiang asked.

"Kill all but you and me." Chuhan is cold and honest.


Wang Xiang was a little surprised.

"No Don't kill me. "

Luo Lun said in a trill, "I will be obedient. I can help you."

"No need!"

Chu Han cheered coldly: "Wang Xiang, let's join hands and lose him."


Wang Xiang took a deep breath and his eyes were cold.

"Luo Lun, I'm sorry," he said in a deep voice

"No Don't kill me, brother Wang, don't kill me! "

Luo Lun yelled and retreated.

"Want to escape? Is that possible? "

Chu Han gave a cold drink.

"Wang Xiang, do it!"


Wang Xiang nodded.

They moved at the same time and killed Luo Lun.

Ah ~

Luo Lun and Yang Tian roared.

He knew that there was no hope of running for his life, and there was a look of Madness on his face.

"I'll fight with you!" He roared.

"Did you spell it? Did you spell it? "

Chuhan laughed scornfully.

He made a blow.

On the other side, Wang Xiang claps it.

Poof! Poof! Poof!

Luo Lun spat out a few mouthfuls of blood. He fell on his back with a puff and lost his breath.His heart was broken by Chuhan's fist.

His skull was smashed by Wang Xiang's palm.


Director Zhang was shocked to see this.

"Are you two crazy? Wang Xiang, Luo Lun is the elder of Wudao League. If you kill him, several law enforcement elders of Wudao League will never forgive you. " He yelled.


Wang Xiang gave a cold hum.

The corner of his mouth, slightly a Qiao, sneer: "as long as kill you, under the heaven, no one knows, I killed Luo Lun."

"Even, I can make up a lie that Luo Lun was seriously injured when he was dealing with the corpse king. You went to sneak attack and was attacked by Luo Lun temporarily."

"In the end, you die together."

"I believe that as soon as this lie comes out, you will be ruined, and those who have something to do with you will suffer."

"How dare you?"

Director Zhang stares.

Hey, hey

Wang Xiang is ferocious smile, "I have what dare not."

"Cut the crap!"

Suddenly, Chu Han gave a cold drink.

"Wang Xiang, you go and kill them. I'll control the trapped immortal prison and get rid of Jiang Hao and the corpse king." He said.

"No problem."

Wang Xiang smiles.

"Director Zhang, you can die at ease!" He snapped.

Then, raise the palm, ready to pat Zhang's head.

"Stop it

Suddenly, Zhang feijiao gave a drink, and the sword shook and stabbed Wang Xiang.

"To die!"

With a wave of his sleeve, Wang Xiang burst out with a breath of strength.

Suddenly, Zhang Fei was thrown away.


Zhang Fei vomited a mouthful of blood and fainted on the spot.

"Xiao Fei!"

Director Zhang cried sadly, and his pupils were full of murders.

He is ready to stand up and fight with Wang Xiang.

However, the injury is too serious to stand up.

"Go on your way!" Wang Xiang said coldly.

"Stop it

Suddenly, Jiang Hao gave a cold drink.

"Let him go!"

Hey, hey

Chuhan gave a ferocious smile.

"Boy, you can't protect yourself. Do you want to save others?"

"Since you want to be alone, go to hell first!"

He recited the mantra and pinched a few formulas.

All of a sudden, the iron pillar of the trapped immortal prison gave out a dazzling light.

The arcs are jumping.

"Thunder and lightning, split!"

Chu Han gave a low drink.

All of a sudden, countless thunder and lightning, split to JiangHao and corpse king.

Both of them, they're under the thunder.

Roar ~ roar ~ roar ~

the king of corpses roared one after another in pain.

A burning smell, diffuse out.

Ha ha ha

Chuhan looked up at the sky and laughed, "boy, you should be cut into ashes, right?"

The thunder dissipated.

The corpse King lay on the ground, convulsed all over, and several parts of his body were chopped.

The corpse king is evil. Thunder and lightning naturally restrain him.


The pupil of Chu Han suddenly shrinks.

Jiang Hao's eyes were cold, and the electric light was flashing in his pupils.

He didn't even have his clothes damaged.

"It's impossible!"

Chu Han shook his head and yelled.

You know, even the king of corpses, who can be called the king of bronze and iron, can't bear it. Jiang Hao is on the verge of being split. He has nothing to do with it.

He can't take it!

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