
All of a sudden, Jiang Yueyue grabbed him and said, "don't make a big deal."

"Take it easy?"

Ha ha ha

Brother Lang laughs when he hears the speech.

Then, he looked at several attendants and said with a sneer, "little beauty calls him cousin. Take it easy. You say, what should we do?"

"One word: dry!"

"That's right, just do it!"

"Hey hey, since he's a little easier, let's focus on it. It's a reward to him!"

Several attendants, all grinning.


all the onlookers shook their heads and sighed.

"It makes sense that the ignorant are fearless!"

"Yes, Lang Ge and others, but the elite of the city Sanda Team, three or five big men, can't get close to the body, but also start gently, ridiculous, ridiculous!"

"The two of them are going to suffer!"

There was a lot of discussion.

Hey, hey

Brother Lang gave a cold smile and his face was full of pride.

He squinted at Jiang Hao and said in a cold voice, "boy, do you hear me? Now, do you know who I am? "

"I don't know."

Jiang Hao waved his hand and said impatiently, "get out of here


Lango became angry from shame.

He yelled: "boy, you are too presumptuous"

with a wave of his hand, he ordered: "come on, hit him, remember, don't hurt the little beauty!"


All of a sudden, a few followers started.

Ouch ~

the people around me gave a cry.

Many people, covering their eyes, could not bear to see the violent scene of Jiang Hao being beaten.

Hey, hey

Brother Lang raised his mouth and his face began to smile.

These men are all his younger martial brothers. Although they are not as good as him in strength, they are not inferior to the special forces. If they go together, even he can't carry them.

This boy is doomed!

Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang!

There were four dull voices.

Brother Lang said with a sneer: "boy, I know my strength now..."

His smile suddenly choked.


The crowd was dumbfounded.

"Isn't it, a move is instant, the elite of four City Sanda teams?"

"My God, is he a legendary martial arts expert?"

"Hey, hey It seems that this time, brother Lang kicked the iron plate! "

People are surprised and sneer

Jiang Hao squinted at brother Lang and said in a cold voice, "you're the only one left."


Langge trembled and stepped back.

He's scared!


Suddenly, Jiang Hao stood up and pressed him step by step.

All of a sudden, brother Lang was even more scared and shivered all over.

"You What do you want? I I tell you, I I'm a new star of the city Sanda Team. My family is rich and powerful. "

"I My master is still the head coach of the Sanda Team. " He said in a trill.


All of a sudden, he fell to the ground.

Jiang Hao looked down at him.

Then, kick him off.


Lang Ge spewed out a mouthful of blood, and the whole person flew from the restaurant to the outside, crossing six or seven meters.

Jiang Hao clapped his hands, sat down and said with a smile, "OK, Yueyue, continue to eat."


Jiang Yueyue rolled her eyes and said nothing.

A moment later, she succumbed to the temptation of delicious food and began to eat.

At this time, a loyal man came over.

He advised: "young man, little girl, you go quickly."


An old man nodded and said, "brother Lang's master is the head coach of the city's Sanda Team. He has won several national Sanda Championships and is very powerful."

"If he comes, you can't run away!"

"Let's go."

Several kind-hearted people tried to persuade each other.

Jiang Hao light smile, "thank you for your kindness."

"What head coach is really good?"

"Of course."

"I once saw on TV that he split a piece of wood three centimeters behind with empty hands. It's terrible," said the honest man

"Yes, I've seen it, too." The master nodded.

Jiang Hao smiles.

"So weak."

He said calmly, "it's OK. I'll be here and wait for him. If he dares to do it, I'll teach him a lesson.""You..."

I'm a little angry. Jiang Hao doesn't listen to me.


the honest man sighed.

"Since you don't listen, don't regret it later."

"Don't worry!"

Jiang Hao smiles, "it's them that regret it!"

"Forget it, forget it. Don't try to persuade him. It's good for him to be young and impulsive, and let him suffer a loss." I'm not happy.

Jiang Hao smiles and says nothing.

Suddenly, there was a commotion at the door of the restaurant.

A few people, evil spirit and evil spirit ground broke in.

Brother Lang pointed at Jiang Hao and said, "it's him, it's him, master. It's him who beat me. Please take revenge for me!"

"Don't worry, don't worry."

Yang Qing, the head coach of the city Sanda Team, came over, stared at Jiang Hao, and said harshly, "boy, it's you who beat my apprentice?"

Jiang Hao looked up at him and said, "so what? What if not? "


Yang Qing snorted coldly.

Suddenly, the people behind him yelled, "boy, you are so bold, who allowed you to talk to my master like this?"

"Do you know who my master is? He is the head coach of the city Sanda Team, the boss of the city, the rich and even the leader. He is his friend. "

"Get down on your knees and apologize to my master!"

"Go away!"

Jiang Hao uttered a word coldly.


The man's face was full of anger.

"Oh ~"

Yang Qing gave a strange cry, "quite crazy."

He drank and asked: "I heard that you just knocked over four elite members of my Sanda Team in one move. Is that the case?"

Jiang Hao turned a deaf ear.

Yang Qing light smile, "boy, your hand is not bad, I see you are a talent, so, follow me, worship me as a teacher."

"I will not pursue this matter."


Suddenly, brother Lang quit.

"Shut up

Yang Qing yelled.

Then, looking at Jiang Hao, he said with a smile, "thanks to my teacher, I will train you well. In the future, you may have a chance to win the national Sanda championship and become the son of heaven."

"What if I say no?" Jiang Hao's light tunnel.

Suddenly, Yang Qing narrowed her eyes.

"If you don't want to learn from me, hehe..."

He said with a ferocious smile, "it's a pity that if you beat my apprentice, it's equivalent to sweeping my face. How can I forgive you?"


Jiang Hao picked his eyebrows and said with great interest, "what are you going to do?"


Yang Qing stretched out a hand, "in order to prevent others from saying that I bully you, I will use one hand to deal with you. As long as you win me, I will let you go."

"Leave me alone?"

Jiang Hao laughed scornfully.

"You can't beat my cousin. Let's go. Don't ask for trouble." Jiang Yueyue couldn't see it any more, he reminded.

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