
Brother Lang scolded: "how dare you speak rudely and humiliate my master? Do you want to live? "

"Do you want to live or not?"

Suddenly, Jiang Hao stares at him and shouts.

All of a sudden, brother Lang shivered all over, shrunk his neck and recognized his advice.

Yang Qing's face turned black and said in a cold voice: "boy, you are so arrogant that you dare to reprimand my apprentice in front of me. Have you paid any attention to me?"


Jiang Hao lightly spits out two words.


Yang Qing's face is green and white. He is really angry.

"Boy, originally, I thought highly of you and wanted to take you as an outlaw, but you are so ungrateful. Don't blame me for teaching you!"

"Go away!"

Jiang Hao coldly scolded: "chirp, like a smelly fly, get away, or I'll beat you to death!"

"Grass Mud Horse!"

Yang Qing made a rude remark.

In his eyes, there was a blaze of fire.

"Master, don't talk nonsense with him, hit him!" Lang elder brother's face was full of bitterness and said.

Yang Qing hands into a fist, ready to start.

Ah ~

all of a sudden, a shrill cry of Gao Gao Bei comes out.

Then, the whole restaurant was in chaos.

"This What the hell is this? "

Brother Lang turned his head and almost peed.

I saw a giant who was more than two meters tall and was as big as a hill. He rushed in.

His eyes were red and his teeth were grinning, like a wild beast, trying to choose people to eat.


All of a sudden, the giant stretched out his strong arm and waved it away.

Ah ~

brother Lang ran into the wall and screamed in pain.

Roar ~

the giant roared like a beast.

"What the hell is this?"

"Is he a savage?"

"My God, who will help us?"

The crowd cried out.

They panicked and messed up.

Jiang Hao turns to see, eye pupil one shrinks, "is this?"

Ha ha ha

Suddenly, Yang Qing burst out laughing.

He said in a loud voice: "don't be afraid. This man is mentally ill. Don't worry. With me, he can't hurt you."

"Yes, with head coach Yang Qing, don't be afraid!"

"Yes, coach Yang Qing is a master who has won the national Sanda Championship for many times. He is a mental patient and can't help him at all!"

"You don't have to run. We'll be fine."

Everyone is at ease.

Yang Qing raised her mouth and showed a smile.

It's a great feeling that he has become a hero to save the world.


With a cold hum, he stood in front of the giant and said, "big man, I don't care if you are really sick or fake, get out of here!"

"These people are protected by me. You can't hurt any of them!"

At this moment, he was very domineering. He looked very righteous. The back door of his head seemed to be shining.

He felt that he was really saving the world.


All of a sudden, a big mouth made him awake.

The giant swung the palm of the palm of the palm of the palm and threw it on his face.


Yang Qing spat out a few broken teeth. He flew out and hit the wall. He vomited blood and rolled his eyes. He almost fainted.

For a moment, there was silence and time seemed to stop.


People are completely flustered!

Giant is too terrible, even the head coach of the city Sanda Team was almost killed by a slap, too terrible, must escape.

Roar ~ roar ~ roar ~

the giant roared like crazy and slapped at random.


Suddenly, he lifted a table.

This table, unfortunately, got in the way of the door, blocked the way out, and almost hit people.

Ah ~

the crowd yelled, and they were in a state of confusion and at a loss.

The exit is blocked. They can't escape. How can they not panic?

"Watch Cousin, I'm afraid! " Jiang Yueyue held Jiang Hao's arm tightly and said softly.

"It's OK. I'll take care of him."

With a faint smile, Jiang Hao pushed away her hand and went to the giant.

Roar ~

the giant made a deafening roar, raised the big fist of the casserole and hit Jiang Hao.Jiang Hao looks surprised.

This giant is so strange. In terms of cultivation, he has reached the level of Mingjin Xiaocheng, but his inner strength is weak and chaotic.

It's like going crazy, but it's not.

Whoosh, whoosh, whoosh, whoosh, whoosh, whoosh, whoosh, whoosh, whoosh, whoosh, whoosh, whoosh, whoosh, whoosh, whoosh, whoosh, whoosh, whoosh, whoosh, whoosh, whoosh.

Ah ~

many people scream, close their eyes, and dare not watch the scene of head explosion and blood splashing.

"Watch out, cousin!" Jiang Yueyue's pretty face turned white and could not help reminding her.

"Forget it, I don't want to. Subdue the giant first."

Jiang Hao shook his head.

Then he raised his slender arm and grabbed the giant's fist.


A dull sound, a wave, swept open, overturned several people, but also cracked the hard floor.

But Jiang Hao was not damaged, and the floor under his feet was not broken.

Suddenly, Jiang Hao raised his other hand and pressed it on the giant's chest.


He spat out a word.


Suddenly, the giant fell down.

His body, it's getting smaller.

"Brother Niu?"

Suddenly, Jiang Hao's face changed. He rushed over and helped brother Niu.

Brother Niu is shrinking.

A moment later, it was back to its original state.

Jiang Hao grasped his wrist and pressed his pulse.

"Damn it

He low scolds a, the facial expression is a little ugly, in the eye shoots out a cold light.

Because he found out that brother Niu had taken the medicine, which he had studied in two underground laboratories, so he had internal strength.

However, this kind of medicine has too many defects and is far less perfect than the one developed by the elder. It is difficult for ordinary people to control the violent energy after taking it.

In the end, he will go crazy and become a killing machine.

Similarly, the sequelae is very serious.

After taking the medicine, the organs in the body will be seriously damaged and may die.

Jiang Hao dare not delay.

He took out the silver needle and stuck it in brother Niu's heart to protect the key.

Then, input psychic power.

Along with the silver needle, they enter brother Niu's body and begin to repair and nourish the damaged organs.

Ten minutes later.

Exhale ~

Jiang Hao exhaled a mouthful of turbid qi and pulled out the silver needle.

Niu elder brother eyelid son, jumped a few times, immediately wake up.

Ah ~

he yelled, waving and slapping at random, and his mouth was still shouting, "Ah Mao, sunspot, Da Zhuang, run!"

"Brother Niu, brother Niu, calm down." Jiang Hao said in a loud voice.

Suddenly, brother Niu calmed down.

Jianghaozi, I finally found you

He almost cried.

Jiang Hao patted him on the shoulder and said, "OK, brother Niu, don't cry. Tell me, how can you become like this?"

Niu elder brother hears speech, immediately, pulled Jiang Hao's hand.

"Haozi, come on, let's go and get Mao, sunspot and Dazhuang!"

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